The CEIT celebrates the acceptance of three papers for this year’s AOM Conference: “Stuck in the Middle: A Meta-Analysis on Innovation in Virtual Teams and the Role of Media Richness” by Matthias Sinnemann and Matthias Weiss (both CEIT), “A Meta-Analysis of Entrepreneurial Ecosystems and their Effects on Entrepreneurial Activity” by Martin Queißner (CEIT), Lennard Stolz (Leibniz Universität Hannover), and Matthias Weiss (CEIT), and “How do entrepreneurial teams manage adversity? A qualitative study during the COVID-19 pandemic” by Caroline Becker (CEIT), Silja Hartmann (FU Berlin), Kyle Brykman (University of Windsor), and Matthias Weiss (CEIT). The latter paper was also selected for the Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings. Special congratulations to Caroline, Martin und Matthias, for whom this will be the first presentation at AOM.