Prof. Dr. Stefanie Bröring
Chair of the department, Professor

Office hours:
By arrangement
Office Hours
By arrangement
Curriculum Vitae
Since 2022
Chair for Entrepreneurship and innovative business models, Ruhr-University Bochum
2013 - 2022
Chair for Technology, Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship, ILR, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Bonn
Guest researcher at the NIKOS department for Entrepreneurship, Strategy & Innovation Management (NIKOS-ESIM) of the University of Twente (Netherlands)
Managing Director for the Bonn location of the Bioeconomy Science Center (BioSc)
Professor of Food Chain Management, University of Applied Sciences Osnabrück
long distance course, University of Hagen, „Intellectual Property Rights“, (during parental leave)
Head of Strategic Marketing, BRÖRING Unternehmensgruppe, Dinklage
Head of Competence Center Agribusiness, Rölfs Partner Management Consultants, Düsseldorf
Project Manager “bio-based renewables”, Degussa (Evonik) AG, Science to Business Center Bio
Research Assistant, Univ. Münster, Institute of Business Administration at the Department of Chemistry and Pharmacy, Prof. Dr. Jens Leker, PhD-Thesis (Dr. rer. pol.) „The front-end of innovation in converging industries: The case of nutraceuticals and functional foods” (summa cum laude)
DAAD- Fellow, Université du Québec à Montréal, Department of Innovation and Technology Management, Kanada
Stagiaire: European Commission, DG Health and Consumer Protection (SANCO), Brussels.
Studies: Business Administration at the Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster and
Rotterdam School of Management; NL
Studies: Medicine at the University of Lübeck
Research focus
Strategic Technology- and Innovation Management, focus on sustainable innovations, bioeconomy
Convergence: From converging knowledge fields through new value chains to "hybrid" borderline products
Technology-based Ventures, Entrepreneurial Opportunity Recognition
Memberships & Awards
Verband der Hochschullehrer der Betriebswirtschaftslehre (VHB)
VHB- Kommission Technologie, Innovation und Entrepreneurship
VHB- Kommission Nachhaltigkeitsmanagement
Academy of Management (AOM)
FGF- Forschungskreis Gründungsforschung e.V.
Member of Scientific Panel: International Society for Professional Innovation Management (ISPIM)
Editorial Review Board Member: IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management
Product Development and Management Asscociation – German Chapter (PDMA)
Research Fellow Wageningen School of Social Sciences (WASS)
AlumniUM – Münsters Network of Excellence e.V.
Best Paper in Track "Enabling sustainability-oriented innovation in R&Dmanagement: Organization, frameworks, methods and tools", R&D ManagementConference (2021)
Reviewer Reward, Outstanding Contribution in Reviewing, Research Policy (2017)
Best Paper Award „Innovation and Entrepreneurship“, 14 International conference onChains and Networks, Wageningen University, NL
Fromme Förderpreis, Bundeslehranstalt für Landwirtschaft Burg Warberg und DeutscherVerband Tiernahrung
Förderpreis der Agrarwirtschaft, Deutscher Fachverlag, Frankfurt
Best Paper Award Innovation Management, European Business School, Oestrich-Winkel
Best Paper Award PhD - Doctoral Consortium des 25 McMaster World Congress, Canada
Best Paper Award „Innovation and Entrepreneurship“, 8 International conference onChains and Networks, Wageningen University, NL
Expert opinions
Bioökonomie-Rat NRW
Expert Committee for start-up investments of Landwirtschaftliche Rentenbank
Expert Committe Foodhub NRW
International Advisory Board FONDECYT proposal "Understanding AgriFoodTech start-ups as niches for food systems transformation in Chile"
Steering Committee member of the DECHEMA working group "Futurology and Innovation"
Scientific Advisory Council Regional Innovation Network Material Flows
Scientific Advisory Board German Institute of Food Technology (DIL)
Scientific Advisory Board "Flanders Food", Brussels, Belgium
Member of the BMBF Expert Commission "Agricultural Systems of the Future"
Member of the Joint Expert Commission (BVL and BfArM) on the classifi cation ofborderline products to be placed on the market as food or food ingredient (2013-2016)