Info about the start of studies in the summer semester 2025

The faculty has implemented different Moodle courses for each study programme. In the Moodle courses important information will be shared and students have the possibility to ask questions and interact with each other in the discussion forum. We therefore recommend all students to sign in for the respective Moodle course. To do so just send an email to wiwi-studium@rub.de to receive the password for your course.
Quicklinks for Students:
Mandatory Counselling
At enrolment you need to prove that you have attended a mandatory counseling session with the student counsellor. Applicants will be informed via email about the date of counselling at the latest after he or she will accept the admission.
Student advisory service
Student advisory for all questions concerning a general interest of studying at the Faculty of Management and Economics, programme requirements, start of studies, course planning advice for students, counselling regarding doubts of study and alternatives

Dipl.-Ök. Michèle Lorraine Teufel
Kim Docter, M.A.
Representative for Study Matters
Student Counsellor
Office hours:
Consulting hours by appointment (by phone or mail) only.
Office hours:
Consulting hours by appointment (by phone or mail) only.

Dipl.-Ök. Michèle Lorraine Teufel
Office hours:
currently by appointment only (by phone or mail)

Kim Docter, M.A.
Office hours:
currently by appointment only (by phone or mail)
Further contact persons
Student Organisations
Fachschaftsinitiative Wirtschaftswissenschaft
Akademischer Börsenverien e.V.
AIESEC Hochschulgruppe Bochum
Bund deutscher Volks- und Betriebswirte e.V. (bdvb)
bonding - Hochschulgruppe Bochum
Special programmes for students
International Summer School & Spring School
Bochum International Summer School & Spring School
(Project) Internships-Modul
(Project) Internships-Modul
Internship Office
Internship Office
Career prospects
Career prospects
Santander Entrepreneurial Idea Competition
Santander Entrepreneurial Idea Competition
Universitätsallianz Ruhr
Scholarships & Prizes
Scholarships & Prizes
International Summer School & Spring School
Bochum International Summer School & Spring School
Internship Office
Internship Office
Santander Entrepreneurial Idea Competition
Santander Entrepreneurial Idea Competition
Scholarships & Prizes
Scholarships & Prizes
(Project) Internships-Modul
(Project) Internships-Modul
Career prospects
Career prospects
Universitätsallianz Ruhr
Current news for (prospective) students
Frequently asked questions & answers
All study programs of our faculty have a flexible Numerus Clausus (NC). Therefore, the NC can be different each semester. You can find an overview of all NC values of the past semesters for the bachelor degree programs here and for the master degree programs here.
All bachelor programs can be started in both the winter and summer semesters. The bachelor program in Management and Economics is particularly designed in such a way so that students who begin their studies in the summer semester will not be disadvantaged in their further studies. Please note that for the 2-subject bachelor you have to apply for both subjects separately! Other deadlines and conditions may apply for the second subject. Therefore, please inform yourself about deadlines and conditions in advance at the respective faculties.
The application deadline for all bachelor programs in economics is July 15 for the winter semester and January 15 for the summer semester. You can apply online via Hochschulstart and the application portal of the Ruhr-Universität Bochum. Please note that for the 2-subject bachelor you have to apply for both subjects separately! Other deadlines and conditions may apply for the second subject. Therefore, please inform yourself in advance at the respective faculties.
In order to be able to apply for a higher semester, you must first have yourself classified in a higher semester by our examination office. You need credited modules of at least 15 ECTS to be classified for the second semester. Contact details and opening hours of the examination office can be found here.
Previously completed coursework from other degree programs may be credited to your studies at the Faculty of Management and Economics. Please contact the examination office of our faculty and submit your transcript of records and, if applicable, the corresponding module descriptions. Please note that the recognition of academic achievements may take some time.
Unfortunately, an apprenticeship completed prior to the study program cannot be credited for the study program in any form.
It may be possible to be admitted to a bachelor program without a high school diploma. Please contact the central student advisory service of the RUB directly for more information.
As a first semester student, you have many questions and are unsure how to actually begin your studies. This is exactly why we recommend that all first-year students attend the introductory events offered by the student council and the faculty. The dates for these can be found on the faculty homepage.
In the Management & Economics study program, a good knowledge of accounting is required. Especially for the compulsory course about annual financial statements (Jahresabschluss), previous knowledge is an advantage, which is why attendance of the preliminary course is highly recommended.
The preliminary course Finanzbuchhaltung is primarily aimed at students who have no previous knowledge in the field of accounting. However, first-year students who already have prior accounting knowledge are also strongly recommended to attend the course in order to successfully complete the module Jahresabschluss. The preliminary course takes place before the start of the summer semester, since the module Jahresabschluss is offered during the summer semester. Students who start their studies in the winter semester can take the preliminary course before the following summer semester. Attendance of the preliminary course is voluntary. It is not necessary to register for the course; you may simply show up on the dates listed. Please see Dr. Wischermann’s website for current dates and additional course information.
The START program was developed especially for all first-year students of the bachelor and master programs of the Faculty of Management and Economics and is intended to give first-year students a first orientation. The event clarifies basic questions on the topics of the study content, timetable, course of studies, registration procedures, and more. The START program is organized by the Student Council of the field management and economics. The current dates and information can be found here.
The introductory course is aimed at first-semester students of the bachelor program in Management and Economics as well as the 2-bachelor programs with a focus on management or economics. In this event, you will receive important information about the Faculty of Management and Economics and its facilities as well as explanations of the curriculum, study structure and planning of examinations. In addition, you will be familiarized with the contents of the economical subfields and introduced to basic concepts and issues of economics by means of a case study. The introductory course helps you to gain an overview of the study program. In an introduction to the technique of scientific work, you will also receive information and advice on the various courses, literature study and the preparation of written work.
The current dates and further additional information, can be found here.
If your questions were not answered in the introductory lectures or if new questions arise during the first weeks of the lecture period, please do not hesitate to contact the Student Advisory Service of the Faculty of Management and Economics. You can contact the Student Advisory Service via email, telephone or in person. You can find the office hours and current information here.
All modules of the foundation phase should be completed after the 4th semester at the latest. If you have not yet fully completed modules from the basic phase in the 5th semester or a higher semester, you may not take any further compulsory elective modules. According to § 19 (3), the examination regulations state that admission to compulsory elective modules in the fifth or higher subject semester of the student requires the successful completion of all modules of the basic phase intended for the first and second semester. Exceptions to this are students who have changed their place of study and those who have changed their subject of study. These students must complete the modules of the first and second semesters as soon as possible, but at the latest within three semesters, provided that no corresponding credits are awarded. Otherwise, they shall be barred from further examinations in the elective modules until these requirements are met. The disqualification for the elective modules ends as soon as you have successfully completed all modules of the basic phase.
No. The compulsory modules oft he basic phase do not count tos any specialization.
If you have questions about your course of study, the selection of modules, or specializations, you can always contact the Student Advisory Service. Office hours and contact details can be found on the homepage.
You can choose more than one specialization, provided that you achieve at least 40 credit points in the corresponding modules. You can also read this in the examination regulations, where it says under § 4 (6): “Specializations are possible. A specialization is the combination of several elective modules of the profiling phase into one study focus. The specialization is achieved when at least 40 credit points have been successfully completed in the modules required to achieve the respective specialization.
For the “Studium Generale” you have to pass an exam from a non-business course offered by the Ruhr-Universität Bochum, providing 5 ECTS. The credits (5 ECTS) can also be achieved through several different examinations, which then add up to 5 ECTS. Modules with economic contents cannot be credited as „Studium Generale“. The module selection for the „Studium Generale“ can not chosen from the offer of the optional area (Optionalbereich) of the RUB. This is primarily aimed at students of the 2-subject bachelor. Please contact the deparment of the Optionalbereich directly to find out whether it is possible to participate in any of these modules and if capacities are available. Please ask the examination office about the creditability of the module you have selected.
The module “Studium Generale” is a compulsory module of the profiling phase and can therefore be taken during a semester of suspension. Please note that you must have successfully completed the “Studium Generale” before you can register for the bachelor thesis.
Students of the Ruhr-Universität Bochum can participate in examinations of the TU Dortmund and the Universität Duisburg-Essen within the framework of the UA Ruhr. Crediting is possible in particular due to the extensive elective areas in the master program. Compulsory modules cannot be completed at other UA Ruhr universities. In order to be able to participate in a module, you must first coordinate the crediting with our Examination Office. You are welcome to ask the Head of the Examination Office and the Student Advisory Service for advice at any time. Further information as wells an overview of all approved modules can be found here.
No. Modules that you can take within the framework of the UA Ruhr are elective modules and are evaluated just as elective modules at the Faculty of Management and Economics of the RUB. In the case of a semester of suspension, you must complete the modules of the basic phase before you are allowed to take further elective modules or elective modules. According to § 19 (3), the examination regulations state that admission to compulsory elective modules in the fifth or higher subject semester of the student requires the successful completion of all modules of the basic phase intended for the first and second semester. Exceptions to this are students who have changed their place of study and those who have changed their subject of study. These students must take the module examinations of the first and second semesters as soon as possible, but within three semesters at the latest, unless credits are awarded. Otherwise, they shall be excluded from further examinations in the elective modules until these requirements are met.
No. Modules and credit points that you acquire within the framework of the UA Ruhr cannot be assigned to any specialization of the economics degree programs at RUB.
It is possible to take up to 20 ECTS more in the Bachelor’s program. However, the following regulation applies (cf. Examination Regulations § 9 (2)): “As soon as a total of 180 credit points have been achieved in the Bachelor’s examination, no further credit points can be acquired from the modules to be completed according to the study plan. As long as 180 credit points have not yet been achieved, registration for module examinations can occur to the extent that a maximum of 200 credit points will be achieved if the module examinations are passed. The credit points exceeding the required 180 credit points are included in the calculation of the overall grade.
The Examination Office of the Faculty of Business and Economics will issue you a Transcript of Records (= overview of achievements) at any time. The opening hours of the examination office can be found on the homepage.
If you want to change a bachelor or master program within the faculty, you have to apply for the desired program in the regular way. If you have already earned at least 15 ECTS in your current program, you can (additionally) apply for a higher semester. In order to do this, you must be classified in the appropriate semester by our examination office. Alternatively, or in the event that you do not obtain the corresponding credit points, you can apply for the first semester. Please note the different application deadlines for the first and higher semesters.
If you are currently studying at another university or at another faculty of the RUB, it will be previously checked (in the case of a change in the master program) whether you meet the admission requirements for the respective master program. If this is the case, you can apply for the first or higher semester (see above). If you do not meet the admission requirements, we cannot offer you a place. Information on the individual admission requirements of the degree programs can be found on the faculty homepage and in the examination regulations of the respective degree program for which you wish to apply.
Yes. If you change to another degree program in the first semester, this is usually considered a drop-out from your first degree program. In many cases, this will end your eligibility for BAFöG. Therefore, please contact your BAFöG office before you plan to change programs.
If you have technical problems, first follow the steps on the Flexnow FAQ website.
If the questions cannot be answered there, please contact the technical support of the FlexNow examination administration.
After the official registration period has expired, it is no longer possible to register for exams and thus to participate. Please contact the Examinations Office for further information.
Once an exam is considered passed, it is not possible to repeat it. Also to be read in the examination regulations § 10 (1) which state that, individual partial module examinations can neither be repeated nor remedied. In the case of failed module examinations, a hardship application can be submitted in an emergency in order to receive a further examination attempt. However, in order for this to be granted, a valid reason must be given, concerning, for example, the death of a close relative or the sudden occurrence of health problems. Secondary jobs or exam anxiety, as well as a self-justifiable reason, do not apply. Further information can be obtained directly from the Examinations Office.
In the bachelor program Management and Economics, you have the possibility to repeat an exam that was graded worse than “sufficient” (4.0). According to the examination regulations § 10 (2), the following regulation applies:
a. If a module examination is graded worse than “sufficient” (4.0), a) the same module with the associated module examination can be repeated once.
b. A econd repeat can be carried out for a maximum of three compulsory modules.
c. The candidate can take an alternative module within the framework of the compulsory elective modules.
- This means that you can participate in a maximum of three examination attempts in a total of three compulsory modules. We strongly recommend that students who find themselves in a situation where they are faced with a second or third examination attempt contact the Student Advisory Service and seek advice in advance.
Under § 19 (2), the examination regulations clearly state that the basic phase is not successfully completed if a module examination has been evaluated worse than “sufficient” (4.0) and can no longer be repeated. Therefore, provided that you have definitively failed only one module examination, the basic phase is considered to have been failed. This means that you have lost the examination entitlement in this subject. In this case § 19 (4) applies, stating that the course of study is definitively failed and the chairperson of the examination board shall issue the candidate with a written notification of this […], if the foundation phase has finally not been successfully completed or if the examination entitlement has been lost by other means. We strongly recommend students who find themselves in a situation where they are facing a second or third examination attempt to contact the Student Advisory Service and seek advice in advance.
In Germany, it is normal to work while studying and many students have a part-time job. Even as a foreign student, you are generally allowed to seek employment and have a part-time job during your studies and thus earn some extra money. The pursuit of employment or a part-time job however, depends on your legal status in Germany. For more information on employment alongside your studies according to your specific status, kindly check the information on the website of our International Office: https://international.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/en/working-international-student
Mainly, you have to search for an internship position on your own. There are several ways to find open positions for internships:
- The website of the Internship Office and the Career Center are updated regularly:
- Stellenwerk Bochum
- Online job portals, e.g. Stepstone.de, Monster.de, Jobtopus.de
- Student organizations, e.g. AISEC for internships abroad
- Job fairs, e.g. the Stellenwerk job fair in the Audimax of the RUB, or the Bonding company contact fair
The Internship Office of the faculty will support and advise you and help you to shortlist a suitable internship position. On the Internship Office website you will also find many helpful tips on the topic of internships and internship contracts.
You will need to keep a record of the hours worked per week. A template for this as well as further information can be found on the pages of the Internship Office.
Yes. In order to have a working student activity recognized as an internship, at least 320 working hours must have been completed. These must be writtenly confirmed by the employer. In addition, an activity record of the weekly schedule (in bullet points) must be filled out. A template for this, as well as further information, can be found on the website of the Internship Office.
Unfortunately, an internship completed prior to your studies cannot be credited to your studies either as a course credit or as a mandatory internship (for the bachelor program in Management and Economics).
You have to registrate for the bachelor thesis via the bachelor thesis organization system of the Faculty of Management and Economics, abbreviated “WiWi-BOS”. Please note that registration is only possible on certain dates in each semester. Therefore, please inform yourself in advance about which period is suitable for you. You can find the next dates and further information here.
No. On the day of your last exam, you are officially no longer a student. However, it may take some time before you are exmatriculated. Please contact the the Office of Student Affairs of the RUB directly for more detailed information.
Yes. However, the semester amount will be refunded to you. Please contact the Office of Student Affairs of the RUB directly.
The application deadline for all master programs in economics is July 15 for the winter semester and January 15 for the summer semester. The exception is the M.Sc. Finance, Accounting, Auditing, Controlling and Taxation (FAACT). For this program it is only possible to apply for in the winter semester. The application is done online via the application portal of the Ruhr-Universität Bochum.
It is possible to apply for one or more master programs even without a bachelor certificate or bachelor degree. If you have earned at least 150 ECTS credits, the Transcript of Records is sufficient for the application. More detailed information on the application procedure and the necessary documents can also be found here.
Yes. All successfully completed modules of the Bachelor’s program are taken into account for the equivalency examination.
No. Waiting semesters are not taken into account in the allocation of study places for all master programs. The decisive criteria are solely the subject-specific admission requirements and the bachelor’s grade or the most recent average grade (if you apply with a Transcript of Records).
No. All required credit points in the individual areas must be met by the end of the application or verification period in order to participate in the admission process.
A German Abitur is sufficient as proof of English as long as you have taken at least 8 years of continuous English lessons. Usually there is a note on the Abitur certificate about the level you have reached, e.g. B2.
Yes. If you would like to apply for multiple degree programs, you must submit a new online application for each degree program. Please check that you have uploaded the appropriate documents or attachments for each degree program.