With the 2-subject Bachelor’s programme in Economics, the faculty pursues an application and policy-oriented approach in research and teaching. With the help of quantitative, econometric methods, a broad spectrum of politically relevant questions is dealt with in a theoretically well-founded manner, especially in the fields of: regional economics and international economics as well as environmental, resource and energy economics in close cooperation with practical partners. In terms of content, students benefit in particular from the expertise of the economic fields of competence CURE and CISE as well as CEIT, which is located at the interface between business administration and economics. The programme is based on the current state of international research and also includes interdisciplinary skills for conducting and presenting scientific analyses and personal development. A wide range of practical contacts and a high level of practical relevance in teaching provide optimal preparation for a quick career start.
You study economics in combination with another subject.
The Bachelor’s programme in Economics, specialisation VWL, deals with questions such as …
- What are the advantages and dangers of globalisation?
- How can successful economic activity and environmental protection be reconciled?
- How can pensions really be made secure?
- Should solar power, wind power or other energy sources be promoted by the state?
- How can we best help poorer countries in their economic development?

This degree programme is unique because it allows for diverse combinations of economics with other subjects.
Possible for the winter and summer semester
- Summer semester: 15 January
- Winter semester: 15 July
- Summer semester: 15 March
- Winter semester: 15 September
There is a local NC
… is German and English
- Great freedom in the choice of modules
- More than 20 chairs
- International Summer & Spring School
- Semester abroad possible worldwide
- Voluntary internship
… must be studied with a second subject
START programme & introductory week at the beginning of the lecture period
If you have general questions about this degree programme, please contact the Student Advisory Service:
Dipl.-Ök. Michèle Lorraine Teufel
Beauftragte für Studienangelegenheiten
Phone: 0234 3222687
Kim Docter, M.A.
Phone: 0234 3222762
E-Mail: wiwi-studium@rub.de
Room: GD 03/229
Here you will find the office hours of the Student Advisory Service; office hours are currently by appointment only (by phone or email).
Is a degree in economics the right one for me? – The „RUB-Check Wiwi“ to help you decide!
Those who would like to study this degree programme,
- good analytical skills
- basic knowledge of the English language
- economic issues from financial market regulation to environmental economics
- the mathematical and statistical basics of modern economics.
- in ministries
- in public administration
- in international economic organisations
- in political consulting

Bachelor of Arts - Economics (Two-subject degree program)
Dipl.-Ök. Michèle Lorraine Teufel
Beauftragte für Studienangelegenheiten
Phone: 0234 3222687
Kim Docter, M.A.
Phone: 0234 3222762
Room: GD 03/229
E-Mail: wiwi-studium@rub.de