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Welcome to the students page of the Faculty of Management and Economics of the Ruhr-Universität Bochum.

Info about the start of studies in the summer semester 2025

The Faculty of Management and Economics welcomes all first-year students! We offer a comprehensive program to help you get off to a good start. Even before the first week of lectures, you will get to know your fellow students and some of our lecturers, discover the campus with the most important places for your studies and receive all the important information about creating your timetable, an overview of the courses in the first semester and lots of useful tips and information about studying business and economics. Participation in these events is therefore highly recommended! Welcome event of the Faculty of...

The faculty has implemented different Moodle courses for each study programme. In the Moodle courses important information will be shared and students have the possibility to ask questions and interact with each other in the discussion forum. We therefore recommend all students to sign in for the respective Moodle course. To do so just send an email to wiwi-studium@rub.de to receive the password for your course.

Quicklinks for Students:

Introductory Courses

START-Programm der Fachschaft

Mehr Infos

Mandatory Counselling

At enrolment you need to prove that you have attended a mandatory counseling session with the student counsellor. Applicants will be informed via email about the date of counselling at the latest after he or she will accept the admission.

Student advisory service

Student advisory for all questions concerning a general interest of studying at the Faculty of Management and Economics, programme requirements, start of studies, course planning advice for students, counselling regarding doubts of study and alternatives

Michèle Lorraine Teufel

Kim Docter, M.A.

Representative for Study Matters

Student Counsellor

Room: GD 03/229

Office hours:
Consulting hours by appointment (by phone or mail) only.

Room: GD 03/229

Office hours: 
Consulting hours by appointment (by phone or mail) only.

Michèle Lorraine Teufel

Room: GD 03/229

Office hours:
currently by appointment only (by phone or mail)

Kim Docter, M.A.

Room: GD 03/229

Office hours:
currently by appointment only (by phone or mail)

Further contact persons

Student Organisations

Fachschafts­initiative Wirtschafts­wissenschaft
Akademischer Börsenverien e.V.
AIESEC Hochschulgruppe Bochum
Bund deutscher Volks- und Betriebswirte e.V. (bdvb)
bonding - Hochschulgruppe Bochum

Special programmes for students

International Summer School & Spring School

Bochum International Summer School & Spring School

Bochum International Summer School & Spring School Summer/Spring School with international guest lecturers for Bachelor and Master students of the Faculty of Economics. Further information and the current course programme can be found here:
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In the Buddy Programme of the Faculty of Business and Economics, students of higher semesters accompany first-year students in the Bachelor's programme in planning their first semester and give tips on how to organise their studies.
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With the establishment of the CEIT, a central interface for regional research and practice has been created that bundles ideas and future perspectives from the fields of entrepreneurship, innovation and transformation and networks actors with each other.
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(Project) Internships-Modul

(Project) Internships-Modul

Information on the module "Projects in Science and Practice" (project internship) can be found here:
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Internship Office

Internship Office

On the pages of the Internship Office of the Faculty you will find a lot of information about internships during your studies as well as current announcements.
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Career prospects

Career prospects

On the RUB website you will find a variety of current job and internship offers:
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Santander Entrepreneurial Idea Competition

Santander Entrepreneurial Idea Competition

Information on the Santander Bank Entrepreneurial Idea Competition can be found here:
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Universitätsallianz Ruhr

Together with the TU Dortmund and the University of Duisburg-Essen, the RUB forms the University Alliance Ruhr. Students can attend various modules of the two other universities. Details on the procedure can be found here:
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Scholarships & Prizes

Scholarships & Prizes

On these pages you will find information about the RUB's Germany Scholarship and the ZONTA-WIWI Prize of the Faculty of Economics.
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International Summer School & Spring School

Bochum International Summer School & Spring School

Bochum International Summer School & Spring School Summer/Spring School with international guest lecturers for Bachelor and Master students of the Faculty of Economics. Further information and the current course programme can be found here:
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With the establishment of the CEIT, a central interface for regional research and practice has been created that bundles ideas and future perspectives from the fields of entrepreneurship, innovation and transformation and networks actors with each other.
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Internship Office

Internship Office

On the pages of the Internship Office of the Faculty you will find a lot of information about internships during your studies as well as current announcements.
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Santander Entrepreneurial Idea Competition

Santander Entrepreneurial Idea Competition

Information on the Santander Bank Entrepreneurial Idea Competition can be found here:
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Scholarships & Prizes

Scholarships & Prizes

On these pages you will find information about the RUB's Germany Scholarship and the ZONTA-WIWI Prize of the Faculty of Economics.
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In the Buddy Programme of the Faculty of Business and Economics, students of higher semesters accompany first-year students in the Bachelor's programme in planning their first semester and give tips on how to organise their studies.
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(Project) Internships-Modul

(Project) Internships-Modul

Information on the module "Projects in Science and Practice" (project internship) can be found here:
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Career prospects

Career prospects

On the RUB website you will find a variety of current job and internship offers:
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Universitätsallianz Ruhr

Together with the TU Dortmund and the University of Duisburg-Essen, the RUB forms the University Alliance Ruhr. Students can attend various modules of the two other universities. Details on the procedure can be found here:
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Current news for (prospective) students

Start of Semester, Studies
Info about the start of studies in the summer semester 2025
July 18, 2024
Dekanat, Studies
Studentische Beteiligung an der Reakkreditierung von EPC & Sales Management
November 23, 2021
Start of Semester, Students
Info on the start of the summer semester 2021 for students​
September 29, 2021


Frequently asked questions & answers

All study programs of our faculty have a flexible Numerus Clausus (NC). Therefore, the NC can be different each semester. You can find an overview of all NC values of the past semesters for the bachelor degree programs here and for the master degree programs here.


All bachelor programs can be started in both the winter and summer semesters. The bachelor program in Management and Economics is particularly designed in such a way so that students who begin their studies in the summer semester will not be disadvantaged in their further studies. Please note that for the 2-subject bachelor you have to apply for both subjects separately! Other deadlines and conditions may apply for the second subject. Therefore, please inform yourself about deadlines and conditions in advance at the respective faculties.


The application deadline for all bachelor programs in economics is July 15 for the winter semester and January 15 for the summer semester. You can apply online via Hochschulstart and the application portal of the Ruhr-Universität Bochum. Please note that for the 2-subject bachelor you have to apply for both subjects separately! Other deadlines and conditions may apply for the second subject. Therefore, please inform yourself in advance at the respective faculties.


In order to be able to apply for a higher semester, you must first have yourself classified in a higher semester by our examination office. You need credited modules of at least 15 ECTS to be classified for the second semester. Contact details and opening hours of the examination office can be found here.

Previously completed coursework from other degree programs may be credited to your studies at the Faculty of Management and Economics. Please contact the examination office of our faculty and submit your transcript of records and, if applicable, the corresponding module descriptions. Please note that the recognition of academic achievements may take some time.

Unfortunately, an apprenticeship completed prior to the study program cannot be credited for the study program in any form.

It may be possible to be admitted to a bachelor program without a high school diploma. Please contact the central student advisory service of the RUB directly for more information.