Entrepreneurship and Innovative Business Models
About us
Innovations at the boundaries of different fields of knowledge and technology have the potential to enable new technology and innovation systems as well as entirely new entrepreneurial eco-systems. For example, the implementation of the UN Sustainable Development Goals adopted in Paris can only succeed through new technologies and new value chains that enable a more efficient use of resources. Against the background of this motivation, the team of the Chair of Entrepreneurship and Innovative Business Models deals with the entire transformation or start-up process from the emergence of new "Technological Innovation Systems" and the associated transformation of established firms to the identification of entrepreneurial opportunities and the underlying mental models of managers/entrepreneurs.
We aim at closely linking theoretical and practical questions in research and education. Our research projects are based on a wide array of quantitative as well as qualitative methods to analyze management questions in the diverse applications fields.
Prof. Dr. Stefanie Bröring
Chair of the department, Professor
Vanja Mati
Employee in technology and administration
Dr. Michael Rennings (geb. Wustmans)
Academic council, Scientific assistant
Dr. Vera Jahn
Post-Doc, Scientific assistant
Simon Ohlert
Post-Doc, Scientific assistant
Dr. Vivian Peuker Steinhäuser
Post-Doc, Scientific assistant
Dr. Anna Waßenhoven
Post-Doc, Scientific assistant
Lev Kalishchuk
Scientific assistant
The registration for the modules at the Chair of Entrepreneurship and Innovative Business Models is done via Moodle. If you are interested in a module, please enroll in the corresponding Moodle course.
Information on:
Bachelor and Master Theses
Further information on bachelor and master theses are here.
Please contact Vanessa Lind (vanessa.lind@ruhr-uni-bochum.de) if you are interested in writing your bachelor or master theses with us or have any further questions.
Acceptance of credit points
In general, there are two different types of credit recognition:
- If you take a module at a foreign university that is equivalent to one of the modules offered by our chair in terms of content and requirements, you can have it credited as the corresponding RUB module.
- If you take an economics module at a foreign university for which there is no equivalent module at our chair in terms of content and requirements, you can have it credited as a so-called “dummy” module (“(Advanced) Applied Management/Economics”).
Basically, our chair will determine in which form we can credit your module. Students who need credit for a module taken at another university or department for a subject offered by the Chair of Entrepreneurship and Innovative Business Models, please contact Ms. Vanessa Lind: vanessa.lind@ruhr-uni-bochum.de.
In order to be able to provide information about the credit, the following information is required:
- Your RUB degree (Bachelor, Master, etc.)
- Your exchange type (Erasmus, change of university, etc.)
- Completed application for recognition, available at the examination office
In order to assess the content and level of the non-RUB module, we need the following information about the non-RUB module:
- Name of the module
- ECTS or credits
- Contact/teaching hours (“semester hours per week”)
- Study program to which the module belongs
- Syllabus
- Literature
- WWW link of the module
Teaching offers
Do we need a crisis to make the technology happen? Are there tools or methods that can be used to find the perfect market fit for new technologies? What makes it so difficult to turn great ideas into reality?
In the constantly evolving technology landscape, building a business model around a complex technological system requires a strategic combination of concepts. The Technology Entrepreneurship module applies selected technology and innovation management methods to real technology-based inventions, innovations and case studies. In the form of video seminars, participants learn the basics of technology entrepreneurship and innovation management, the transfer of technology-based ideas into innovative business models, and the application of technology planning and technology assessment methods.
In the first part, Fundamentals of Technology Entrepreneurship, the student will find the 4 introductory videos with key terms, definitions, types, concepts and the relationship to strategic management. This introductory part is followed by understanding trends and customer needs, with videos introducing forecasting methods such as trend analysis, Pestel analysis and customer journey maps. After these initial tools, the student is given information for the first assignment. This session gives all the instructions needed to complete and upload the assignment to Moodle. In the next part, the student will find 4 videos on understanding technology development, such as technology strategy, technology systems, using patent information and technology evaluation. The last part is about understanding business model design, where the student learns about tools such as technology product market matching, the business model canvas and the value proposition canvas. Finally, instructions are given on how to prepare for and the rules of the oral examination.
Technology Entrepreneurship (MSc)
Video seminar
4 contact hours
WS 2024/25
The focus of this course relates to the ability of organizations to innovate, including the tools, frameworks, processes, strategies, and structures that are relevant. Thus, this course will provide a detailed overview of strategic technology and innovation management tools, explore how these tools help to support and design the management of innovative projects and organizations, assist in the creation of an innovation-oriented and innovation-supporting environment, and facilitate the development and evaluation of appropriate strategies for the implementation of new product and technology development processes. Discussion of how to appropriately utilize tools for the development and implementation of strategic technology and innovation concepts in the context of specific industries receives specific emphasis, by means of case-study discussions, in-class assignments, and guest lectures.
Strategic Technology and Innovation Management (MSc)
6 contact hours
Die Sicherung einer guten wissenschaftlichen Praxis bildet das Fundament für qualitativ hochwertige und anerkannte Forschung. Deshalb werden die Studierenden in diesem Seminar grundlegend an wissenschaftliches Arbeiten, am Beispiel der Entrepreneurship- und Innovationsforschung, herangeführt. Hierzu werden den Studierenden der Aufbau sowie die Struktur wissenschaftlicher Texte dargestellt und die Grundlagen systematischer Literaturrecherche und Literaturverwaltungsprogramme (bspw. Citavi) vermittelt. Außerdem wird dargestellt, wie ein Thema einzugrenzen und Forschungsfragen zu definieren sind. Studierende lernen formale Richtlinien des wissenschaftlichen Schreibens sowie Zitierens und Kriterien zur Bewertung wissenschaftlicher Arbeiten kennen. Zudem werden Präsentationstechniken gezeigt, welche die Vermittlung wissenschaftlicher Inhalte unterstützt. Neben der Erstellung und Präsentation eigener Inhalte werden Studierende ihr erlerntes Wissen transferieren, indem sie Peer-Feedback geben und die Moderation einer Präsentation durchführen.
Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten im Entrepreneurship und Innovationsmanagement (BSc)
6 contact hours
Neue Technologie-Start-ups sind wichtig für eine nachhaltige Transformation der Zukunft. Universitäten, wie die forschungsstarke RUB, bieten ein großes Potenzial für die Generierung neuer Technologien, doch nur wenige Ideen finden den Weg in die Praxis. Hier setzt dieses Modul an und zielt darauf ab, Studierende in die Lage zu versetzen, ihre Ideen in die Praxis umzusetzen, indem eine Geschäftsidee in ein erfolgreiches Geschäftsmodell überführt wird.
Start-up creation (BSc)
6 contact hours
This course brings together key learnings about business model innovation for established firms as well as for science and technology-based ventures. This course teaches creating and validating a comprehensive business model, that is, the architecture that specifies the mechanisms of value proposition, creation and capture for emerging venturing ideas as well as for established organisations that intend to renew their business models.
Seminar Business Model Innovation (MSc)
4 contact hours
The fundamental objective of this course is to explore current trends in entrepreneurship research as well as examine and evaluate research gaps in the field of technology-based entrepreneurship to better explain entrepreneurial phenomena in different settings. Participants will develop their own research idea in a term paper by applying different theory lenses and concepts. Therefore, the seminar includes literature studies, preparations of research concepts, and the state of the art in entrepreneurship literature. The course contributes to understand the emergence of entrepreneurial processes and how new insights in entrepreneurship research enable the implementation of new services, products, or processes.
Advanced Seminar Entrepreneurship (MSc)
4 contact hours
WS 2024/25
Next dates
October 31, 2024
Gastvortrag Dr. Marcus John (Fraunhofer-Institut für Naturwissenschaftlich-Technische Trendanalysen INT)
Given the increasing need to implement sustainable development goals and the pressing urge to mitigate challenges such as climate change, new technologies and innovations are not only increasingly necessary but also a fascinating research subject.
Research focus
Technology Dynamics and Transformation
New technologies have the potential to disrupt and thus change the logic of various industries. On the one hand, this dynamic leads to opportunities for start-ups; on the other, it poses major challenges for established companies.
Business Model Innovations
The combination of different knowledge and technology areas holds great potential for technology-based business models and at the same time poses major challenges for the transformation process of established companies.
Entrepreneurial Opportunity Recognition
Identifying and realizing entrepreneurial opportunities in the context of interdisciplinary high-tech fields helps to link diverse fields of knowledge and technology.
Research projects
Collaborative Project
Bio4MatPro: Kompetenzzentrum zur Biologischen Transformation von Materialwissenschaften und Produktionstechnik
Collaborative Project
PRIMED: Redesigning the Primary Sector for Maximizing Bioeconomy Development
Collaborative Project
UNIC Thematic Line: Entrepreneurial Learning for Innovation
Bohnsack, R., Rennings, M., Block, C., & Bröring, S. (2024). Profiting from innovation when digital business ecosystems emerge: A control point perspective. Research Policy, 53(3), 104961.
Tsvetanova, L., Rennings, M., & Bröring, S. (2024). Actors and sectors in technological innovation systems: patterns of knowledge development in the field of second generation biorefineries. Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, 1-16.
Rennings, M., Baaden, P., Block, C., John, M., & Bröring, S. (2024). Assessing emerging sustainability-oriented technologies: the case of precision agriculture. Scientometrics, 1-30.
Bohnsack, R., Rennings, M., Block, C., & Bröring, S. (2024). Profiting from innovation when digital business ecosystems emerge: A control point perspective. Research Policy, 53(3), 104961.
Tsvetanova, L., Rennings, M., & Bröring, S. (2024). Actors and sectors in technological innovation systems: patterns of knowledge development in the field of second generation biorefineries. Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, 1-16.
Rennings, M., Baaden, P., Block, C., John, M., & Bröring, S. (2024). Assessing emerging sustainability-oriented technologies: the case of precision agriculture. Scientometrics, 1-30.
Latest news
Entrepreneurship and Innovative Business Models
Suttner-Nobel Allee 4
(ehm. Opelring 1)
44803 Bochum
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