Distributional Bargaining and the Speed of the Structural Change in the Labour-Surplus Petroleum Exporting Countries, The European Journal of Development Research 31(1): 51-98.
Cyclical Development of Economic Systems and Perspectives of Global Capitalism (in Russian). Возрождение XXI Век 3(37): 91-102, (Scientific Journal of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan), Baku
Oil Strategy of Azerbaijan and Socio-Economic Development Problems, in: Neft və Azərbaycanın sosial-iqtisadi inkişaf problemləri, National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan, British Petroleum, Baku
Oil Strategy of Azerbaijan and Socio-Economic Development Problems, in: Neft və Azərbaycanın sosial-iqtisadi inkişaf problemləri, National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan, British Petroleum, Baku
Income Inequality and Status Symbols: The Case of Fine Wine Imports. Together with Britta Niklas. Journal of Wine Economics 14(4): 365-372.
(2021) What Drives Public Debt Growth? A Focus on Natural Resources, Sustainability, and Development. Forthcoming in International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy 11(5): 614-621.
(2021) Governance matters. Fieldwork analysis of participatory budgeting, voting, and development from Campania, Italy. Forthcoming in Journal of Public Affairs.
Wirth, J./Küting, P./Dusemond, M. (2021), DAX30-Goodwill-Bilanzierung in Zeiten von COVID-19 – zugleich ein (erneutes) Plädoyer für die Wiedereinführung einer planmäßigen Abschreibung, in: Der Betrieb (DB), 74. Jg. (2021), S. 1281-1291.
Ursachen des Offenlegungsdefizits von Jahresabschlüssen nach dem EHUG – Ergebnisse einer empirischen Untersuchung
Theorie und Praxis des Value Reporting am Beispiel der Prognoseberichterstattung im Konzernlagebericht
The Influence of Firm-Specific Characteristics on the Extent of Voluntary Disclosure in XBRL: An Empirical Analysis of SEC Filings
The Role of Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) as Intermediaries in the European Union Decision to Adopt International Accounting Standards
Unternehmenskommunikation und Informationsbedürfnisse von Kapitalmarktteilnehmern – Eine empirische Analyse von Analystenkonferenzen der DAX30-Unternehmen
The Dissemination of Firm Information via Company Register Websites: Country-level Empirical Evidence
Digitale Finanzberichterstattung in (i)XBRL – Empirische Analyse zur Taxonomienutzung von US-amerikanischen Unternehmen
Countries’ Adoption of the International Financial Reporting Standard for Small and Medium-sized Entities (IFRS for SMEs) – Early Empirical Evidence
The Benefits of Structured Data across the Information Supply Chain: Initial Evidence on XBRL Adoption and Loan Contracting of Private Firms
Entry and Capital Structure Mimicking in Concentrated Markets: the Role of Incumbents’ Financial Disclosures
Mitigating climate change via food consumption and food waste: A systematic map of behavioral interventions
Transnational Corporations and Repression of Political Rights and Civil Liberties: An Empirical Analysis
Consequences of Economic Partnership Agreements Between East and Southern African Countries and the EU for Inter- and Intra-regional Integration
Should Caribbean Countries Sign an Economic Partnership Agreement Mit the EU? Expected Challenges and Strategic Options
The Social-psychological Perspective on Executive Compensation: Evidence from a two-tier Board System
Budgetary Slack under Budget based Incentive Schemes – the Behavioral Impact of Social Preferences, Organizational Justice, and Moral Disengagement
The Impact of Double Taxation Treaties on Foreign Direct Investment: Evidence from Large Dyadic Panel Data
Do Trade and Investment Agreements Lead to More FDI? Accounting for Key Provisions Inside the Black Box
What Drives FDI from Non-traditional Sources? A Comparative Analysis of the Determinants of Bilateral FDI Flows