A new article "Mobile Phone Network Expansion and Agricultural Income: A Panel Study" has now been published with open access in Agricultural Economics. Please find a link to the original article here: (2023)Mobile Phone Network Expansion and Agricultural Income: A Panel Study
(2025) Perception and Protection: The Effect of Risk Exposure on Demand for Index Insurance in Mongolia
(2025) Perception and Protection: The Effect of Risk Exposure on Demand for Index Insurance in Mongolia
Willingness-to-pay for parametric weather insurance in Vietnam
(2024) The Impact of Weather Risk on Tenure Security: Evidence from Smallholder Farmers in Tanzania
(2024) The Impact of Weather Risk on Tenure Security: Evidence from Smallholder Farmers in Tanzania
REP (2024): The Role of Tenure Security in Farmers’ Decision-Making on Investment in Improved Seeds: Insights from Mental Models
REP (2024): The Role of Tenure Security in Farmers’ Decision-Making on Investment in Improved Seeds: Insights from Mental Models
REP (2024): Impacts of Anticipatory Cash Transfers in the Context of Weather Disasters
Prof. Dr. Kati Krähnert
(2024)Is this land for sale? The effects of drought on land ownership in Uganda.
New Open Access Article “Mobile Phone Network Expansion and Agricultural Income: A Panel Study”
(2024)Mobile Phone Network Expansion and Agricultural Income: A Panel Study
Introduction to the seminar “Climate Change and Sustainable Development”
(WiSe) Climate Change and Sustainable Development
RUB Im Gespräch “Well insured against climate damage”
People in the Global South contribute little to climate change, but suffer greatly from its consequences. Researchers are investigating how the global community can support them. RUB Im Gespräch published an interview with Kati Krähnert. The professor of climate change and development researches from an economic perspective which climate adaptation...
(2023) A District-Level Analysis of the Effect of Risk Exposure on the Demand for Index Insurance in Mongolia
(2023) Allocation of humanitarian aid after a weather disaster
Policy Report (2011) The Legacy of Civil War: The Case of Mozambique
Policy Report (2011) Do New Opportunities Arise for Women in Post-war Countries? The Case of Rwanda
Policy Report (2014) The Impact of Extreme Weather Events on Children’s Height: Evidence from Mongolia
Policy Report (2015) Kriminalität und Innere Sicherheit: objektive Lage und Wahrnehmung durch Medien und Politik: Editorial
Policy Report (2018) Weather Index Insurance Can Help Households Recover from Extreme Weather Events
Policy Report (2018) Extreme Weather Events Drastically Reduce School Completion by Mongolian Children
Policy Report (2018) Extreme Weather Events Threaten the Livelihood of Herding Households in Mongolia
Policy Report (2021) Versicherung von Klimarisiken: Zwischen privater Vorsorge und staatlicher Intervention
(2009) Smallholder Land Access in Post-War Northern Mozambique
(2009) The Impact of Violent Conflicts on Households: What Do We Know and What Should We Know about War Widows?
(2010) Credit for What? Informal Credit as a Coping Strategy of Market Women in Northern Ghana
(2012) Assets, Shocks, and Poverty Traps in Rural Mozambique
(2016) Extreme Weather Events and Child Height: Evidence from Mongolia
(2017) The Impact of Extreme Weather Events on Education
(2017) Food Intake and the Role of Food Self-Provisioning
(2018) Does Index Insurance Help Households Recover from Disaster? Evidence from IBLI Mongolia
(2019) The Effects of Conflict on Fertility: Evidence from the Genocide in Rwanda
(2020) Patterns in Mongolian nomadic household movement derived from GPS trajectories
(2021) Insurance against extreme weather events
(2022) Sitting in the same boat: Subjective well-being and social comparison after an extreme weather event
(2022) Extreme Weather Events and Internal Migration: Evidence from Mongolia
(2022) Improving the design of climate insurance: combining empirical approaches and modelling
Research project: Rigorous Impact Evaluation of the Trigger-Based Agricultural Micro Insurance in Vietnam
New research project: Impact evaluation of an agricultural insurance in Vietnam
In this this new research project we will conduct a rigorous impact evaluation of a parametric agricultural insurance in Vietnam that can protect small farmers against climate risks, such as drought, floods, and storms. We will analyze (i) whether insurance brings the expected benefits to smallholder farm households and (ii)...
New paper: What factors determine the allocation of humanitarian aid across regions after an extreme weather event?
Mogge, L., McDonald, M., Knoth, C., Teickner, H., Purevtseren, M., Pebesma, E. & Kraehnert, K. (2023) Allocation of humanitarian aid after a weather disaster. World Development 166(106204) This paper tests whether need or political economy factors determine the allocation of humanitarian aid in the wake of the 2015/16 winter disaster...