Bachelor Theses
The Chair of Entrepreneurship and Innovative Business Models participates in the allocation procedure WiWi-BOS, through which the registration and distribution of places takes place. In order to receive a fixed confirmation of supervision before the allocation via the WiWi-BOS system, you have the possibility to apply for one of our advertised topics. Successful participation in the course "Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten im Entrepreneurship und Innovationsmanagement" is a prerequisite for a firm pre-approval. To do so, please send your Transcript of Records with indication of the desired topic to Lev Kalishchuk by 1.3. (summer semester) or 1.9. (winter semester).
After your place has been allocated via WiWi-BOS, you will be added to our Moodle course. Here you can have a look at the topics that are still open and indicate your preferences.
The working time for bachelor theses is six weeks for 2-subject BA students and nine weeks for 1-subject BA students. At the beginning of the writing period, there will be two mandatory meetings at the university library, where you will be trained in literature research and literature management. In addition, an interim presentation of your work will take place approximately one month after the start of the writing period. Here you will receive feedback on the further development of your bachelor thesis. The bachelor thesis can be written in English or German. The length of the thesis to be written is 30-50 pages (incl. figures and tables that contribute to the understanding, excl. bibliography).
For general questions regarding bachelor theses, please contact Lev Kalishchuk via
The following topics are currently available:
- Akzeptanz neuartiger Technologien und cross-industrieller Technologietransfer: Der Fall von Erdbeobachtungsdaten
- Analyse der Wechselwirkungen zwischen nachhaltigen Geschäftsmodellinnovationen: Komplementaritäten und Konflikte
- Analyse von Biotensid-Unternehmen und ihrem Ökosystem: Ein Fallstudien-Ansatz
- Cultivating Entrepreneurial Spirit: Strategic Insights for RUB’s Educational Ecosystem
- Der Einfluss externer Enabler auf die frühe Phase des Unternehmertums: Konzeption einer experimentellen Studie
- Die Evolution von Komponenten in komplexen Technologiesystemen: Eine systematische Literaturübersicht
- Eine Literaturübersicht: Feedback in den frühen Phasen des Unternehmertums
- Eine Literaturübersicht: Der Übergang von Akademikern ins Unternehmertum
- Erfolgsfaktoren und Herausforderungen zirkulärer Geschäftsmodelle in der Bioökonomie
- Geschäftsmodellinnovationen in der Sustainability Transition: Eine systematische Literaturübersicht zu Treibern und Barrieren
- Herausforderungen und Strategien zur Implementierung biobasierter Material- und Produktionstechnologien
- Interindustrielle Architekturinnovationen: Ein systematischer Literaturüberblick
- Kommerzialisierung von innovativen Technologien: Eine Literanalyse von Markteintrittsstrategien
- Kontrollpunkte in Innovationsökosystemen – Wie Unternehmen im digitalen Zeitalter Werte generieren und erfassen
- Machtverhältnisse in strategischen Allianzen: Untersuchung des Einflusses etablierter Unternehmen auf Startups
- Nachhaltigkeitsbewertung von zirkulären Geschäftsmodellen in der Bioökonomie: Eine Analyse bestehender Bewertungsansätze
- Positionierung von Akteuren in nachhaltigen Innovationsökosystemen
- Skalierung von emergenten nachhaltigen Technologien – Eine Betrachtung der Entwicklungsstufen von Innovationsökosystemen
- Strategische Investitionen und Akquisitionen in der digitalen Transformation: Positionierung von Unternehmen in der Layered Modular Architecture
- The interrelation between science and technology convergence – a systematic literature review and case study overview
- Was wissen wir über akademisches Unternehmertum? Eine systematische Literaturübersicht
Master Theses
In order to write your master thesis at the Chair of Entrepreneurship and Innovative Business Models, you can apply for one of our advertised topics. Please apply with your Transcript of Records to Vanessa Lind at least two months before the start of the thesis. Approximately four weeks before the start of work, a first appointment will be made to discuss the topic. The successful completion of the module "Exploratory Methods in Entrepreneurship Research" is a prerequisite for writing the master thesis. In addition, successful participation in the course "Advanced Seminar Entrepreneurship" is desirable.
The master thesis can only be written in English. The length of the thesis to be written is 50 - 70 pages (including figures and tables that contribute to understanding, excluding references). The processing time for master theses is between 14 and 18 weeks, depending on the scope of the topic and the effort required for data collection.
For general questions about master theses, please contact Lev Kalishchuk via
The following topics are currently available:
- Actor’s re-positioning during innovation ecosystem evolution –The role of ecosystem leaders for sustainability transition
- Architectural dynamics: Investigating the emergence and dominance of technology components in complex technology systems
- Cultivating Entrepreneurial Spirit: Strategic Insights for RUB’s Educational Ecosystem
- Developing a Multi-Stakeholder Design Thinking Framework for Systemic Sustainable Business Model Innovation
- External Enabler Mechanisms and Venture Idea Confidence: Understanding the Intersection of Entrepreneurial Agents and External Environments
- Facilitating entrepreneurial team formation at universities: Pathways towards the formation of high-performing interdisciplinary teams
- How many layers does it take to master digital business ecosystems? Analyzing the position of AgTech start-ups in the smart farming ecosystem
- How Twin Transitions Impact Innovation: The Intersection of Digital Technology and Sustainability Goals
- Identifying Market Entry Opportunities for Sustainable Technologies: An Analysis Based on Expert Interviews
- Innovative business models in the voluntary carbon market: A case study of start-ups driving decarbonization
- Mapping Bioeconomy Business Models: Analyzing Ecosystem Dynamics and Orchestration
- Navigating Challenges in Horizontal Technology Transfer: A Comparative Study of Large Firms and SMEs in Unrelated Industries
- Power Dynamics in Strategic Alliances: Examining the Influence of Established Companies on Startups
- Sustainable Business Model Innovation as Driver of Socio-Technical System Transition
- The influence of bioeconomy on the theoretical business modell framework
- The Role of Feedback in Business Model Development