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Current information about the Winter term 2023/24
Bridging 2030
Shaping changes responsibly in economics and politics.
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Interested in studying management and/or economics? Here you can find out more.

Faculty of Management and Economics of the Ruhr University Bochum

The Faculty of Management and Economics is committed to the ideal of unifying research and teaching and strives to meet high academic standards in both areas. More than 30 professorships along with international universities support the range of courses offered at the faculty. The amalgamation of the faculty‘s professors in five thematic fields of competence demonstrates a clear profile and illustrates the manifold cooperation opportunities in research, teaching and transfer within and outside of the faculty.


The Faculty of Management and Economics stands for an integrative approach to teaching that combines studies in management and economic and is widely known as the “Bochum Model”.


The research of the Faculty of Management and Economics, divided into five fields of competence, focuses on applied, empirical studies on entrepreneurial and politically relevant issues.


The Faculty of Management and Economics promotes close networking on an (inter)national level in order to strengthen the exchange of ideas and knowledge transfer at all levels.

Bridging 2030

Shaping changes responsibly in economics and politics – our five fields of competence.

Finance, Accounting, Auditing, Controlling, Taxation

Value-oriented Corporate Management


Sales Management Department

Sales-oriented Business Models

Center for Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Transformation

Business Formation and Transformation

Center for Environmental Management and Energy

Economics of Environmental Change

Centre for International and Spatial Economics

Economics of Regional and Global Change

Evidence based Research, Teaching and Transfer

Integration of Management and Economics

Current News

Abgeschlossene Promotionsverfahren
July 25, 2024
W3- oder W1-Professur mit Tenure Track auf W3 für Vertriebsmanagement (m/w/d)
July 18, 2024
Das Foto zeigt die Studierenden des 9. Studienjahres mit den Studiengangleitern Prof. Dr. Peter Kajüter und Prof. Dr. Bernhard Pellens zur Absolventenfeier am 6. Juli 2024.
9. Jahrgang des Masterstudiengangs Accounting and Auditing erfolgreich abgeschlossen
July 10, 2024
Abschlussveranstaltung Projekte in Wissenschaft und Praxis 2024
July 5, 2024
Andreas Löschel ist Vorsitzender der Expertenkommission. © RUB, Marquard
Expertenkommission - Energiewende weiter mit Handlungsbedarf
June 26, 2024
©RUB, Marquard
Vorstellung der Juniorprofessorin für International Monetary Macroeconomics Jantke de Boer
June 18, 2024

Info for...

Student advisory services, courses of study, timetables and module manuals
Research profile, third-party funding, international collaborations, ...
Practical Partners
Contact person, internship portal, project-based internships, ...
Incomings, outgoings, double degree programs, summer schools, ...

Central institutions of the Faculty

Newsletter Subscription


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Hier geht es zur Datenschutzerklärung der Ruhr-Universität Bochum.

Die mit (*) gekennzeichneten Felder sind Pflichtfelder.