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Spring School „Digitalisierung und Entrepreneurship“ zum Oberthema „Nachhaltige Transformation von Umwelt und Gesellschaft“ – Bewerbungen ab sofort möglich

Die Spring School findet vom 19. Februar bis zum 25. Februar 2025 (inkl. Samstag) in Präsenz statt. Unter dem Oberthema „Nachhaltige Transformation von Umwelt und Gesellschaft“ werden sich Studierende in interdisziplinären Teams ideen- und lösungsorientiert mit Unternehmensgründungen auf der Basis von Themenstellungen aus der Praxis beschäftigen. Zum Abschluss pitchen die...

Prof. Dr. Daniela Gimenez Jimenez gave a guest lecture on the topic of “Opportunity Recognition in Entrepreneurship”

In November, Prof. Dr. Stefanie Bröring's Chair for Entrepreneurship and Innovative Business Models welcomed Junior Professor Dr. Daniela Gimenez Jimenez from TU Dortmund University for a guest lecture in the “Foundations of Entrepreneurship” module. Her lecture, “Opportunity Recognition in Entrepreneurship: How the Institutional Context Influences Entrepreneurial Activities”, provided valuable insights...

PDMA’s Global Student Innovation Challenge 2025

The PDMA Global Student Innovation Challenge 2025 offers students the unique opportunity to submit their innovative ideas that they have developed in special innovation or entrepreneurship courses as part of their bachelor's or master's degree program. Students can win travel grants to the PDMA conference in the USA, prize money...

Ruhr University Bochums has joined the CLIB Cluster

Ruhr University Bochum has joined the Cluster for Industrial Biotechnology (CLIB). The network promotes sustainable innovations and supports researchers and startups in translating research results into practice. “This is the only way to achieve economic transformation in North Rhine-Westphalia,” emphasizes Prof. Dr. Stefanie Bröring, member of the CLIB advisory board....

CEIT Practitioner Series: Developing business opportunities at the interface of digitalisation and sustainability at BASF

We are pleased to welcome Dr. Matthias Nachtmann, Digital Farming – Sustainability Business Development Lead at BASF SE in Ludwigshafen, to the CEIT Practitioner Series, organized by the Chair for Entrepreneurship and Innovative Business Models, led by Prof. Dr. Stefanie Bröring. BASF SE is a globally leading company in the...

Hackathon by DÖRKEN Digital Ventures together with Vonovia on the building turnaround in the RUB Makerspace on 30 November 2024

DÖRKEN Digital Ventures supports the search for the latest trends in construction and promotes active participation in shaping change in the industry. Together with Vonovia - one of Germany's leading housing companies - they are organising the first hackathon for students from the fields of civil engineering and architecture. The...

Scholarship for Students – Hans Böckler Stiftung

With a scholarship, the Hans Böckler Stiftung supports young people who want to study or are already studying, who provide above-average performance and are engaged in trade union and/or social policy. Further information can be found here: https://www.boeckler.de/pdf/stuf_bew_stip_flyer.pdf  

New study on recognising opportunities in the field of tension between knowledge and learning published in the Journal of Business Research

In the article "Opportunity recognition in the tension field of knowledge and learning: The case of converging industries", Dr. Simon Ohlert and Prof. Dr. Stefanie Bröring from the Chair of Entrepreneurship and Innovative Business Models, together with Prof. Dr. Natalie Laibach (Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences) and Prof. Dr. Rainer...

HIGH-TECH.NRW Demo Day #5 on November 21, 2024: Prof. Dr. Stefanie Bröring takes part in panel discussion “De-Risking Deep-Tech”

As part of the HIGH-TECH.NRW Demo Day #5 on November 21, 2024, Prof. Dr. Stefanie Bröring (Chair for Entrepreneurship and Innovative Business Models) will participate in a panel discussion on the topic of "De-Risking Deep-Tech" with a focus on semiconductor technologies. Further panel participants include: Dr. Bernd Burchard – Elmos...

Micro Credential: Innovation & Entrepreneurship im Wintersemester 2024/25 – Bewerbungsfrist bis zum 6. Oktober verlängert

Im Wintersemester wird das Micro Credential: Innovation & Entrepreneurship an der Professur für Umwelt- und Innovationspolitik angeboten. Im Rahmen des Moduls können Kompetenzen im Bereich Entrepreneurship/unternehmerisches Denken und Handeln für die persönliche und berufliche Weiterentwicklung erworben werden. Der Kurs beginnt mit einer Blockveranstaltung am 14. Oktober, danach erfolgt ein Selbststudium...

Jürgen Hauschildt Prize for research by Prof. Dr. Stefanie Bröring and colleagues on technology strategies in converging technology systems

The article “Technology strategies in converging technology systems: Evidence from printed electronics”, which was published by Prof. Dr. Stefanie Bröring together with Dr. Annika Wambsganss (TU Berlin), Prof. Dr. Sören Salomo (TU Berlin) and Dr. Nathalie Sick (UTS Sydney) in the Journal of Product Innovation Management (VHB, A), has now...

Vertreterinnen des CEIT im Gespräch mit
Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz

Am 26. August 2024 besuchte Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz den Technologie- und Gründungscampus der Ruhr-Universität, Mark 51/7. Im Zentrum standen Fragen der digitalen Transformation, Entwicklung von Arbeit und Arbeitsbedingungen und die regionalen Voraussetzungen als Start-up-Ökosystem. Dies sind die Schlüsselthemen, mit denen sich das CEIT befasst. Am Besuchsprogramm des Kanzlers wirkten Prof....

Press release on new publication on the emergence of new scientific fields through interdisciplinarity

The boundaries between traditional disciplines are increasingly breaking down and new scientific fields are emerging. Researchers from the Chair for Entrepreneurship and Innovative Business Models at Ruhr University Bochum and the Fraunhofer Institute for Scientific-Technical Trend Analysis have investigated the mechanisms behind this development. They integrated findings from classical evolutionary...

ISSE meets EShip

In July, the Chair for Entrepreneurship and Innovative Business Models of Prof. Dr. Stefanie Bröring met with the Chair for Industrial Sales and Service Engineering (ISSE) of Prof. Dr. Jens Pöppelbuss of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering to discuss current research topics. The exchange focused on the interconnections between digitalization,...

sCUBE – The Cube 5 Startup Lab

The sCUBE is the Cube 5 Startup Lab where creative entrepreneurial potential can be discovered. sCUBE sensitizes and inspires for a startup mindset. It provides opportunities to experiment with creativity and try out start-up ideas for ITS, cybersecurity and future communication technologies (5G/6G). The focus is on early immersion in...

Matchmaking on July 11 – Find your startup match!

On July 11, 2024, the incubator Cube 5 is organizing a matchmaking event for founders who are looking for employees and co-founders. The aim is to bring together people interested in founding a company from different specialist areas in order to build a strong team with individual skills and thus...

Further doctorate successfully completed under Prof. Dr. Stefanie Bröring

In June, another doctoral thesis was successfully completed at the Chair of Entrepreneurship and Innovative Business Models under Prof. Dr. Stefanie Bröring. In his dissertation, Simon Ohlert investigated how entrepreneurs recognise opportunities at the intersection of, yet, non-related knowledge fields.

Prof. Dr. Stefanie Bröring appointed as a member of the NRW Bioeconomy Council

The state government of North Rhine-Westphalia has appointed the Bioeconomy Council NRW, of which Prof. Dr. Stefanie Bröring from the Chair of Entrepreneurship and Innovative Business Models at Ruhr University Bochum is a member. The independent committee of 15 experts is to develop a bioeconomy strategy for the federal state...

Die Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaft / Ruhr-Universität nimmt an der neunzehnten Ausgabe des Programms Santander X Explorer der Santander Bank teil

Das Entrepreneurship-Programm bietet Online-Schulungen zum unternehmerischen Denken und Handeln mit dem Ziel, Ideen in realisierbare Projekte zu verwandeln. Das kostenfreie Programm läuft vom 9. September bis zum 1. Dezember. Die Bewerbungsfrist läuft bis zum 22. August auf Santander X. Die Bank Santander startet die 19. Ausgabe ihres Programms „Santander X...

New article on the emergence of interdisciplinary scientific fields published in the journal Research Policy

In the article "On the emergence of interdisciplinary scientific fields: (how) does it relate to science convergence?" Philipp Baaden, Dr. Michael Rennings and Prof. Dr. Stefanie Bröring from the Chair of Entrepreneurship and Innovative Business Models together with Dr. Marcus John from Fraunhofer INT integrate findings from science convergence literature...

Prof. Dr. Stefanie Bröring at talk round at Bio4MatPro annual meeting

On 07.05.2024, Prof. Dr. Stefanie Bröring took part in the panel discussion on "What do we need/can we do to implement an innovation ecosystem for the biological transformation for industries?" at the 3rd Bio4MatPro Annual Meeting. Prof. Bröring's Chair of Entrepreneurship and Innovative Business Models is involved in two joint...

Successfully completed doctorates with Prof. Dr. Stefanie Bröring

In April, the first two doctoral theses at the Chair of Entrepreneurship and Innovative Business Models under Prof. Dr. Stefanie Bröring were successfully completed. Lucia Brandt examined external corporate venturing of incumbent companies in the sustainability transition. Anna Waßenhoven explored the identification, development and implementation of Key Enabling Technologies driving...

Prof. Christoph M. Schmidt in die Expertenkommission Forschung und Innovation berufen

Bundeskabinett beruft Prof. Christoph M. Schmidt in die Expertenkommission Forschung und Innovation Bundesministerin für Bildung und Forschung dankt Prof. Till Requate für sein Engagement Das Bundeskabinett hat heute den Präsidenten des RWI – Leibniz-Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung und Professor an der Ruhr-Universität Bochum Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Christoph M. Schmidt in...

New article published on the relationships between technology innovation systems (TIS) and neighboring TIS from a value chain perspective

The article by Lora Tsvetanova, Dr. Michael Rennings and Prof. Dr. Stefanie Bröring, published in the journal Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, explores the dynamics between a focal Technological Innovation System (TIS), its neighboring TISs, and various sectors within a value chain framework. Through the analysis of patent allocations within...

New publication published in the journal Research Policy on profiting from innovation in emerging business ecosystems

In the article "Profiting from innovation when digital business ecosystems emerge: A control point perspective", Dr. Michael Rennings and Prof. Dr. Stefanie Bröring from the Chair of Entrepreneurship and Innovative Business Models, together with their co-authors, examine the effects of digital change on industrial sectors. They focus on changes in...

Neues Lehrbuch zum Kostenmanagement erschienen

Prof. Dr. Thorsten Knauer hat gemeinsam mit Prof. Dr. Friedrich Sommer (Universität Bayreuth) und Prof. Dr. Arnt Wöhrmann (Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen) ein neues Lehrbuch zum Kostenmanagement geschrieben, das im Verlag Schäffer-Poeschel erschienen ist und sich insbesondere an Bachelor-Studierende richtet. Es ist auch Grundlage der Veranstaltung „Kostenmanagement“. Der Fokus des neuen Lehrbuchs...

Studie “Relative Performance Information and Rule-Breaking: The Moderating Effect of Group Identity”

Die experimentbasierte Studie „Relative Performance Information and Rule-Breaking: The Moderating Effect of Group Identity” von Prof. Dr. Corinna Ewelt-Knauer, Prof. Dr. Thorsten Knauer und Dr. Sandra Winkelmann wurde bei dem US-amerikanischen Journal „Behavioral Research in Accounting“ zur Veröffentlichung angenommen und ist nun unter https://publications.aaahq.org/bria/article/doi/10.2308/BRIA-2022-049/12142/Relative-Performance-Information-and-Rule-Breaking online verfügbar. Die Studie beschäftigt sich...

Spring School „Digitalisierung und Entrepreneurship“ zum Oberthema „Social Entrepreneurship und Nachhaltigkeit“ – Bewerbungen ab sofort möglich

Die Spring School findet vom 21. Februar bis zum 27. Februar 2024 (inkl. Samstag) in Präsenz statt. Unter dem Oberthema „Social Entrepreneurship und Nachhaltigkeit“ werden sich Studierende in interdisziplinären Teams ideen- und lösungsorientiert mit Unternehmensgründungen auf der Basis von Themenstellungen aus der Praxis beschäftigen. Zum Abschluss pitchen die Teams ihre...

Ein neues Amt für Stefanie Bröring

Die Ökonomin der Ruhr-Universität ist Mitglied im neuen Bioökonomie-Rat NRW. Prof. Dr. Stefanie Bröring wurde von der nordrhein-westfälischen Landesregierung in den neuen Bioökonomie-Rat NRW berufen. Gemeinsam mit 14 weiteren Fachleuten aus Wirtschaft, Wissenschaft und Zivilgesellschaft soll sie in den kommenden zwei Jahren an einer Bioökonomie-Strategie für NRW mitwirken. Stefanie Bröring...

Die Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaft / Ruhr-Universität nimmt an der achtzehnten Ausgabe des Programms Santander X Explorer der Santander Bank teil

Das Entrepreneurship-Programm bietet Online-Schulungen zum unternehmerischen Denken und Handeln mit dem Ziel, Ideen in realisierbare Projekte zu verwandeln. Die Bewerbungsfrist läuft noch bis zum 12. Dezember auf Santander X. Die Bank Santander startet die 18. Ausgabe ihres Programms „Santander X Explorer“, das seit 14 Jahren erfolgreich das Unternehmertum in seiner...

Anna Waßenhoven among the top 3 in the “Förderpreis der Agrarwirtschaft”

Anna Waßenhoven, research assistant and PhD student at the Chair of Entrepreneurship and Innovative Business Models of Prof. Dr. Stefanie Bröring, is among the top 3 candidates for the "Förderpreis der Agrarwirtschaft". The prize is awarded annually to innovative ideas and projects that make a significant contribution to the further...

New study published on Key Enabling Technologies in transitions

The study by Anna Waßenhoven, Dr. Michael Rennings, Dr. Natalie Laibach, and Prof. Dr. Stefanie Bröring, published in Technological Forecasting and Social Change, explores the concept of Key Enabling Technologies (KETs) within policy strategies, highlighting their role in driving industrial transitions. The research employs patent indicators to distinguish KETs from...

Circular Insights Days 2023

Drei Tage. Ein Thema. Gemeinsam Zukunft gestalten. 8. – 10. November in Wuppertal Du bist Absolvent:in oder studierst momentan? Du interessierst Dich für das Thema Nachhaltigkeit? Dann sei dabei, wenn vom 8. bis 10. November 2023 die Circular Insights Days 2023 in Wuppertal stattfinden! Freu dich auf spannende Case Studies, Input Sessions zum...

Seats available in our module “Exploratory Methods in Entrepreneurship Research”

This course introduces various qualitative and quantitative research methods which are particularly relevant for entrepreneurship and management research, whether in an academic or corporate setting. Some examples of such methods are comprehensive literature review, expert interviews, expert surveys, qualitative content analysis, quantitative data analysis, group concept mapping, and choice modelling....

New study published on start-up selection criteria for corporate venturing

The study by Lucia Brandt, Dr. Natalie Laibach, Dr. Carolin Kamrath and Prof. Dr. Stefanie Bröring, published in the International Journal of Entrepreneurial Venturing, combines an extensive literature review on how corporates select start-ups for their corporate venturing activities with expert interviews from the chemical industry. Since the study shows...

Frau Prof.’in Bröring zur Akademischen Direktorin der Worldfactory berufen

Noch mehr Schub für Transfer und Ausgründungen Viel ändert sich beim Transfer- und Gründungscenter Worldfactory: Neu organisiert mit eigenem Vorstand und gebündelt an einem Ort geht es nachhaltig in Richtung Zukunft. Die Worldfactory der Ruhr-Universität Bochum stellt sich neu auf. Organisatorisch wird die Abteilung für Transfer und Entrepreneurship aus der...

Kampf gegen den Abstieg

Prof. Asenkerschbaumer und Prof. Paul erschienen heute mit einem Artikel zur Wettbewerfsfähigkeit Deutschlands in der FAZ. Die Schmalenbach-Gesellschaft richtet passend zu diesem Thema den Deutschen Betriebswirtschafter-Tag aus. Am 19. und 20. September kommen in Düsseldorf dazu Vertreter:innen aus Wissenschaft und Praxis zusammen. Kampf gegen den Abstieg: FAZ vom 21.8.2023

Call for founders to participate in a study – New potentials for start-ups through artificial intelligence

The rapid development in the field of artificial intelligence (AI) opens up countless innovative fields of application and opportunities for start-ups. As the Chair for Entrepreneurship and Innovative Business Models at the Ruhr-Universität Bochum, we are interested in how founders deal with the application of AI (ChatGPT) in their industry....

New publication on technology systems published in Journal of Product Innovation Management

Together with Annika Wambsganss (UTS Sydney/TU Berlin), Dr. Nathalie Sick (UTS Sydney) and Prof. Dr. Soren Salomo (TU Berlin), Prof. Dr. Stefanie Bröring has published a new publication on technology strategies in converging technology systems in the Journal of Product Innovation Management (JPIM). Converging technology systems represent a highly complex...