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Welcome to CEIT

Center for Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Transformation

About Us

In times of economic upheaval, it is important to develop new business fields through innovation, business creation and start-ups, but also to ensure economic sustainability of traditionally successful companies and institutions. Overall economic challenges such as crisis management, transformation of the energy system, digital transformation or the increasing number of new businesses are regionally reflected in many different ways.

The Faculty of Management and Economics of the Ruhr-Universität Bochum established the CEIT to develop future perspectives in a regionally networked manner and to unite those who are interested in the topics of entrepreneurship, innovation and transformation. The CEIT, with its combination of management and economic expertise, intends to serve as a connecting element and catalyst for economically profound projects in research and practice.

Current News

Spring School „Digitalisierung und Entrepreneurship“ zum Oberthema „Nachhaltige Transformation von Umwelt und Gesellschaft“ – Bewerbungen ab sofort möglich
December 17, 2024
Prof. Dr. Daniela Gimenez Jimenez gave a guest lecture on the topic of “Opportunity Recognition in Entrepreneurship”
December 5, 2024
PDMA’s Global Student Innovation Challenge 2025
December 2, 2024
Ruhr University Bochums has joined the CLIB Cluster
December 2, 2024
CEIT Practitioner Series: Developing business opportunities at the interface of digitalisation and sustainability at BASF
November 25, 2024
Hackathon by DÖRKEN Digital Ventures together with Vonovia on the building turnaround in the RUB Makerspace on 30 November 2024
November 8, 2024
Scholarship for Students - Hans Böckler Stiftung
November 5, 2024
CEIT Practitioner Series: Sustainability management/transformation at GRILLO-Werke AG
November 4, 2024

Our working areas

The CEIT’s fields of activity  are defined by the following functions:


Basic function

The CEIT conducts research in the fields of entrepreneurship, innovation and transformation and initiates projects in cooperation with other members of the faculty.


Initiator function

The CEIT makes it easier for students, graduates and researchers to take the step into founding a company.


Transfer function

The CEIT designs teaching and advanced training courses in its subject areas and establishes networks with political and economic actors
for mutual knowledge transfer.


Transformation function

The CEIT accompanies entrepreneurs and companies throughout the entire life cycle in order to increase resilience of different operational functions (sales, financing, risk management, etc.).


Catalytic function

The CEIT defines itself as a catalyst for the pooling of competences for research-focused innovative projects and initiates inter- and transdisciplinary projects at the RUB and within the University Alliance Ruhr. Furthermore, it supports the identification of projects with a potential for commercialisation and spin-offs.


Guide function

The CEIT informs people inside and outside the university about activities at the RUB in the areas of entrepreneurship, innovation and transformation and, if necessary, refers them to other contact persons. For this purpose, a signpost has been set up on the website.

Professors of CEIT

Prof. Dr. Stefanie Bröring
is head of the Chair for Entrepreneurship and innovative Business Models at the Center for Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Transformation of the Faculty of Management and Economics since 2022.
  • Business model innovations
  • Entrepreneurial Opportunity Recognition
  • Technology dynamics and transformation
Prof. Dr. Torsten Schmidt
ist seit 2019 außerplanmäßiger Professor an der Ruhr-Universität Bochum und Leiter des Kompetenzbereichs Wachstum, Konjunktur, Öffentliche Finanzen am RWI – Leibniz-Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung in Essen.

Er studierte Volkswirtschaftslehre an der Universität Göttingen und wurde an der Universität Zürich promoviert. Seit 2000 ist er am RWI – Leibniz-Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung tätig. In seinen Forschungsarbeiten analysiert er empirische und wirtschaftspolitisch relevante Fragestellungen aus den Bereichen der Konjunkturanalyse und -prognose, der mittelfristigen Wirtschaftsentwicklung sowie des demografischen Wandels.

…hier die wirtschaftspolitische Relevanz sowohl in der Forschung als auch in der Lehre eine große Rolle spielt. So kann ich meine Erfahrungen als Konjunktur-Chef des RWI – Leibniz-Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung unmittelbar einbringen.
Prof. Dr. Uta Wilkens
geb. 1967, ist seit 2005 Inhaberin des Lehrstuhls Arbeit, Personal und Führung und Geschäftsführende Leiterin des Instituts für Arbeitswissenschaft mit Schwerpunkt in der wissenschaftlichen Weiterbildung an der Ruhr-Universität Bochum.

Vita: Studium der BWL und Wirtschaftspädagogik an der Georg-August-Universität Göttingen und der FU Berlin mit Abschluss Dipl.-Kffr. (1992) und Dipl.-Hdl. (1994); Promotion (1998) und Habilitation (2004) jeweils an der Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaft an der TU Chemnitz mit Forschungsaufenthalten in Washington D.C. und am MIT Boston (1996) sowie JAIST in Japan (2000). 2004 Lehrstuhl für Allgemeine BWL, insbes. Personalmanagement und Organisation an der wissenschaftlichen Hochschule Lahr (WHL); seit Ende 2005 Lehrstuhlinhaberin an der RUB.  Zwischen 2008 und 2015 auch Prorektorin für Lehre und in 2018 Gastprofessorin an der University of Colorado, Boulder. Ausgehend von konkreten Veränderungen der Arbeitswelt beschäftigt sich Uta Wilken in Ihrer Forschung mit der Frage, was Organisationen in volatilen Umwelten adaptionsfähig macht und mit welchen Kompetenzen Individuen diese Veränderungsprozesse bewältigen und selbstbestimmt gestalten können. Dabei steht der digitale Wandel im Zentrum des Interesses. Ein besonderer Schwerpunkt liegt auf der Integration von künstlicher Intelligenz (KI) in Arbeitsprozesse.

…ich hier Menschen in ihrem Entwicklungsprozess begleiten und dabei Anregungen geben kann, immer auch über den Tellerrand hinaus zu blicken. Es gibt so viel zu entdecken.


Silvia Oleksakova
Scientific assistant
Martin Queißner
Scientific assistant
Harsh Yadav
Student assistant
Prof. Dr. Michael Roos
Chair of the department, Lehrstuhlinhaber, Professor
Nhi Phuong Ta
Research assistant, Scientific assistant
Prof. Dr. Stefanie Bröring
Chair of the department, Professor
Prof. Dr. Torsten Schmidt
Lehrstuhlinhaber, Chair of the department
Prof. Dr. Uta Wilkens
Lehrstuhlinhaberin, Professorin
Martina Schomer (geb. Böhmel)
Scientific assistant
Matthias Sinnemann
Scientific assistant
Dirk Lang
Deborah Maffia, M.Sc.
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin
Gaukhar Toktybayeva
Student assistant
Vanessa Lind (geb. Thybussek)
Scientific assistant
Prof. Dr. Brigitte Werners
Chair of the department, Senior Professor
Philipp Baaden
Prof. Dr. Nicola Werbeck
Simon Ring
Student assistant
Anna-Luise Kröbel
Student assistant
Dr. Michael Rennings (geb. Wustmans)
Academic council, Scientific assistant
Dr. Anna Waßenhoven
Post-Doc, Scientific assistant
Leonie Schlüter
Post-Doc, Scientific assistant
Dr. Elkhan Richard Sadik-Zada
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Vanessa Lind (geb. Thybussek)
Scientific assistant
Malte Stenzel
Scientific assistant
Malte Gregory
Student assistant
Britta Hasenbein
Prof. Dr. Stefan Winter
Prof. Dr. Astrid Krenz
Chair of the department, Lehrstuhlinhaberin, Professor, Professorin
Julia Dahlbeck
Student assistant
Dr. Simon Ohlert
Post-Doc, Scientific assistant
Elka Thevanesan
Scientific assistant
Melissa Kistner, M.Sc.
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin
Vanja Mati
Employee in technology and administration
Lev Kalishchuk
Scientific assistant
Björn Mehlis
Dr. Vivian Peuker Steinhäuser
Post-Doc, Scientific assistant

Students & Entrepreneurs

Certificate in Entrepreneurship

for Bachelorstudents
The certificate is an offer of the Ruhr-Universität within the framework of undergraduate teaching. It is an additional qualification within the regular studies, the special framework conditions for the optional area are noted on the page.
More Infos

Micro Credential:
Innovation & Entrepreneurship

for Masterstudents
With the Micro Credential, students in the Master's program can expand their competencies in the area of entrepreneurship/entrepreneurial thinking and action and also receive a certificate of achievement upon successful completion.
More Infos


Mehr zu folgenden Themen: Informationen für alle Studiengänge, Anerkennungen und Einstufungen, Bachelor M&E (1-Fach-Bachelor), Bachelor Wirtschaftswissenschaft (2-Fach-Bachelor BWL/VWL), Masterstudiengänge
Mehr Infos

For Students

Teaching Offers

Study Type
2 contact hours
Video seminar
4 contact hours
WS 2024/25
2 contact hours
2 contact hours
2 contact hours
2 contact hours

For Entrepreneurs


The Faculty of Business and Economics has set itself the goal of being the central economic entrepreneurship competence on campus and in the region. To promote the start-up culture, we offer – also in cooperation with various faculties of the RUB, the Worldfactory and other partners from science and industry – numerous teaching and further education programmes, advisory and networking opportunities.

Educational offers on the topic

Joint workshop of the Faculty of Economics and the engineering faculties of the RUB for doctoral students. The focus of this event is on the topic of start-ups. The founding team “PHYSEC” got to know each other during this event.
Dr. Andreas Bonse, Dr. Fabian Schmitz, Dr. Anna Talmann, Prof. Dr. Nicola Werbeck

More Info

Content-related support and coaching of the founders, especially with regard to organisational and strategic aspects as well as with regard to the development and expansion of their network. Provision of resources; for example in the form of premises, software, equipment or access to students as assistants, interns or for project-related collaboration in the form of theses.
Prof. Dr. Matthias Weiß

More Info

Mentoring promotes the exchange of knowledge and experience, it steers thinking in new directions and supports networks.” This is how the WORLDFACTORY START-up Center advertises its mentoring programme on its website. Following this motto, we are currently supporting the young start-up Dormciety as part of the WSC’s mentoring programme, which emerged from the faculty’s own entrepreneurship activities to create networks and thus enable the founding team to follow new paths for successful further development.
Lea Decker, Prof. Dr. Nicola Werbeck

More Info

“The “Entrepreneurial Idea Competition” is aimed at RUB students (Bachelor, Master, PhD) with innovative ideas from science and research. “Whether flyer, poster or idea sketch, there are no limits to your imagination. set. Send us a meaningful presentation of your founding idea and win 1,500 euros! In addition, you will be given the opportunity to give your best in a creative video pitch within 2-3 minutes. all out in a creative video pitch. Send us an appealing video and use the opportunity to opportunity to prove that your idea should be promoted!”
Lea Decker, Prof. Dr. Michael Roos, Nicholas Schmidt, Dr. Fabian Schmitz, Dr. Anna Talmann, Prof. Dr. Nicola Werbeck

More Info

Researchers & Research Institutions

Research projects

Collaborative Project
PRIMED: Redesigning the Primary Sector for Maximizing Bioeconomy Development
Collaborative Project
Project Y
Single Project
Clarisa: Climate-Related Risk Assessment & Scenario Analysis - EN
The Human Side of Digitizing the Innovation Process - Completed
Collaborative Project
UNIC Thematic Line: Entrepreneurial Learning for Innovation
Collaborative Project
Bio4MatPro: Kompetenzzentrum zur Biologischen Transformation von Materialwissenschaften und Produktionstechnik


Does Gender matter for Export Behavior? Evidence for German Companies, forthcoming in International Journal of Gender and Entrepreneurship

Automation and the Fall and Rise of the Servant Economy, with H. Strulik, forthcoming in European Economic Review.

Ohlert, S., Laibach, N., Harms, R., & Bröring, S. (2025). Opportunity recognition in the tension field of knowledge and learning: The case of converging industries. Journal of Business Research186, 114993.

Baaden, P., Rennings, M., John, M., & Bröring, S. (2024). On the emergence of interdisciplinary scientific fields: (how) does it relate to science convergence?. Research Policy53(6), 105026.

Rennings, M., Baaden, P., Block, C., John, M., & Bröring, S. (2024). Assessing emerging sustainability-oriented technologies: the case of precision agriculture. Scientometrics, 1-30.

Tsvetanova, L., Rennings, M., & Bröring, S. (2024). Actors and sectors in technological innovation systems: patterns of knowledge development in the field of second generation biorefineries. Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, 1-16.




Institut für Sicherheit im E-Business

Interested in working at CEIT?

Hilfskraft / betriebswirtschaftl. Rechnungswesen
Research Assistant / Dept. of Business Accounting
IMK - Stellenausschreibung
Student assistants (WHB) (m/f/d)
Student assistants (SHK) (m/f/d)
Student Assistant (m/w/d)

Centre for Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Transformation (CEIT)

Prof. Dr. Matthias Weiss

Suttner-Nobel Allee 4

(ehm. Opelring 1)

44803 Bochum

Phone: 0234 32-26690

E-Mail: ceit@rub.de

Further thematic fields of competence


Finance, Accounting, Auditing, Controlling, Taxation


Centre for International and Spatial Economics


Centre for Environmental Change, Resources and Energy


Sales Management Department