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Umwelt-/Ressourcenökonomik und Nachhaltigkeit

About us

Professor Dr.  Andreas Löschel holds the Chair for Environmental/Resource Economics and Sustainability since September 2021, after Prof. Dr. Helmut Karl retired from this position on 31.07.2021. Prior to this, Prof. Löschel held the Chair of Microeconomics with a Focus on Energy and Resource Economics at the University of Münster. More information under www.loeschel.org


Prof. Dr. Andreas Löschel
Chair of the department, Professor
Dr. Christoph Feldhaus
Academic council
Britta Menze
Employee in technology and administration
Leo Storchmann
Research assistant
Johanna Volk
Scientific assistant
Celine Jobst
Research assistant
Marvin Müller
Scientific assistant
Jonas Maeser
Scientific assistant


You can find information on each course in the course catalogue. The formal requirements for registration will be published on this homepage and in the respective Moodle courses. For any questions, contact Christoph Feldhaus.

Information on:

Our main focus are theses in the areas of energy, climate, behavioral, environmental and ressource economics.

If you are interested in writing your Bachelor or Masters’ thesis with us, please send us the following:

  • your transcript of records
  • area of interest for your thesis

Additionally, if you are writing your Master’s thesis, indicate:

  • if you are considering writing your thesis in English, and
  • if you are more interested in an empirical or a theoretical approach.

Please direct your inquires to ceresus-abschlussarbeiten@ruhr-uni-bochum.de.

You can find our guidelines for student theses here.

In case you need certify your participation in classes (e.g. for ERASMUS), contact ceresus-anrechnungen@ruhr-uni-bochum.de.

Direct your requests for letters of recommendations (e.g. for scholarships or applications for Master degree programs) to ceresus-gutachten@ruhr-uni-bochum.de.

Teaching offers

Study Type
2 contact hours
Vorlesung und Übung
2+2 contact hours
lecture + exercise
2 contact hours
2 contact hours

Next dates

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Interested in working for our chair?

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Neitz Regett, A.; Ruprecht, D.; Pichlmaier, S.; Reck, R.; Schmidt-Achert, T.; Ziemsky, V.,; Deutsch, M.; Mann, M.; Ausfelder, F.; Förster, M.; Lemken, D.; Martin, S.; Koppers, M.; Löschel, A.; Biesewig, L; Thiel, Z.; Kahl, H.; Isidoro Losada, A. (2023). Wie kann der Markthochlauf von Wasserstoff beschleunigt werden? Aktuelle Erkenntnisse aus den Reallaboren der Energiewende. München: Forschungsstelle für Energiewirtschaft (FfE) e. V. (Hrsg.)

Hillebrand, Elmar, and Marten Hillebrand (2023). "Who pays the bill? climate change, taxes, and transfers in a multi-region growth model." Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 153, August 2023, 104695.

Xu, Y., & Wang, F. (2022). The health consequence of rising housing prices in China. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 200, 114-137.

Neitz Regett, A.; Ruprecht, D.; Pichlmaier, S.; Reck, R.; Schmidt-Achert, T.; Ziemsky, V.,; Deutsch, M.; Mann, M.; Ausfelder, F.; Förster, M.; Lemken, D.; Martin, S.; Koppers, M.; Löschel, A.; Biesewig, L; Thiel, Z.; Kahl, H.; Isidoro Losada, A. (2023). Wie kann der Markthochlauf von Wasserstoff beschleunigt werden? Aktuelle Erkenntnisse aus den Reallaboren der Energiewende. München: Forschungsstelle für Energiewirtschaft (FfE) e. V. (Hrsg.)

Hillebrand, Elmar, and Marten Hillebrand (2023). "Who pays the bill? climate change, taxes, and transfers in a multi-region growth model." Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 153, August 2023, 104695.

Xu, Y., & Wang, F. (2022). The health consequence of rising housing prices in China. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 200, 114-137.

Latest news

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Umwelt-/Ressourcenökonomik und Nachhaltigkeit

Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaft 
Lehrstuhl Umwelt-/Ressourcenökonomik und Nachhaltigkeit

Prof. Dr. Andreas Löschel
GD 02/313 Fach 43

Universitätsstraße 150, D-44801 Bochum



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