M.Sc. - Agricultural and Food Economics

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Waßenhoven, A., Rennings, M., Laibach, N., & Bröring, S. (2023). What constitutes a “Key Enabling Technology” for transition processes: Insights from the bioeconomy's technological landscape. Technological Forecasting and Social Change 197, 122873.
Vanacker, A., Waßenhoven, A., & Bröring, S. (2022). Analyzing the Evolution of Technological Innovation Systems. The International Society for Professional Innovation Management (ISPIM), 04. – 08. Juni 2022, Copenhagen.
Waßenhoven, A., Rennings, M., & Bröring, S. (2022). Knowledge Development in Emerging, Multi-disciplinary Technological Innovation Systems. The International Society for Professional Innovation Management (ISPIM), 04. – 08. June 2022, Copenhagen.
Waßenhoven, A., Rennings, M., & Bröring, S. (2022). Knowledge Development in Emerging, Multi-disciplinary Technological Innovation Systems. Danish Research Unit for Industrial Dynamics (DRUID, Copenhagen Business School), 13. – 15. Juni 2022, Copenhagen.
Waßenhoven, A., Block, C., Wustmans, M., & Bröring, S. (2021). Analyzing an emerging business ecosystem through M&A activities: The case of the Bioeconomy. Business Strategy & Development, 4(3), 258-278.
Waßenhoven, A., Wustmans, M., Laibach, N., & Bröring, S. (2021). Exploring Key Enabling Technologies as drivers in transition processes. The International Society for Professional Innovation Management (ISPIM), 20. – 23. Juni 2021, virtual. (Finalist Best Paper Award)