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The Faculty of Business and Economics has set itself the goal of being the central economic entrepreneurship competence on campus and in the region. To promote the start-up culture, we offer – also in cooperation with various faculties of the RUB, the Worldfactory and other partners from science and industry – numerous teaching and further education programmes, advisory and networking opportunities. With our integrative “Bochum Model”, which combines business and economics expertise, we also support the interdisciplinary development of our students and researchers into entrepreneurial personalities. In this way, together with the active start-up scene in the Metropole Ruhr, we create a transfer of knowledge and technology in business, science and society.

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Study Type
The module focuses on teaching soft skills as well as professional competences that are fundamental for success in the field of entrepreneurship. Students learn what requirements are placed on entrepreneurs and promising business ideas in practice. Students are supported in working out these requirements and preparing for their own start-up. Concrete methods are taught that are relevant for the practical implementation of start-up ideas. This gives students the opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of the meaning of the term entrepreneurship. In doing so, they critically and well-foundedly deal with their personal motivation to become an entrepreneur themselves in the future.
Prof. Dr. Michael Roos, Nicholas Schmidt

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Studierende beschäftigen sich in interdisziplinären Teams ideen- und lösungsorientiert mit Unternehmensgründungen auf Basis von Themen aus der Praxis. Zum Abschluss pitchen die Teams ihre Gründungsidee mit Geschäftsmodell, so wie es in der Berufswelt und bei der Investorensuche heute alltäglich ist. Die Methodik der Spring School entspricht den Bedarfen des Arbeitsmarktes, da in Unternehmen immer stärker agile Projektmanagementtechniken angewendet werden, die eine aktive Kommunikation unabhängig von den eigentlichen Professionen erfordern.
Thomas Ebben, Prof. Dr. Nicola Werbeck

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Im Rahmen des Seminars wird das “How-to” vermittelt werden, wie man an unternehmerische Fragestellungen herangeht und dafür Lösungen entwickelt. Ziel ist es in den Teams eine fundierte Lösung zu entwickeln, die von den Start-ups umgesetzt werden kann.
Prof. Dr. Jan Wieseke

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The courses cover entrepreneurial topics from various disciplines such as economics, law or business administration.
Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Universität Zagreb, Universität Oulu

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Study Type
The fundamental objective of this course is to explore current trends in entrepreneurship research as well as examine and evaluate research gaps in the field of technology-based entrepreneurship to better explain entrepreneurial phenomena in different settings. Participants will develop their own research idea in a term paper by applying different theory lenses and concepts. Therefore, the seminar includes literature studies, preparations of research concepts, and the state of the art in entrepreneurship literature. The course contributes to understand the emergence of entrepreneurial processes and how new insights in entrepreneurship research enable the implementation of new services, products, or processes.

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In this module, students deal with the economic significance of entrepreneurship and the role of the entrepreneur. The main focus is on founding a company (entrepreneurship), but also on entrepreneurial action in existing companies (intrapreneurship). In this module, entrepreneurs are related to top athletes. Entrepreneurial success and success in top-class sport are partly based on similar personal resources and ways of acting. By comparing entrepreneurs and top athletes, students gain a deeper understanding of the success factors of entrepreneurial action.

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This course introduces various qualitative and quantitative research methods which are particularly relevant for entrepreneurship and management research, whether in an academic or corporate setting. Some examples of such methods are comprehensive literature review, expert interviews, expert surveys, qualitative content analysis, quantitative data analysis, group concept mapping, and choice modelling. In this way, the course is set up to introduce and facilitate the application of these exploratory research methods for different units of analysis, such as individuals (e.g., entrepreneurs and managers), actors (e.g., start-ups, established companies and research institutions), or the entire ecosystems. Where applicable, students will become acquainted with relevant software and databases to apply the methods to their own research in the field of entrepreneurship.

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Rationale for the existence of banks, specifics of banks’ services and business models as well as changes in the competitive environment, business models of new entrants in the financial services sector, specifics in business model development and business plan preparation for financial technology companies.
Prof. Dr. Stephan Paul

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In the seminar, an innovation challenge of a company is examined within the framework of a project work. This means that the topic to be worked on has a strong practical relevance.
Prof. Dr. Matthias Weiß

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Working on selected problems from the field of entrepreneurship in cooperation with practice partners.
Dr. Anna Talmann, Prof. Dr. Nicola Werbeck

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This course brings together key learnings about business model innovation for established firms as well as for science and technology-based ventures. This course teaches creating and validating a comprehensive business model, that is, the architecture that specifies the mechanisms of value proposition, creation and capture for emerging venturing ideas as well as for established organisations that intend to renew their business models.

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Neue Technologie-Start-ups sind wichtig für eine nachhaltige Transformation der Zukunft. Universitäten, wie die forschungsstarke RUB, bieten ein großes Potenzial für die Generierung neuer Technologien, doch nur wenige Ideen finden den Weg in die Praxis. Hier setzt dieses Modul an und zielt darauf ab, Studierende in die Lage zu versetzen, ihre Ideen in die Praxis umzusetzen, indem eine Geschäftsidee in ein erfolgreiches Geschäftsmodell überführt wird.

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The focus of this course relates to the ability of organizations to innovate, including the tools, frameworks, processes, strategies, and structures that are relevant. Thus, this course will provide a detailed overview of strategic technology and innovation management tools, explore how these tools help to support and design the management of innovative projects and organizations, assist in the creation of an innovation-oriented and innovation-supporting environment, and facilitate the development and evaluation of appropriate strategies for the implementation of new product and technology development processes. Discussion of how to appropriately utilize tools for the development and implementation of strategic technology and innovation concepts in the context of specific industries receives specific emphasis, by means of case-study discussions, in-class assignments, and guest lectures.

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Die Sicherung einer guten wissenschaftlichen Praxis bildet das Fundament für qualitativ hochwertige und anerkannte Forschung. Deshalb werden die Studierenden in diesem Seminar grundlegend an wissenschaftliches Arbeiten, am Beispiel der Entrepreneurship- und Innovationsforschung, herangeführt. Hierzu werden den Studierenden der Aufbau sowie die Struktur wissenschaftlicher Texte dargestellt und die Grundlagen systematischer Literaturrecherche und Literaturverwaltungsprogramme (bspw. Citavi) vermittelt. Außerdem wird dargestellt, wie ein Thema einzugrenzen und Forschungsfragen zu definieren sind. Studierende lernen formale Richtlinien des wissenschaftlichen Schreibens sowie Zitierens und Kriterien zur Bewertung wissenschaftlicher Arbeiten kennen. Zudem werden Präsentationstechniken gezeigt, welche die Vermittlung wissenschaftlicher Inhalte unterstützt. Neben der Erstellung und Präsentation eigener Inhalte werden Studierende ihr erlerntes Wissen transferieren, indem sie Peer-Feedback geben und die Moderation einer Präsentation durchführen.

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Other Activities

Joint workshop of the Faculty of Economics and the engineering faculties of the RUB for doctoral students. The focus of this event is on the topic of start-ups. The founding team “PHYSEC” got to know each other during this event.
Dr. Andreas Bonse, Dr. Fabian Schmitz, Dr. Anna Talmann, Prof. Dr. Nicola Werbeck

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Content-related support and coaching of the founders, especially with regard to organisational and strategic aspects as well as with regard to the development and expansion of their network. Provision of resources; for example in the form of premises, software, equipment or access to students as assistants, interns or for project-related collaboration in the form of theses.
Prof. Dr. Matthias Weiß

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Mentoring promotes the exchange of knowledge and experience, it steers thinking in new directions and supports networks.” This is how the WORLDFACTORY START-up Center advertises its mentoring programme on its website. Following this motto, we are currently supporting the young start-up Dormciety as part of the WSC’s mentoring programme, which emerged from the faculty’s own entrepreneurship activities to create networks and thus enable the founding team to follow new paths for successful further development.
Lea Decker, Prof. Dr. Nicola Werbeck

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“The “Entrepreneurial Idea Competition” is aimed at RUB students (Bachelor, Master, PhD) with innovative ideas from science and research. “Whether flyer, poster or idea sketch, there are no limits to your imagination. set. Send us a meaningful presentation of your founding idea and win 1,500 euros! In addition, you will be given the opportunity to give your best in a creative video pitch within 2-3 minutes. all out in a creative video pitch. Send us an appealing video and use the opportunity to opportunity to prove that your idea should be promoted!”
Lea Decker, Prof. Dr. Michael Roos, Nicholas Schmidt, Dr. Fabian Schmitz, Dr. Anna Talmann, Prof. Dr. Nicola Werbeck

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Jury Memberships

Gründerstipendium NRW
Dr. Andreas Bonse
Dr. Andreas Bonse, Prof. Dr. Nicola Werbeck
Dr. Andreas Bonse, Dr. Anna Talmann, Prof. Dr. Nicola Werbeck



Dr. Anna Talmann
Leiterin Kommunikation und Transfer

Room GD 03/173
Phone.: 0234 32-26969
E-Mail: anna.talmann@rub.de
Office hours: currently by appointment only