Ways to Improve Hospital Quality-A Health System Perspective; Comment on “Hospitals Bending the Cost Curve With Increased Quality: A Scoping Review Into Integrated Hospital Strategies”
Cream skimming by health care providers and inequality in health care access: Evidence from a randomized field experiment.
Der kausale Zusammenhang zwischen Zahl der Fälle und Behandlungsqualität in der Krankenhausversorgung: Eine Evaluation unter Berücksichtigung von Mindestmengen und Erreichbarkeiten (MINVOL)
Demographic Change in the EU, the Oldest-old and the Need for Innovative Models of More Efficient Elderly Care
Der kausale Zusammenhang zwischen Zahl der Fälle und Behandlungsqualität in der Krankenhausversorgung
Cost of care of Agitation and Agression associated to dementia in 8 European Countries: results from the Right Time Place Care (RTPC) study
Costs of care for people with dementia just before and after nursing home placement: primary data from 8 European countries
Informal Dementia Care: Consequences for Caregivers´ Health and Health Care Use in 8 European Countries
Introducing Risk Adjustment and Free Health Plan Choice in Employer-Based Health Insurance: Evidence from Germany
Costs of care of agitation associated to dementia in 8 European countries: results from the RightTimePlaceCare study
Volume-outcome relationship and minimum volume regulations in the German hospital sector – Evidence from nationwide administrative hospital data for the year 2005-2007
Versorgungsplanung für Menschen mit Demenz am Übergang von der Häuslichkeit ins Pflegeheim: der „Balance-of-Care“-Ansatz im RightTimePlaceCare-Projekt in Deutschland
Emergency department and hospital admissions among people with dementia living at home or in nursing homes: results of the European RightTimePlaceCare project on their frequency, associated factors and costs
Does Moderate Weight Loss Affect Subjective Health Perception in Obese Individuals? Evidence from Field Experimental Data
The impact of private for-profit hospital ownership on costs and quality of care – evidence from Germany