M.Sc. - Industrial Engineering and Management

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Baaden, P., Rennings, M., John, M., & Bröring, S. (2024). On the emergence of interdisciplinary scientific fields: (how) does it relate to science convergence?. Research Policy, 53(6), 105026.
Rennings, M., Baaden, P., Block, C., John, M., & Bröring, S. (2024). Assessing emerging sustainability-oriented technologies: the case of precision agriculture. Scientometrics, 1-30.
Tsvetanova, L., Rennings, M., & Bröring, S. (2024). Actors and sectors in technological innovation systems: patterns of knowledge development in the field of second generation biorefineries. Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, 1-16.
Bohnsack, R., Rennings, M., Block, C., & Bröring, S. (2024). Profiting from innovation when digital business ecosystems emerge: A control point perspective. Research Policy, 53(3), 104961.
Waßenhoven, A., Rennings, M., Laibach, N., & Bröring, S. (2023). What constitutes a “Key Enabling Technology” for transition processes: Insights from the bioeconomy's technological landscape. Technological Forecasting and Social Change 197, 122873.
Block, C., Rennings, M., & Bröring, S. (2022). Selecting technologies to engage in sustainability transitions—A multi-stakeholder perspective. Business Strategy and the Environment, 1-27. (Early Access)