Christ, J./Gaida, A./Kocian, J./Stappert, C. (2022): Der International Sustainability Standards Board – Internationale Standards für die Nachhaltigkeitsberichterstattung?, KoR, Heft 3, S. 97-104.
Illuminating Opposing Performance Effects of Stressors in Innovation Teams. Journal of Product Innovation Management.
Cream skimming by health care providers and inequality in health care access: Evidence from a randomized field experiment.
How does industry convergence affect suppliers and consumers? An analysis of the emerging sectors of functional foods and biopolymers
Innovationen an der Schnittstelle von Lebens- und Arzneimitteln: Herausforderungen für Firmen und Verbraucher
The front end of innovation in an era of industry convergence: evidence from nutraceuticals and functional foods
On the usage of agricultural raw materials–energy or food? An assessment from an economics perspective
Industry convergence and its implications for the front end of innovation: a problem of absorptive capacity
Value‐creation in new product development within converging value chains: An analysis in the functional foods and nutraceutical industry
How systemic innovations require alterations along the entire supply chain: The case of animal-derived functional foods
Innovation strategies for functional foods and supplements. Challenges of the positioning between foods and drugs
The increasing multifunctionality of agricultural raw materials: Three dilemmas for innovation and adoption
Consumer acceptance of new food technologies for different product categories: the relative importance of experience versus credence attributes
The emerging research landscape on bioeconomy: What has been done so far and what is essential from a technology and innovation management perspective?
Patterns of convergence within the emerging bioeconomy—The case of the agricultural and energy sector
External knowledge sources as drivers for cross-industry innovation in the Italian food sector: does company size matter?
Reviewing the Nutrition and Health Claims Regulation (EC) No. 1924/2006: What do we know about its challenges and potential impact on innovation?
Crossing industrial boundaries at the pharma-nutrition interface in probiotics: A life cycle perspective
Exploring the Nutrition and Health Claims Regulation (EC) No. 1924/2006: What is the impact on innovation in the EU food sector?
Debunking the myth of general consumer rejection of green genetic engineering: empirical evidence from Germany
Exploring effectiveness of technology transfer in interdisciplinary settings: The case of the bioeconomy
Start-ups as technology life cycle indicator for the early stage of application: An analysis of the battery value chain
Adoption behavior of market traders: an analysis based on Technology Acceptance Model and Theory of Planned Behavior
Collective stakeholder representations and perceptions of drivers of novel biomass-based value chains
Do pro-environmental values, beliefs and norms drive farmers’ interest in novel practices fostering the Bioeconomy?
Exploring the future of the bioeconomy: An expert-based scoping study examining key enabling technology fields with potential to foster the transition toward a bio-based economy
What do we know about chain actors’ evaluation of new food technologies? A systematic review of consumer and farmer studies
Examining the social acceptance of genetically modified bioenergy in Germany: Labels, information valence, corporate actors, and consumer decisions
What affects technology transfer in emerging knowledge areas? A multi-stakeholder concept mapping study in the bioeconomy
Semantic bridging of patents and scientific publications–The case of an emerging sustainability-oriented technology
How business methods accompany technological innovations–a case study using semantic patent analysis and a novel informetric measure
Identifying first signals of emerging dominance in a technological innovation system: A novel approach based on patents
Survey of and modular construction possibilities for maturity approaches in the field of patent management
Monitoring Competitors’ Innovation Activities: Analyzing the Competitive Patent Landscape Based on Semantic Anchor Points
Bridging trends and patents: Combining different data sources for the evaluation of innovation fields in blockchain technology
Actors’ strategic goals in emerging technological innovation systems: evidence from the biorefinery sector in Germany
Application of journey maps to the development of emergent sustainability-oriented technologies: Lessons for user involvement in agriculture
No Need to Worry? Estimating the Exposure of the German Banking Sector to Climate-Related Transition Risks
Stichprobeninventur – Durchführung in Lagern ohne artikelgenaue Bestandsfortschreibung (mit Zimmermann, H.-J.)
Zur Ordnungsmäßigkeit von Wertkorrekturen bei Stichprobeninventuren, Stellungnahme zu einem Beitrag von R. Hömberg
Modellierung und Implementierung von EXSTRABS: Ein Expertensystem zur Branchenstrukturanalyse der strategischen Planung