Human Resource Management
About us
Welcome to the homepage of the chair of Human Resource Management at Ruhr-University Bochum!
On the following pages we have provided information about our activities in research and teaching for you. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at any time:
Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaft
Lehrstuhl für Human Resource Management
Prof. Dr. Stefan Winter
Postfach 49
Universitätsstraße 150
44801 Bochum
Phone: +49234/32-28337

Information on:
In summer term 2025, a research semester will take place. Therefore, our chair’s course offer will be adjusted.
There will generally be no live lectures in summer term 2025.
Below you find more detailed information regarding our courses:
Bachelor modules
- Markets and Firms
The lecture materials are offered for self-study. Live tutorias are also offered. More information will be available soon in the corresponding Moodle course. A final module exam will take place.
- Personnel Economics
The module is offered regularly in an online format. A final module exam will take place.
- Managing yourself
The lecture materials are offered for self-study. A final module exam will take place.
- Seminar in Personnel Economics
The module is offered regularly.
- Bachelor’s theses
Bachelor’s theses are offered and supervised regularly.
Master modules
- Executive Compensation
The module is offered regularly in an online format. A final module exam will take place.
- Seminar in Human Resource Management I and II
The modules are offered regularly.
- Economics of Gambling and Betting Markets
The module will not be offered in summer semester 2025. A final module exam will not take place.
- Personnel and Organizational Economics
The module will take place for the last time in winter term 2024/25 and will therefore no longer be offered.
- Master’s theses
Master’s theses will not be offered in summer term 2025.
Please note the following regarding the research semester in summer term 2025:
Master’s theses will not be offered in summer term 2025.
Guidelines for scientific work
Here you can find the guidelines for scientific work at our chair. In this document all important formalities, content guidelines, frequently committed mistakes and hints for a successful literature research are listed.
Please note that the guidelines for scientic work are currently available in German language only.
HRM Leitfaden für wissenschaftliches Arbeiten (März 2025)
Writing a Master Thesis
If you would like to write your Master’s thesis at the Chair of Human Resource Management, you must have successfully completed at least 15 ECTS from the Chair’s teaching program.
If you have acquired more ECTS at the chair, only the average grade from your 15 best ECTS counts for the further admission requirements below.
The chair makes a maximum of 12 places available each semester, which is just under four times the calculated average capacity of all chairs in the faculty. If more than 12 candidates apply for a master’s thesis in one semester, the 12 people with the best average grades will receive the available places.
If you wish to apply, please do so by registering in the Moodle course “HRM-MASTERARBEITEN XXXX” which is created for each semester. The XXXX stands for the semester designation in question. There are always 2 courses offered for the respective two subsequent semesters, so please make sure you register in the course set up for your desired semester.
To apply for the winter semester, you must be registered in the appropriate course by July 31 of each year, and to apply for the summer semester, you must be registered by January 31 of each year.
On these dates, you will also have to submit proof of the work you have done at the department. You will receive an acceptance or rejection within 14 days after the application deadlines.
These deadlines are cut-off dates. Subsequent registration or submission of proof of performance is not possible for the deadline in question.
Please note the following regarding the research semester in summer term 2025:
Bachelor’s theses are offered and supervised regularly.
Guidelines for scientific work
Here you can find the guidelines for scientific work at our chair. In this document all important formalities, content guidelines, frequently committed mistakes and hints for a successful literature research are listed.
Please note that the guidelines for scientic work are currently available in German language only.
HRM Leitfaden für wissenschaftliches Arbeiten (März 2025)
Writing a Bachelor Thesis
The central application procedure of the faculty distinguishes between two possible types of supervision commitments for bachelor theses. On the one hand, each chair can assign a certain contingent of Bachelor theses on its own responsibility. On the other hand, a central allocation procedure is carried out by means of previously indicated priorities.
If you would like to write your bachelor thesis at our chair and receive a pre-commitment from us, please refer to the associated Moodle course. The end of the application period is communicated each semester via the chair’s website as well as in the Moodle course. According to experience, the application in the WiWi-Bos is released for the summer semester in March and for the winter semester in September.
In addition to filling out the application form, you must also register in WiWi-BOS and indicate our chair as your first priority.
Subsequently, we might give you a confirmation and contact you.
As a rule, we will specify the topics. No further action is required on your part until the topic is assigned. After you have been assigned a topic, please contact your supervisor.
From topic assignment, the processing time of 9 weeks starts. The oral examination is usually held within 5 weeks after submission. For details on the oral examination, please refer to the guidelines for the preparation of scientific papers.
Guidelines for scientific work
Here you can find the guidelines for scientific work at our chair. In this document all important formalities, content guidelines, frequently committed mistakes and hints for a successful literature research are listed.
Please note that the guidelines for scientic work are currently available in German language only.
HRM Leitfaden für wissenschaftliches Arbeiten (März 2025)
Preparation of a seminar paper [Bachelor]
Every summer semester, the module “Seminar in Personnel Economics [Personalökonomisches Seminar]” takes place. In this context, a seminar paper is written. The module is limited in number of participants and prior registration is required.
Information on the procedure and registration modalities will be provided before the semester starts. Please follow our announcements in this regard.
Preparation of a seminar paper [Master]
The module “Seminar in Executive Compensation [Seminar Managementvergütung]” takes place every winter semester. A seminar paper is written as part of the module. The module is limited in number of participants and prior registration is required.
Information on the procedure and registration modalities will be provided before the semester starts. In this regard, please follow our announcements on the homepage and/or via the corresponding Moodle course.
Furthermore, it is possible to take the modules “Seminar in Human Resource Management I + II [HRM Forschungsseminare I + II]”.
If you are interested, please contact Prof. Dr. Winter or a scientific assistant and ask whether there are free capacities for supervision.
If you have received a commitment for the Seminar in Human Resource Management I or II, you must also fill out a commitment form. Herewith you commit yourself for a registration in FlexNow. The declaration of commitment does not represent a binding registration for the modules.
Declarations of commitment can be downloaded here:
Verpflichtungserklärung HRM Forschungsseminar I
Verpflichtungserklärung HRM Forschungsseminar II
If you need advice or support, or are dependent on the adaptation of the teaching or examination form, please contact the team at the Counseling Center for the Inclusion of the Disabled (BZI)!
The premises of the BZI are barrier-free. They are located in a central location on the RUB university campus on the first floor of the student building.
All contact persons at the BZI with contact details and further information can be found here: AKAFÖ: Inclusion (
Teaching offers
Next dates
Stetzka, Robin Maximilian (2024), "Bounded Irrationality: A New Perspective on Economic Behavior", Review of Behavioral Economics: Vol. 11: No. 1, pp 1-42.
Winter, Stefan, Melissa Kistner and Deborah Maffia (2024): A Theory of Degrees in Education. Heliyon 10(16): e36008.
Maffia, Deborah und Kistner, Melissa (2024): Lehre in der Betriebswirtschaftslehre. LEHRELADEN, Zentrum für Wissenschaftsdidaktik der Ruhr-Universität Bochum.
Stetzka, Robin Maximilian (2024), "Bounded Irrationality: A New Perspective on Economic Behavior", Review of Behavioral Economics: Vol. 11: No. 1, pp 1-42.
Winter, Stefan, Melissa Kistner and Deborah Maffia (2024): A Theory of Degrees in Education. Heliyon 10(16): e36008.
Maffia, Deborah und Kistner, Melissa (2024): Lehre in der Betriebswirtschaftslehre. LEHRELADEN, Zentrum für Wissenschaftsdidaktik der Ruhr-Universität Bochum.
postal address (letters only):
Ruhr-University Bochum
Faculty of Management and Economics
Chair of Human Resource Management
Prof. Dr. Stefan Winter
Mailbox 49
Universitätsstraße 150
44801 Bochum
postal address (packages only):
Building GD, Floor 02, Room 329
Pictures: © RUB Marquard
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