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Salm, M., und A. Wübker (2023). Do higher hospital reimbursement prices improve quality of care? Applied Economics, forthcoming.
Tauchmann, H., & Wübker, A. (2023). Weight Loss and Sexual Activity in adult Obese Individuals: Establishing a Causal Link. Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik, forthcoming.
Bachmann, R., M. Gonschor, T. Korfhage und A. Wübker (2022), Covid-19 and Life Satisfaction across Europe. Applied Economics Letters
Hafner, L., H. Tauchmann und A. Wübker (2021), Does Moderate Weight Loss Affect Subjective Health Perception in Obese Individuals? Evidence from Field Experimental Data. Empirical Economics 61 : 2293-2333.
Hentschker, C. und A. Wübker (2020), Quasi-experimental evidence on the effectiveness of heart attack treatment in Germany. Applied Economics (forthcoming)
Salm, M. und A. Wübker (2020), Do hospitals respond to decreasing prices by supplying more services?. Health Economics 29 (2): 209-222.