Manuel Frondel is an associate professor of Energy Economics and Applied Econometrics at Ruhr-Universität Bochum and head of the department "Environment and Resources" at RWI. He has also been a faculty member of RGS econ since 2010.

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Frondel, M., L. Matejko, D. Osberghaus, S. Sommer, C. Vance (2023). Green-SÖP Extended: The Socio-Ecological Panel Survey 2020 and 2022. Journal of Economics and Statistics 243 (5): 567-583.
Frondel, M., D. Osberghaus, S. Sommer (2023) The Stability of Personal Traits and Preferences in Times of the Corona Pandemic: Evidence from Germany. Social Science Quarterly 104 (5): 1138-1153.
Frondel, M., K. Kaestner, S. Sommer, C. Vance (2023), Photovoltaics and the Solar Rebound: Evidence from Germany. Land Economics 99 (2): 265-282.
Frondel, M., K. Kaestner, M. Pahle, A. Schwarz, P. Singhal, S. Sommer (2022) Das Wärme- & Wohnen-Panel zur Analyse des Wärmesektors: Ergebnisse der ersten Erhebung aus dem Jahr 2021. RWI Materialien 152. RWI.
Frondel, M., K. Kaestner, S. Sommer, C. Vance (2022), Photovoltaics and the Solar Rebound: Evidence from Germany. Ruhr Economic Papers 954.
Eßer, J., M. Frondel, S. Sommer (2022), Alternative Finanzierung der erneuerbaren Energien: Experimentelle Evidenz für Deutschland. RWI Materialien 149. RWI.