Dipl.-Ök. Britta Niklas
Scientific assistant, Coordinator South African German Centre for Development Research
Contact for: Foundations of Economics I+II, Theses at the Geographical Institute
Coordinator: South African German Centre for Development Research; Afghan Economic Society

Universitätsstr. 105 / Room 2.02 44789 Bochum
Office hours:
By arrangement
Universitätsstr. 105 / Room 2.02 44789 Bochum
Office Hours
By arrangement
Curriculum Vitae
Masters in Economics and Business Administration (Diplom-Ökonomin) from Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany;
Training as a Moderator from the Center of Professional Training of Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany
Research focus
Microeconomics, Applied Microeconomics: Food and Wine Economics, (Sustainable) Agricultural Production, Growth and Development Economics, Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation of Development Projects; Climate Change; Applied Panel Data Analysis; Hedonic Models
Research projects
Further projects
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