International -
The ERASMUS programme (EuRopean Community Action Scheme for the Mobility of University Students) is a funding programme of the European Union that enables students to study abroad at a host university within the EU. Bachelor’s and Master’s students can study at a partner university with financial support for one or even two semesters abroad during their studies. All 27 EU member states and five other European countries (Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Switzerland, Turkey) participate in the programme. Find out more about whether an ERASMUS study programme is suitable for you, which ERASMUS partner universities the Faculty of Business and Economics has and how you can apply.
The Faculty of Economics and Business Administration cooperates with over 60 ERASMUS partner universities in more than 20 countries. An overview of our ERASMUS partner universities can be found here, along with the current application deadlines here. For further details on the ERASMUS exchange, our global exchange programs, and international activities, please refer to the presentation „Wege ins Ausland WiWi 2024“.
We look forward to receiving your application for an ERASMUS semester at one of our partner universities!
Administrative information on the application
- You can find an overview of the deadlines here. Unfortunately, applications not received by the deadlines cannot be considered.
- You can only apply for an exchange via our online application form. We do not accept applications by email or by post.
- To access the online application form, you must log in with your RUB login ID.
- For the success of your application it does not matter when you submit it – as long as you do it within the given deadline. All applications will be reviewed collectively after the deadline. So you don’t have to hurry and submit your application as soon as possible.
- Our aim is to give you feedback on whether we can offer you an ERASMUS place within 8 weeks of the submission deadline. You will then still have enough time to process and submit the documents necessary for your official nomination. You will receive more detailed information on these documents at the information event for ERASMUS outgoings; you will be informed of the exact date if you are accepted.
Contents of the application
- The online application form asks you for some personal and contact information. In addition, you will be asked to upload some documents. Please note that the online form only accepts PDFs with a maximum file size of 1 MB. The following documents should be uploaded:
PDF documents
- Curriculum vitae (including photo)
- Letter of motivation in English, approx. 1-2 pages long. In it you should briefly explain why you are applying for the ERASMUS programme, why you should be admitted and why you have chosen (a) specific host university(ies).
- Current Transcript of Records and previous degree certificates; Bachelor students should upload their current Transcript of Records and their Abitur certificate, Master students their current Transcript of Records and Bachelor certificate.
Please note that your current RUB Transcript of Records should be verifiable. To do this, select the option “generate (checkable)” under the menu item “data sheet” in your Flexnow access. The verifiable data sheet contains a password with which the authenticity can be checked. - Most host universities do not require an official certificate, but only recommend a certain language level. Accordingly, we do not necessarily require official certificates for your application either. If you have already taken a language test in English or the otherwise relevant national language and have a corresponding certificate, please add it to your application. If you don’t have an official certificate, you don’t have to spend money on it; we know that official certificates can cost several hundred euros and we don’t want you to spend money on an application that may or may not be successful. In this case, you can argue in your motivation letter that you already know the language for other reasons (e.g. because you have studied the language for many years at school or have spent a few months in the country, etc.) or how you plan to learn the language before you start your possible stay abroad. Our Centre for Foreign Language Education (ZFA) offers various language courses as well as international tests, such as IELTS for English, DELE for Spanish, DELF/DALF for French and Swedex for Swedish.
- You must indicate at least one and can indicate up to five preferences for host universities. You can find a list of all current ERAMUS partner universities here. You should consider the following points when choosing your preferences:
- Compatibility of the semester times of the host university with those of the RUB (should you be accepted, you can choose between a stay in the winter semester or summer semester),
- possible (official) language requirements,
- courses offered at the host university (are you interested in the modules offered, do you bring the necessary prerequisites for them, etc.).
In addition, you can access the testimonials of former ERASMUS exchange students here to get an impression of their experiences on site.
As an ERASMUS student, you do not pay tuition fees at your host university and also receive a financial allowance for the stay abroad from RUB. This grant is intended to cover the extra costs you incur during a stay abroad. The ERASMUS participating countries are divided into three groups. The following grant rates will be paid for a study visit in the academic year 2023/2024:
600 EUR/month for country group 1:
Denmark, Finland, Ireland, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Norway, Sweden, United Kingdom.
540 EUR/month for country group 2:
Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, France, Greece, Italy, Malta, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain
490 EUR/month for country group 3:
Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Republic of Northern Macedonia, Turkey.
Extra support for students with special needs, students with child(ren) or with disabilities can apply for extra funding.
Here you can find the testimonials of former ERASMUS students at the respective host universities.
Every student enrolled in one of the degree programmes offered at our faculty can apply for an ERASMUS exchange. Even if you are studying a degree programme that is partly taught at our faculty, you can apply for an ERASMUS exchange at our faculty (this applies e.g. to ECUE Master students).
Yes, due to the long application process, Bachelor students planning an ERASMUS exchange in their first Masters semesters must actually apply for this exchange during their Bachelor studies. Please note that in order to participate in the ERASMUS exchange, you must be enrolled at our faculty. Therefore, if you change your mind and end up doing your Master’s at another university or are not admitted to one of our Master’s programmes, you will not be able to participate in the Erasmus exchange, even if you were nominated one semester before.
Unfortunately not, as we cannot be sure that you will change university and be admitted to our degree programmes. To participate in an ERASMUS exchange, you must be enrolled at our faculty during the application semester and during the semester abroad.
The European Culture and Economy (ECUE) degree programme is cross-faculty. If you are an ECUE student:in and would like to take mainly or exclusively economics modules during your stay abroad, you should apply accordingly to the Faculty of Economics for a stay at one of our partner universities. However, as an ECUE student, Soe do not need to prepare our faculty’s credit transfer form. Instead, you need to discuss the chosen modules with the responsible person who will approve the credit for you.
First of all, it is a formal requirement for participating in an ERASMUS exchange that you are a RUB student:r at our faculty. Since we have no way to check this before you apply, providing a RUB email address is a small check. The RUB also provides you with an email address that you can use to manage all matters concerning your studies. Just as you communicate with us via our RUB address, we also want to communicate with you via your RUB address.
Most host universities do not require an official certificate, but only recommend a certain language level. Accordingly, we do not necessarily require official certificates for your application either. We also know that these official certificates cost several hundred euros, and we don’t want you to spend money on an application that may or may not be successful. So you can simply argue that you know the language because, for example, you studied English for many years at school or you spent a few months in the country, etc.
However, if you have taken a language test and have a corresponding certificate, please add this to your application. Our Centre for Foreign Language Education (ZFA) offers various international tests, such as IELTS for English, DELE for Spanish, DELF/DALF for French and Swedex for Swedish. Of course, this also applies if you have taken language courses at the ZFA (or an analogous university language centre) and have an official certificate.
To sum it up, you don’t have to include an official test or certificate result, but otherwise an official certificate is better than just stating that you learned the language at school or on holiday.
Some of our partner universities require language certificates from incoming students. Please find out about the requirements of your host university as early as possible so that you can prepare the certificate(s) in advance. We as the ERASMUS team of the Faculty of Business and Economics cannot issue language certificates.
The Centre for Foreign Language Education (ZFA) at RUB offers a wide range of language courses and internationally recognised language tests (IELTS, DELE, CNaVT, DELF/DALF, SWEDEX and Tisus). The ZFA also offers a DAAD language diploma, which is accepted by most universities as proof of language proficiency. You can find more information on their website.
We have not personally visited most of our ERASMUS partners, so as a rule of thumb we only have the information that the host universities themselves offer on their websites. It is best to do your own research on the partners’ websites and/or in the testimonials of former exchange students to find out more. In any case, the range of English-language modules offered at the host university can change from year to year, so it is always advisable to have a command of the local language.
You can only go to one host university from our list of partners. ERASMUS agreements take a lot of time and coordination to come about. In addition, the agreements usually develop from personal contacts between the faculties/universities. Therefore, we unfortunately cannot sign an ERASMUS agreement with every university. Even if we tried to consider individual requests, it would take so long to formalise the agreement that your studies would probably be over before the agreement came into effect. If you really want to go to a particular university, your best option is to go there as a free mover, see the information here. However, you would then not receive an ERASMUS grant and would have to organise the exchange yourself.
We are the ERASMUS team of the faculty and take care of the academic matters of your exchange. For administrative and financial matters such as Bafög / Auslandsbafög or other financial matters, the International Office is the first point of contact. If you need a certificate for your Auslandsbafög application, please contact the International Office. Normally, you must state the exact dates of your stay abroad on the Auslandsbafög form. We do not have this information (only you and the International Office have this information), so even if we wanted to, we could not sign any document or form because we do not have the information.
The AKAFÖ provides useful information about BAföG and other funding opportunities abroad.
In some very rare cases, the BAföG office explicitly requires you to submit a document in which we have to certify academically that your ERASMUS stay abroad is conducive to your further studies. In this case, you can of course contact us.
In principle, you are free to choose any module at the host university. First of all, you should check which modules are offered during your ERASMUS exchange at your host university. Please note that timetables are often created at short notice (even we at RUB do not create timetables for a year in advance). Sometimes you can only assume that a module offered in the current winter/summer semester will probably also be offered in the next winter/summer semester. After you have picked out suitable modules, you should check whether the module will be recognised when you return to Bochum (see the next questions on module recognition). We would also like to point out that it may be that some modules at your host university have participation restrictions. You should clarify this with your host university.
We only check whether your Learning Agreement is formally correct. In order to ensure that all ECTS credits are recognised when you return to RUB, please have the modules that you would like to take at the host university credited by the relevant professor of our faculty in advance. You should do this before submitting the Learning Agreement and thus before your stay abroad.
Yes, the European Union requires a minimum of 15 ECTS per semester on yourLearning Agreement. If you achieve less than 15 ECTS during your ERASMUS stay, you have to submit an informal statement to our International Office stating the reasons for the lower number of ECTS achieved. If you achieve less than 5 ECTS, the International Office may reclaim your ERASMUS grant, unless there are special circumstances beyond your control (e.g. an illness).
If you take a module at a foreign university that is equivalent to one of the modules offered at RUB, the professor teaching the comparable module at RUB must check the equivalence of the foreign module. If the foreign module is equivalent, the module will be credited with the name of the equivalent module at RUB.
If you take an economics module at the foreign university for which there is no equivalent module at RUB, the course will be credited to you as a so-called “dummy” module. To have the crediting of such a module confirmed, contact a chair that offers similar modules at our faculty.
For all foreign modules that are transferred to the RUB Transcript of Records, the grade of the module at the host university is converted into an RUB grade.
At our faculty, all modules have either 5 or 10 ECTS. It may be that your ERASMUS host university offers modules with a different number of ECTS that do not fit perfectly into this 5/10 ECTS scheme. The assessment of the ECTS credited is up to the chair that recognises the module (see also the previous question). If the module of the host university is credited to you as the equivalent RUB module, the credited ECTS correspond to the ECTS awarded for the module at RUB. If the module of the host university is credited to you as a dummy module, there are different possibilities to credit the module after consultation with the chair. For example, a 3 ECTS module at the host university can be credited to you as a 3 ECTS dummy module at RUB. In special cases, e.g. if the workload of the module at the host university is very high, it may also be possible to agree on a credit with 5 ECTS at RUB. It is also possible, for example, to have two or three 3 ECTS modules at the host university recognised together as one 5 ECTS dummy module or two 5 ECTS dummy modules at RUB, or two 7.5 ECTS modules at the host university recognised as three 5 ECTS dummy modules at RUB. The assessment and decision on appropriate crediting is the responsibility of the recognising chair.
There are different conversion systems for grading systems that do not correspond to the RUB grading system. The examination office that enters the credit in your Transcript of Records will usually use one of the available conversion tables to convert the grade fairly.
No, you do not have to. It is up to you how many modules you want to transfer to your RUB Transcript of Records.
Please refer to the footnotes of the Learning Agreement form: Study cycle: Short cycle (EQF level 5) / Bachelor or equivalent first cycle (EQF level 6) / Master or equivalent second cycle (EQF level 7) / Doctorate or equivalent third cycle (EQF level 8).
Please refer to the footnotes of the Learning Agreement form: The ISCED-F 2013 search tool is available here.
For Management, enter the code “041: Business Administration” and for Economics, enter the code “0311: Economics”. If you are in a mixed degree programme, you should enter the code that best suits you (in which of the two areas you take a majority of your courses), or you can enter both codes. If you are studying a Master’s degree only in Management or only in Economics, you should only enter the code for Management or Economics respectively.
In any case, you must always use and consistently maintain the RUB Learning Agreement. However, it may also be that your host university wants you to fill out their Learning Agreement form. In this case, you would have to keep two parallel Learning Agreements (which should of course contain the same modules). We are also happy to sign your host university’s Learning Agreement form, but only together with our RUB Learning Agreement form.
You must contact the International Office at RUB. The International Office is the right contact for all non-academic questions.
If your ERASMUS stay is only for 1 semester, it may be possible for you to extend your stay abroad by 1 semester to a total of 2 semesters:
1) First check with your local ERASMUS coordinator if the host university agrees. If yes, we are happy that you are enjoying your ERASMUS stay abroad and will usually agree, so you only need to send us an email about your intentions with proof of the host university’s agreement (e.g. a written notice, a forwarded email, etc.).
2) In order to check whether your ERASMUS grant can be extended, please also write an appropriate email to our International Office at RUB and please contact us in CC.
3) As soon as you have the preliminary agreement of all parties (ERASMUS coordinator of the host university, ERASMUS coordinator of the WiWi faculty of RUB, International Office of RUB), you have to prepare a new Learning Agreement for the second semester. Only when you have a completed Learning Agreement with all necessary module credits, we can sign it and confirm the extension of your stay.
1) Send an email in German briefly stating the reason for cancelling your ERASMUS exchange. This email should contain your name and your matriculation number. Please use a meaningful email subject, e.g. “Cancellation ERASMUS semester 20XX/20XX at [host university]”.
2) Also send an e-mail in English to your host university informing them of the cancellation of your ERASMUS stay and contact us in CC ( Again, please use a meaningful email subject, e.g. “Cancellation ERASMUS stay in 20XX/20XX”. If the host university does not email us a copy of your reply, please forward us the confirmation reply from the host university (
You need to change your Learning Agreement and clarify one or more new module credits. Note that you do not need a new Learning Agreement! There is a “During Mobility” section to enter such changes into the existing Agreement. When we have received all the new credit forms for the new modules and the amended Learning Agreement (which should already be signed by your host university), we will also sign your amended Learning Agreement.
After your ERASMUS stay, you must submit the following documents to us:
- the Learning Agreement (with all signatures and any changes)
- the Confirmation of Stay that you received from your host university
- the Transcript of Records, which you will either receive from your host university or it will send it directly to us
You also need to write an ERASMUS report about your stay abroad for our International Office. Please also send us a copy of the ERASMUS report. Once we have received or seen the four documents (Learning Agreement, Report, Confirmation of Stay and Transcript of Records), we will return the credit transfer forms you need for the Examination Office.
Once you are back from abroad, we will give you the ECTS recognition form(s) after you have submitted all the required documents to us (see previous question). Please note that it may take a few weeks for us to receive your Transcript of Records from the host university (sometimes the transcript is sent directly to you). You have to go with the credit form(s) and the Transcript of Records to the Examinations Office, which converts the grade into German grades and officially recognises the module. There is no specific deadline for this recognition. However, we recommend that you do the recognition in the semester following your stay abroad.
As a rule, you can send your documents by email as a PDF file. The only documents that need to be printed out are the application to the RUB International Office and the Learning Agreement. However, the Learning Agreement can also be scanned and sent by email if this has been agreed with your host university.
For all questions concerning academic matters, please send an email to the ERASMUS team at For questions mainly concerning administrative matters, please contact the International Office.
In this case, please send us an e-mail in which you describe the problem. In exceptional cases, we can arrange a personal appointment on site outside office hours or a telephone appointment.
You can also apply for an ERASMUS grant for an internship. Once you have found a suitable internship (please note that we cannot offer any support in finding suitable internships), you must apply for your ERASMUS grant at the RUB International Office (online application). You also need to fill out a Learning Agreement for the internship, which contains information about the internship (dates, payment, activity, goals, etc.). With this information, the ERASMUS team of the Faculty of Business and Economics checks whether the internship fits your degree programme and then signs and stamps the departmental confirmation for the internship. To have the departmental confirmation signed, please send us the following documents as a PDF file:
- Department Confirmation Form
- Learning Agreement for the internship
- Curriculum vitae
- Letter of motivation
to and we will get back to you as soon as possible. All the documents we need from you are also required for the official application for the ERASMUS grant anyway, so we do not ask you to do anything extra.
Yes, it is possible to receive an ERASMUS scholarship for an internship. Here you can find more information about the requirements and limits of the scholarship and the application procedure.

Information material
The ERASMUS programme (EuRopean Community Action Scheme for the Mobility of University Students) is a funding programme of the European Union that enables students to study abroad at a host university within the EU. Bachelor’s and Master’s students can study at a partner university with financial support for one or even two semesters abroad during their studies. All 27 EU member states and five other European countries (Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Switzerland, Turkey) participate in the programme. Find out more about whether an ERASMUS study programme is suitable for you, which ERASMUS partner universities the Faculty of Business and Economics has and how you can apply.
The Faculty of Economics and Business Administration cooperates with over 60 ERASMUS partner universities in more than 20 countries. An overview of our ERASMUS partner universities can be found here, along with the current application deadlines here. For further details on the ERASMUS exchange, our global exchange programs, and international activities, please refer to the presentation „Wege ins Ausland WiWi 2024“.
We look forward to receiving your application for an ERASMUS semester at one of our partner universities!
Administrative information on the application
- You can find an overview of the deadlines here. Unfortunately, applications not received by the deadlines cannot be considered.
- You can only apply for an exchange via our online application form. We do not accept applications by email or by post.
- To access the online application form, you must log in with your RUB login ID.
- For the success of your application it does not matter when you submit it – as long as you do it within the given deadline. All applications will be reviewed collectively after the deadline. So you don’t have to hurry and submit your application as soon as possible.
- Our aim is to give you feedback on whether we can offer you an ERASMUS place within 8 weeks of the submission deadline. You will then still have enough time to process and submit the documents necessary for your official nomination. You will receive more detailed information on these documents at the information event for ERASMUS outgoings; you will be informed of the exact date if you are accepted.
Contents of the application
- The online application form asks you for some personal and contact information. In addition, you will be asked to upload some documents. Please note that the online form only accepts PDFs with a maximum file size of 1 MB. The following documents should be uploaded:
PDF documents
- Curriculum vitae (including photo)
- Letter of motivation in English, approx. 1-2 pages long. In it you should briefly explain why you are applying for the ERASMUS programme, why you should be admitted and why you have chosen (a) specific host university(ies).
- Current Transcript of Records and previous degree certificates; Bachelor students should upload their current Transcript of Records and their Abitur certificate, Master students their current Transcript of Records and Bachelor certificate.
Please note that your current RUB Transcript of Records should be verifiable. To do this, select the option “generate (checkable)” under the menu item “data sheet” in your Flexnow access. The verifiable data sheet contains a password with which the authenticity can be checked. - Most host universities do not require an official certificate, but only recommend a certain language level. Accordingly, we do not necessarily require official certificates for your application either. If you have already taken a language test in English or the otherwise relevant national language and have a corresponding certificate, please add it to your application. If you don’t have an official certificate, you don’t have to spend money on it; we know that official certificates can cost several hundred euros and we don’t want you to spend money on an application that may or may not be successful. In this case, you can argue in your motivation letter that you already know the language for other reasons (e.g. because you have studied the language for many years at school or have spent a few months in the country, etc.) or how you plan to learn the language before you start your possible stay abroad. Our Centre for Foreign Language Education (ZFA) offers various language courses as well as international tests, such as IELTS for English, DELE for Spanish, DELF/DALF for French and Swedex for Swedish.
- You must indicate at least one and can indicate up to five preferences for host universities. You can find a list of all current ERAMUS partner universities here. You should consider the following points when choosing your preferences:
- Compatibility of the semester times of the host university with those of the RUB (should you be accepted, you can choose between a stay in the winter semester or summer semester),
- possible (official) language requirements,
- courses offered at the host university (are you interested in the modules offered, do you bring the necessary prerequisites for them, etc.).
In addition, you can access the testimonials of former ERASMUS exchange students here to get an impression of their experiences on site.
As an ERASMUS student, you do not pay tuition fees at your host university and also receive a financial allowance for the stay abroad from RUB. This grant is intended to cover the extra costs you incur during a stay abroad. The ERASMUS participating countries are divided into three groups. The following grant rates will be paid for a study visit in the academic years 2019-20 and 2020-21:
450 EUR/month for country group 1:
Denmark, Finland, Ireland, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Norway, Sweden, United Kingdom.
390 EUR/month for country group 2:
Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, France, Greece, Italy, Malta, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain
330 EUR/month for country group 3:
Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Republic of Northern Macedonia, Turkey.
Extra support for students with special needs, students with child(ren) or with disabilities can apply for extra funding.
Here you can find the testimonials of former ERASMUS students at the respective host universities.
In principle, you are free to choose any module at the host university. First of all, you should check which modules are offered during your ERASMUS exchange at your host university. Please note that timetables are often created at short notice (even we at RUB do not create timetables for a year in advance). Sometimes you can only assume that a module offered in the current winter/summer semester will probably also be offered in the next winter/summer semester. After you have picked out suitable modules, you should check whether the module will be recognised when you return to Bochum (see the next questions on module recognition). We would also like to point out that it may be that some modules at your host university have participation restrictions. You should clarify this with your host university.
We only check whether your Learning Agreement is formally correct. In order to ensure that all ECTS credits are recognised when you return to RUB, please have the modules that you would like to take at the host university credited by the relevant professor of our faculty in advance. You should do this before submitting the Learning Agreement and thus before your stay abroad.
Yes, the European Union requires a minimum of 15 ECTS per semester on yourLearning Agreement. If you achieve less than 15 ECTS during your ERASMUS stay, you have to submit an informal statement to our International Office stating the reasons for the lower number of ECTS achieved. If you achieve less than 5 ECTS, the International Office may reclaim your ERASMUS grant, unless there are special circumstances beyond your control (e.g. an illness).
If you take a module at a foreign university that is equivalent to one of the modules offered at RUB, the professor teaching the comparable module at RUB must check the equivalence of the foreign module. If the foreign module is equivalent, the module will be credited with the name of the equivalent module at RUB.
If you take an economics module at the foreign university for which there is no equivalent module at RUB, the course will be credited to you as a so-called “dummy” module. To have the crediting of such a module confirmed, contact a chair that offers similar modules at our faculty.
For all foreign modules that are transferred to the RUB Transcript of Records, the grade of the module at the host university is converted into an RUB grade.
At our faculty, all modules have either 5 or 10 ECTS. It may be that your ERASMUS host university offers modules with a different number of ECTS that do not fit perfectly into this 5/10 ECTS scheme. The assessment of the ECTS credited is up to the chair that recognises the module (see also the previous question). If the module of the host university is credited to you as the equivalent RUB module, the credited ECTS correspond to the ECTS awarded for the module at RUB. If the module of the host university is credited to you as a dummy module, there are different possibilities to credit the module after consultation with the chair. For example, a 3 ECTS module at the host university can be credited to you as a 3 ECTS dummy module at RUB. In special cases, e.g. if the workload of the module at the host university is very high, it may also be possible to agree on a credit with 5 ECTS at RUB. It is also possible, for example, to have two or three 3 ECTS modules at the host university recognised together as one 5 ECTS dummy module or two 5 ECTS dummy modules at RUB, or two 7.5 ECTS modules at the host university recognised as three 5 ECTS dummy modules at RUB. The assessment and decision on appropriate crediting is the responsibility of the recognising chair.
There are different conversion systems for grading systems that do not correspond to the RUB grading system. The examination office that enters the credit in your Transcript of Records will usually use one of the available conversion tables to convert the grade fairly.
No, you do not have to. It is up to you how many modules you want to transfer to your RUB Transcript of Records.
Please refer to the footnotes of the Learning Agreement form: Study cycle: Short cycle (EQF level 5) / Bachelor or equivalent first cycle (EQF level 6) / Master or equivalent second cycle (EQF level 7) / Doctorate or equivalent third cycle (EQF level 8).
Please refer to the footnotes of the Learning Agreement form: The ISCED-F 2013 search tool is available here.
For Management, enter the code “041: Business Administration” and for Economics, enter the code “0311: Economics”. If you are in a mixed degree programme, you should enter the code that best suits you (in which of the two areas you take a majority of your courses), or you can enter both codes. If you are studying a Master’s degree only in Management or only in Economics, you should only enter the code for Management or Economics respectively.
In any case, you must always use and consistently maintain the RUB Learning Agreement. However, it may also be that your host university wants you to fill out their Learning Agreement form. In this case, you would have to keep two parallel Learning Agreements (which should of course contain the same modules). We are also happy to sign your host university’s Learning Agreement form, but only together with our RUB Learning Agreement form.
You must contact the International Office at RUB. The International Office is the right contact for all non-academic questions.
If your ERASMUS stay is only for 1 semester, it may be possible for you to extend your stay abroad by 1 semester to a total of 2 semesters:
1) First check with your local ERASMUS coordinator if the host university agrees. If yes, we are happy that you are enjoying your ERASMUS stay abroad and will usually agree, so you only need to send us an email about your intentions with proof of the host university’s agreement (e.g. a written notice, a forwarded email, etc.).
2) In order to check whether your ERASMUS grant can be extended, please also write an appropriate email to our International Office at RUB and please contact us in CC.
3) As soon as you have the preliminary agreement of all parties (ERASMUS coordinator of the host university, ERASMUS coordinator of the WiWi faculty of RUB, International Office of RUB), you have to prepare a new Learning Agreement for the second semester. Only when you have a completed Learning Agreement with all necessary module credits, we can sign it and confirm the extension of your stay.
1) Send an email in German briefly stating the reason for cancelling your ERASMUS exchange. This email should contain your name and your matriculation number. Please use a meaningful email subject, e.g. “Cancellation ERASMUS semester 20XX/20XX at [host university]”.
2) Also send an e-mail in English to your host university informing them of the cancellation of your ERASMUS stay and contact us in CC ( Again, please use a meaningful email subject, e.g. “Cancellation ERASMUS stay in 20XX/20XX”. If the host university does not email us a copy of your reply, please forward us the confirmation reply from the host university (
You need to change your Learning Agreement and clarify one or more new module credits. Note that you do not need a new Learning Agreement! There is a “During Mobility” section to enter such changes into the existing Agreement. When we have received all the new credit forms for the new modules and the amended Learning Agreement (which should already be signed by your host university), we will also sign your amended Learning Agreement.
After your ERASMUS stay, you must submit the following documents to us:
- the Learning Agreement (with all signatures and any changes)
- the Confirmation of Stay that you received from your host university
- the Transcript of Records, which you will either receive from your host university or it will send it directly to us
You also need to write an ERASMUS report about your stay abroad for our International Office. Please also send us a copy of the ERASMUS report. Once we have received or seen the four documents (Learning Agreement, Report, Confirmation of Stay and Transcript of Records), we will return the credit transfer forms you need for the Examination Office.
Once you are back from abroad, we will give you the ECTS recognition form(s) after you have submitted all the required documents to us (see previous question). Please note that it may take a few weeks for us to receive your Transcript of Records from the host university (sometimes the transcript is sent directly to you). You have to go with the credit form(s) and the Transcript of Records to the Examinations Office, which converts the grade into German grades and officially recognises the module. There is no specific deadline for this recognition. However, we recommend that you do the recognition in the semester following your stay abroad.
As a rule, you can send your documents by email as a PDF file. The only documents that need to be printed out are the application to the RUB International Office and the Learning Agreement. However, the Learning Agreement can also be scanned and sent by email if this has been agreed with your host university.
For all questions concerning academic matters, please send an email to the ERASMUS team at For questions mainly concerning administrative matters, please contact the International Office.
In this case, please send us an e-mail in which you describe the problem. In exceptional cases, we can arrange a personal appointment on site outside office hours or a telephone appointment.
You can also apply for an ERASMUS grant for an internship. Once you have found a suitable internship (please note that we cannot offer any support in finding suitable internships), you must apply for your ERASMUS grant at the RUB International Office (online application). You also need to fill out a Learning Agreement for the internship, which contains information about the internship (dates, payment, activity, goals, etc.). With this information, the ERASMUS team of the Faculty of Business and Economics checks whether the internship fits your degree programme and then signs and stamps the departmental confirmation for the internship. To have the departmental confirmation signed, please send us the following documents as a PDF file:
- Department Confirmation Form
- Learning Agreement for the internship
- Curriculum vitae
- Letter of motivation
to and we will get back to you as soon as possible. All the documents we need from you are also required for the official application for the ERASMUS grant anyway, so we do not ask you to do anything extra.
Yes, it is possible to receive an ERASMUS scholarship for an internship. Here you can find more information about the requirements and limits of the scholarship and the application procedure.

Information material

Worldwide exchange programmes
Student exchange with the University of Wollongong (UOW) (Australia)
Each year, up to four RUB students enrolled in the Bachelor’s programme “Management and Economics” have the opportunity to spend one semester at the University of Wollongong (UOW) in Australia.
UOW is a research-intensive university with an excellent reputation for its teaching in a wide range of disciplines. UOW is a young and vibrant university and is ranked in the top 2% of universities in the world.
The city of Wollongong is one of Australia’s larger cities and is located in New South Wales, about 80 kilometres south of Sydney. The city is also known for its surfing beaches.
Courses offered
For a list of courses offered at UOW, please visit the UOW website.
Academic calendar
Autumn term: February – June
Spring semester: July – November
Costs, scholarships and funding
RUB exchange students are exempt from tuition fees at the University of Wollongong. In order to finance your living expenses, various helpful scholarship programmes are available.
For more information on funding opportunities, please contact the International Office.
The PROMOS programme (a scholarship programme of the German Academic Exchange Service) might be of particular interest and can be found here.
Information on student accommodation can be found here.
The following documents are required:
- Letter of motivation
- Curriculum vitae
- Performance overview
- Abitur certificate
Application deadlines see table “Overview Deadlines” at the bottom of this website.
Exchange with Tongji University (China)
Up to ten RUB students enrolled in one of our faculty’s Master’s programmes can spend a semester at Tongji University in Shanghai (China).
Tongji University Shanghai was founded in 1907 by the German doctor Erich Paulin, initially as a medical faculty, and has had a close relationship with Germany ever since. Today, Tongji University offers its 50,000 students a comprehensive range of subjects and is one of the most renowned universities in China.
The Bochum Faculty of Economics has been cooperating with Tongji University since the early 1980s and maintains a particularly close relationship with the Chinese-German University College CDHK, a joint institution of the German Academic Exchange Service and Tongji University. The CDHK covers the following academic disciplines: Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Automotive Engineering as well as Economics.
A special feature of the CDHK are the 23 endowed chairs, which are financed by well-known companies. These donations have made it possible to significantly improve the study conditions at the CDHK. In addition, the donors provide students with extensive industry contacts. In addition to funding from industry, the CDHK is also supported by funds from the German Foreign Office.
The lecturers at the CDHK are Chinese academics (the majority of whom have studied or completed their doctorates in Germany) and German visiting professors. The lectures are held in German and English. The lectures by the visiting professors are usually held in the form of weekly block courses. In addition to the courses offered at the CDHK, RUB students also have the opportunity to attend lectures at the School of Economics and Management (SEM) of Tongji University. These courses are held entirely in English. Please note that the focus of the courses at CDHK and SEM is on management.
Courses offered
If you are interested in the courses offered at CDHK, please check the Tongji website. For a list of courses offered at SEM, please click here.
Academic calendar
Spring semester: February – July
Autumn semester: September – January
Costs, scholarships and funding
Exchange students of the RUB are exempt from the tuition fees of Tongji University. Various helpful scholarship programmes are available to finance your living costs (estimated between 350€ and 500€).
For more information on funding opportunities, please contact the International Office.
For students interested in an exchange with Tongji University, the PROMOS programme (a scholarship programme of the German Academic Exchange Service) might be of particular interest and can be found here.
Information on student accommodation can be found here.
Interested students are asked to send their application to Prof. Dr. Bernhard Pellens and/or Dr. Martin Seidler. The following documents are required:
- Letter of motivation
- Curriculum vitae
- Official academic transcript
- Bachelor’s degree certificate
- Baccalaureate certificate
- Documents about experience abroad
More information can be found on the website here.
Application deadlines see table “Overview Deadlines” at the bottom of this website.
Student Exchange with Peking University HSBC Business School (PHBS) (China)
Two of our Master students have the opportunity to spend a semester at Peking University HSBC Business School (PHBS). PHBS was founded in 2004. On 30 August 2008, HSBC Bank donated funds to support the university. This later proved to be a successful model of education modernisation in China through the collaboration between a top university in China and a world-class financial institution.
PHBS is located in the emerging Shenzhen region and is immediately adjacent to the financial centre of Hong Kong. Together with the academic excellence of Peking University, PHBS enhances the links between Hong Kong and mainland China, and the relationship between China and the world.
Costs, scholarships and funding
Students must pay for travel and living expenses. There is no tuition fee. Detailed information on funding opportunities during study abroad is provided by the International Office and can be found here. The PROMOS programme (a scholarship programme of the German Academic Exchange Service) may be of particular interest and can be found here.
PHBS offers accommodation for international students. More information on accomodation and other information regarding a stay at the PHBS can be found here.
Academic calendar
Autumn semester: September – January
Spring semester: February – July
Further information on relevant dates is provided by the HSCB Business School and can be found here.
Courses offered
Information on courses offered can be found here.
Application process
The following documents must be submitted with the application:
Bachelor’s transcript
Official transcripts (in English)
Letter of motivation (in English)
Curriculum vitae (in English)
Application deadlines see table “Overview Deadlines” at the bottom of this website.
Worldwide exchange programmes

Student exchange with the University of Wollongong (UOW) (Australia)
Each year, up to four RUB students enrolled in the Bachelor’s programme “Management and Economics” have the opportunity to spend one semester at the University of Wollongong (UOW) in Australia.
UOW is a research-intensive university with an excellent reputation for its teaching in a wide range of disciplines. UOW is a young and vibrant university and is ranked in the top 2% of universities in the world.
The city of Wollongong is one of Australia’s larger cities and is located in New South Wales, about 80 kilometres south of Sydney. The city is also known for its surfing beaches.
Courses offered
For a list of courses offered at UOW, please visit the UOW website.
Academic calendar
Autumn term: February – June
Spring semester: July – November
Costs, scholarships and funding
RUB exchange students are exempt from tuition fees at the University of Wollongong. In order to finance your living expenses, various helpful scholarship programmes are available.
For more information on funding opportunities, please contact the International Office.
The PROMOS programme (a scholarship programme of the German Academic Exchange Service) might be of particular interest and can be found here.
Information on student accommodation can be found here.
The following documents are required:
- Letter of motivation
- Curriculum vitae
- Performance overview
- Abitur certificate
Exchange with Tongji University (China)
Up to ten RUB students enrolled in one of our faculty’s Master’s programmes can spend a semester at Tongji University in Shanghai (China).
Tongji University Shanghai was founded in 1907 by the German doctor Erich Paulin, initially as a medical faculty, and has had a close relationship with Germany ever since. Today, Tongji University offers its 50,000 students a comprehensive range of subjects and is one of the most renowned universities in China.
The Bochum Faculty of Economics has been cooperating with Tongji University since the early 1980s and maintains a particularly close relationship with the Chinese-German University College CDHK, a joint institution of the German Academic Exchange Service and Tongji University. The CDHK covers the following academic disciplines: Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Automotive Engineering as well as Economics.
A special feature of the CDHK are the 23 endowed chairs, which are financed by well-known companies. These donations have made it possible to significantly improve the study conditions at the CDHK. In addition, the donors provide students with extensive industry contacts. In addition to funding from industry, the CDHK is also supported by funds from the German Foreign Office.
The lecturers at the CDHK are Chinese academics (the majority of whom have studied or completed their doctorates in Germany) and German visiting professors. The lectures are held in German and English. The lectures by the visiting professors are usually held in the form of weekly block courses. In addition to the courses offered at the CDHK, RUB students also have the opportunity to attend lectures at the School of Economics and Management (SEM) of Tongji University. These courses are held entirely in English. Please note that the focus of the courses at CDHK and SEM is on management.
Courses offered
If you are interested in the courses offered at CDHK, please check the Tongji website. For a list of courses offered at SEM, please click here.
Academic calendar
Spring semester: February – July
Autumn semester: September – January
Costs, scholarships and funding
Exchange students of the RUB are exempt from the tuition fees of Tongji University. Various helpful scholarship programmes are available to finance your living costs (estimated between 350€ and 500€).
For more information on funding opportunities, please contact the International Office.
For students interested in an exchange with Tongji University, the PROMOS programme (a scholarship programme of the German Academic Exchange Service) might be of particular interest and can be found here.
Information on student accommodation can be found here.
Interested students are asked to send their application to Prof. Dr. Bernhard Pellens and/or Dr. Martin Seidler. The following documents are required:
- Letter of motivation
- Curriculum vitae
- Official academic transcript
- Bachelor’s degree certificate
- Baccalaureate certificate
- Documents about experience abroad
More information can be found on the website here.
Application deadlines see table “Overview Deadlines” at the bottom of this website.
Student Exchange with Peking University HSBC Business School (PHBS) (China)
Two of our Master students have the opportunity to spend a semester at Peking University HSBC Business School (PHBS). PHBS was founded in 2004. On 30 August 2008, HSBC Bank donated funds to support the university. This later proved to be a successful model of education modernisation in China through the collaboration between a top university in China and a world-class financial institution.
PHBS is located in the emerging Shenzhen region and is immediately adjacent to the financial centre of Hong Kong. Together with the academic excellence of Peking University, PHBS enhances the links between Hong Kong and mainland China, and the relationship between China and the world.
Costs, scholarships and funding
Students must pay for travel and living expenses. There is no tuition fee. Detailed information on funding opportunities during study abroad is provided by the International Office and can be found here. The PROMOS programme (a scholarship programme of the German Academic Exchange Service) may be of particular interest and can be found here.
PHBS offers accommodation for international students. More information on accomodation and other information regarding a stay at the PHBS can be found here.
Academic calendar
Autumn semester: September – January
Spring semester: February – July
Further information on relevant dates is provided by the HSCB Business School and can be found here.
Courses offered
Information on courses offered can be found here.
Application process
The following documents must be submitted with the application:
Bachelor’s transcript
Official transcripts (in English)
Letter of motivation (in English)
Curriculum vitae (in English)
Application deadlines see table “Overview Deadlines” at the bottom of this website.

Free Mover
General Information
Important information for students who want to study at a university that is not a partner university of the RUB or the Faculty of Economics (free mover) can be found on the pages of the International Office.
Learning Agreement
If your host university requires a Learning Agreement, please reach out to Katharina Haaf. The simplest way is to send the Learning Agreement via e-mail. Once the document has been reviewed and signed, it will be returned to you by e-mail.

Free Mover
General Information
Important information for students who want to study at a university that is not a partner university of the RUB or the Faculty of Economics (free mover) can be found on the pages of the International Office.
Learning Agreement
If your host university requires a Learning Agreement, please reach out to Katharina Haaf. The simplest way is to send the Learning Agreement via e-mail. Once the document has been reviewed and signed, it will be returned to you by e-mail.
Internships and university-wide exchange programmes
In addition to our exchange opportunities at the partner universities at our faculty, you can also go abroad or spend an internship abroad through other partner universities of the Ruhr-Universität via the International Office. A list of university-wide study abroad programmes and information on the application process can be found here.
An internship abroad is an excellent opportunity to gain experience in the company, to get an insight into the corporate culture of another country and to get to know the culture and language of another country. Unfortunately, we cannot support you directly in your search for an internship. However, there is the possibility of funding the internship through the Erasmus+ programme. The relevance of the internship to your field of study is important for funding. You can find more information about this on the International Office page here.
If you need confirmation of the relevance of the internship for the scholarship, for example, please contact Joana Sulaj.

Internships and university-wide exchange programmes
In addition to our exchange opportunities at the partner universities at our faculty, you can also go abroad or spend an internship abroad through other partner universities of the Ruhr-Universität via the International Office. A list of university-wide study abroad programmes and information on the application process can be found here.
An internship abroad is an excellent opportunity to gain experience in the company, to get an insight into the corporate culture of another country and to get to know the culture and language of another country. Unfortunately, we cannot support you directly in your search for an internship. However, there is the possibility of funding the internship through the Erasmus+ programme. The relevance of the internship to your field of study is important for funding. You can find more information about this on the International Office page here.
If you need confirmation of the relevance of the internship for the scholarship, for example, please contact Jan Wüstenfeld.

Summer Schools
BISS - Summer School
Every year in August, the Faculty of Business and Economics organizes the Bochum International Summer School (BISS) – an excellent opportunity for undergraduate and postgraduate students to take additional courses at the end of the semester.
As an international summer school, we are proud to host lecturers from various countries such as the USA, Denmark, France and Norway. We constantly strive to offer a balanced mix of courses in both management and economics. The guest lecturers offer courses that they normally teach at their own universities, such as business ethics, financial modelling or population economics, thus enriching the courses offered at our faculty. Each course is credited with 5 ECTS.
Besides the academic aspect, the BISS is a fantastic opportunity for you to improve your language skills, as all courses are taught in English. The number of participants is limited to 30 per course to create an intensive learning environment and allow for in-depth discussions.
The next BISS will take place August 19, 2024 – August 30, 2024.
The most up-to-date information can be found in the Moodle course “BISS”.
Preliminary timetable (As of March 6, 2024):
Date | Course | Lecturer |
August 19-23 | Empirics of Innovation and Business Clusters | Timo Mitze, Syddansk University, Denmark |
August 19-23 | Introduction into Geography of Innovation | Tom Brökel, University of Stavanger Business School, Norway |
August 19-23 | Experimental and Behavioral Approaches to Environmental Economics | Stephan Kroll, Colorado State University, USA |
August 27-31 | Organizational Behavior in Practice | Tamas Farchi, HEC, Paris, France |
Summer School at the Tongji University, China (B.Sc. & M.Sc.)

RUB students studying the Bachelor’s degree programme “Management and Economics” or the Master’s degree programmes “Management”, “Management and Economics” and “Economics” at the Faculty of Business and Economics can participate in the Summer School of the Sino-German Graduate School CDHK of Tongji University in Shanghai, one of the most renowned universities in China.
The Summer School is organised by the Technische Universität Berlin (TU Berlin) (contact: Dr Sigrun Abels).
Up to 30 students from the Tongji partner universities (TU Berlin, TU Darmstadt, TU Munich and RUB) can participate in the programme.
The Summer School takes place regularly over a period of three weeks (end of August to mid-September). In the summer semester 2024, the Summer School will take place from September 9 to September 27, 2024.
Focal points of the Summer School are: Chinese society, economy, politics, law and culture. All lectures will be held in German. The courses are also accompanied by a cultural programme and excursions to various companies.
Further information on the Summer School programme can be found here.
A certificate will be issued after successful participation and completion of the course. Students in the Bachelor’s programme at the RUB Faculty of Business Administration and Economics can acquire 5 ECTS credits through successful participation in the Summer School, which will be credited to the Chair of International Accounting.
Information on the application procedure can be found on our website here.
The application deadline for the Summer School in 2024 is May 06, 2024.
The costs for the programme (including travel and accommodation) will amount to approximately 2,840€.
The costs for the Summer School are to be financed by the students themselves.
Summer Schools
BISS - Summer School
Every year in August, the Faculty of Business and Economics organizes the Bochum International Summer School (BISS) – an excellent opportunity for undergraduate and postgraduate students to take additional courses at the end of the semester.
As an international summer school, we are proud to host lecturers from various countries such as the USA, Denmark, France and Norway. We constantly strive to offer a balanced mix of courses in both management and economics. The guest lecturers offer courses that they normally teach at their own universities, such as business ethics, financial modelling or population economics, thus enriching the courses offered at our faculty. Each course is credited with 5 ECTS.
Besides the academic aspect, the BISS is a fantastic opportunity for you to improve your language skills, as all courses are taught in English. The number of participants is limited to 30 per course to create an intensive learning environment and allow for in-depth discussions.
The next BISS will take place August 19, 2024 – August 30, 2024.
The most up-to-date information can be found in the Moodle course “BISS”.
Preliminary timetable (As of March 6, 2024):
Date | Course | Lecturer |
August 19-23 | Empirics of Innovation and Business Clusters | Timo Mitze, Syddansk University, Denmark |
August 19-23 | Introduction into Geography of Innovation | Tom Brökel, University of Stavanger Business School, Norway |
August 19-23 | Experimental and Behavioral Approaches to Environmental Economics | Stephan Kroll, Colorado State University, USA |
August 27-31 | Organizational Behavior in Practice | Tamas Farchi, HEC, Paris, France |
Summer School at the Tongji University, China (B.Sc. & M.Sc.)

RUB students studying the Bachelor’s degree programme “Management and Economics” or the Master’s degree programmes “Management”, “Management and Economics” and “Economics” at the Faculty of Business and Economics can participate in the Summer School of the Sino-German Graduate School CDHK of Tongji University in Shanghai, one of the most renowned universities in China.
The Summer School is organised by the Technische Universität Berlin (TU Berlin) (contact: Dr Sigrun Abels).
Up to 30 students from the Tongji partner universities (TU Berlin, TU Darmstadt, TU Munich and RUB) can participate in the programme.
The Summer School takes place regularly over a period of three weeks (end of August to mid-September). In the summer semester 2024, the Summer School will take place from September 9 to September 27, 2024.
Focal points of the Summer School are: Chinese society, economy, politics, law and culture. All lectures will be held in German. The courses are also accompanied by a cultural programme and excursions to various companies.
Further information on the Summer School programme can be found here.
A certificate will be issued after successful participation and completion of the course. Students in the Bachelor’s programme at the RUB Faculty of Business Administration and Economics can acquire 5 ECTS credits through successful participation in the Summer School, which will be credited to the Chair of International Accounting.
Information on the application procedure can be found on our website here.
The application deadline for the Summer School in 2024 is May 06, 2024.
The costs for the programme (including travel and accommodation) will amount to approximately 2,840€.
The costs for the Summer School are to be financed by the students themselves.
Research stays/ Sponsorship opportunities for doctoral students and lecturers
Are you a doctoral student who is thinking about going abroad for a research stay? You can get funding for this, for example, through the RUB Research School. Funding is available for research stays, but also for participation in conferences, summer schools or workshops. You can find more information about the possibilities and requirements on the Research School page here.
In addition to the RUB Research School, you can also apply for funding for a lectureship at some of our partner universities via the Erasmus+ programme.
Doctoral students also have the opportunity to do an exchange within the framework of the ERASMUS+ programme. This applies to the following partner universities of the Faculty of Business and Economics:
Burgas Free University [Bulgarski Swoboden Uniwersitet], Burgas
LUT University [Lappeenrannan teknillinen yliopisto], Lappeenranta
University Lorraine [Université de Lorraine], Nancy
University of Akureyri [Háskólinn á Akureyri], Akureyri
University Neapel Parthenope [Università degli studi di Napoli Partenope], Neapel
University Chieti-Pescara “Gabriele d’Annunzio” [Universitá degli studi “G. d’ Annunzio”], Chieti
Josip Juraj Strossmayer University [Sveučilište Josipa Jurja Strossmayera u Osijeku], Osijek
Juraj Dobrila University Pula [Sveučilište Jurja Dobrile u Puli], Pula
University Rijeka [Sveučilište u Rijeci], Rijeka
University Évora [Universidade de Évora], Evora
University Minho [Universidade do Minho], Braga/Guimarães
Bucharest University of Economic Studies [Academia de Studii Economice din București], Bukarest
Comenius-University Bratislava [Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave], Bratislava
Technical University Košice [Technická univerzita v Košiciach], Košice
Czech Republic
Technical University Brünn [Vysoké učení technické v Brně], Brünn
University of South Bohemia [Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích], Budweis
Technical University Ostrava [Vysoká škola báňská – Technická univerzita Ostrava], Ostrava
Bogaziçi University Istanbul [Boğaziçi Üniversitesi], Istanbul
University Debrecen [Debreceni Egyetem], Debrecen
University Szeged [Szegedi Tudományegyetem], Szeged
If you are interested or have any questions, please contact Johanna Meier at
The ERASMUS+ programme also supports visiting lecturers (mobility for teaching purposes) at partner universities. Funding is available for professors and lecturers with a contractual relationship to the RUB, lecturers without an endowment, teaching assistants with contracts for work, emeritus professors and retired lecturers, research assistants and company staff.
Depending on the agreement, the teaching stays last between two days and two months; the teaching load is at least eight hours per stay or per week or part thereof.
Teaching exchanges are possible at the following partner universities of the Faculty of Business and Economics:
Burgas Free University [Bulgarski Swoboden Uniwersitet], Burgas [1×5 days; min. 8 hours]
University of national and world economcy [Universitet za nacionalno i svetovno stopanstvo], Sofia [2×5 days; min. 8 hours]
University of Southern Denmark [Syddansk Universitet], Odense [1×5 days; min. 8 hours]
LUT University [Lappeenrannan teknillinen yliopisto], Lappeenranta [2×10 days; min. 8 hours]
University Ioannina [Panepistimio Ioanninon], Ioannina [1×5 days; min. 8 hours]
University of Akureyri [Háskólinn á Akureyri], Akureyri [1×5 days; min. 8 hours]
University Neapel Parthenope [Università degli studi di Napoli Partenope], Neapel [2×10 days; min. 8 hours]
University Chieti-Pescara “Gabriele d’Annunzio” [Universitá degli studi “G. d’ Annunzio”], Chieti [1×6 days; min. 8 hours]
University Padua [Universitá degli studi di Padova], Padua [1×5 days; min. 8 hours]
University Udine [Università degli studi di Udine], Udine [1×7 days; min. 8 hours]
University Nord [Sveučilište Sjever], Kopreinitz [2×7 days; min. 8 hours]
Josip Juraj Strossmayer University [Sveučilište Josipa Jurja Strossmayera u Osijeku], Osijek [1×5 days; min. 8 hours]
Juraj Dobrila University Pula [Sveučilište Jurja Dobrile u Puli], Pula [2×5 days; min. 8 hours]
University Rijeka [Sveučilište u Rijeci], Rijeka [2×5 days; min. 8 hours]
University Split [Sveučilište u Splitu], Split [1×5 days; min. 8 hours]
[Norges Handelshøskole], Bergen [1×5 days; min. 8 hours]
Kraków University of Economics [Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Krakowie], Krakau [1×5 days; min. 8 hours]
Technical University Opole [Politechnika Opolska], Opole [1×5 days; min. 8 hours]
University of Economics Posen [Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Poznaniu], Posen [1×5 days; min. 8 hours]
University Coimbra [Universidade de Coimbra], Coimbra [1×5 days; min. 8 hours]
University Évora [Universidade de Évora], Evora [1×5 days; min. 8 hours]
University Minho [Universidade do Minho], Braga/Guimarães [1×5 days; min. 8 hours]
Bucharest University of Economic Studies [Academia de Studii Economice din București], Bukarest [2×5 days; min. 8 hours]
University Göteborg [Göteborgs universitet], Göteborg [1×14 days; min. 8 hours]
University Bern [Universität Bern], Bern [1×2-60 days; min. 8 hours]
University Neuenburg [Université de Neuchâtel], Neuenburg [1×5 days; min. 8 hours]
Comenius-Universitäy Bratislava [Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave], Bratislava [1×5 days; min. 8 hours]
Technical University Košice [Technická univerzita v Košiciach], Košice [1×5 days; min. 8 hours]
University Maribor [Univerza v Mariboru], Maribor [1×5 days; min. 8 hours]
University Jaume I [Universitat Jaume I], Castellón de la Plana [2×5 days; min. 8 hours]
University Oviedo [Universidad de Oviedo], Oviedo [1×5 days; min. 8 hours]
University of the Balearic Islands [Universitat de les Illes Balears], Palma [1×5 days; min. 8 hours]
University La Laguna [Universidad de la Laguna], San Cristóbal de La Laguna [1×7 days; min. 8 hours]
Czech Republic
Technical University Brünn [Vysoké učení technické v Brně], Brünn [2×5 days; min. 8 hours]
University of South Bohemia [Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích], Budweis [1×5 days; min. 8 hours]
Technical University Ostrava [Vysoká škola báňská – Technická univerzita Ostrava], Ostrava [1×5 days; min. 8 hours]
Bogaziçi University Istanbul [Boğaziçi Üniversitesi], Istanbul [1×5 days; min. 8 hours]
Eötvös-Loránd-University Budapest [Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem], Budapest [1×5 days; min. 8 hours]
University Debrecen [Debreceni Egyetem], Debrecen [1×5 days; min. 8 hours]
University Szeged [Szegedi Tudományegyetem], Szeged [1×5 days; min. 8 hours]
University of Cyprus [Πανεπιστήμιο Κύπρου / Kıbrıs Üniversitesi], Nikosia [1×5 days; min. 8 hours]
If you are interested or have any questions, please contact Johanna Meier at
Research stays/ Sponsorship opportunities for doctoral students and lecturers
Are you a doctoral student who is thinking about going abroad for a research stay? You can get funding for this, for example, through the RUB Research School. Funding is available for research stays, but also for participation in conferences, summer schools or workshops. You can find more information about the possibilities and requirements on the Research School page here.
In addition to the RUB Research School, you can also apply for funding for a lectureship at some of our partner universities via the Erasmus+ programme.
Doctoral students also have the opportunity to do an exchange within the framework of the ERASMUS+ programme. This applies to the following partner universities of the Faculty of Business and Economics:
Burgas Free University [Bulgarski Swoboden Uniwersitet], Burgas
LUT University [Lappeenrannan teknillinen yliopisto], Lappeenranta
University Lorraine [Université de Lorraine], Nancy
University of Akureyri [Háskólinn á Akureyri], Akureyri
University Neapel Parthenope [Università degli studi di Napoli Partenope], Neapel
University Chieti-Pescara “Gabriele d’Annunzio” [Universitá degli studi “G. d’ Annunzio”], Chieti
Josip Juraj Strossmayer University [Sveučilište Josipa Jurja Strossmayera u Osijeku], Osijek
Juraj Dobrila University Pula [Sveučilište Jurja Dobrile u Puli], Pula
University Rijeka [Sveučilište u Rijeci], Rijeka
University Évora [Universidade de Évora], Evora
University Minho [Universidade do Minho], Braga/Guimarães
Bucharest University of Economic Studies [Academia de Studii Economice din București], Bukarest
Comenius-University Bratislava [Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave], Bratislava
Technical University Košice [Technická univerzita v Košiciach], Košice
Czech Republic
Technical University Brünn [Vysoké učení technické v Brně], Brünn
University of South Bohemia [Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích], Budweis
Technical University Ostrava [Vysoká škola báňská – Technická univerzita Ostrava], Ostrava
Bogaziçi University Istanbul [Boğaziçi Üniversitesi], Istanbul
University Debrecen [Debreceni Egyetem], Debrecen
University Szeged [Szegedi Tudományegyetem], Szeged
If you are interested or have any questions, please contact Johanna Meier at
The ERASMUS+ programme also supports visiting lecturers (mobility for teaching purposes) at partner universities. Funding is available for professors and lecturers with a contractual relationship to the RUB, lecturers without an endowment, teaching assistants with contracts for work, emeritus professors and retired lecturers, research assistants and company staff.
Depending on the agreement, the teaching stays last between two days and two months; the teaching load is at least eight hours per stay or per week or part thereof.
Teaching exchanges are possible at the following partner universities of the Faculty of Business and Economics:
Burgas Free University [Bulgarski Swoboden Uniwersitet], Burgas [1×5 days; min. 8 hours]
University of national and world economcy [Universitet za nacionalno i svetovno stopanstvo], Sofia [2×5 days; min. 8 hours]
University of Southern Denmark [Syddansk Universitet], Odense [1×5 days; min. 8 hours]
LUT University [Lappeenrannan teknillinen yliopisto], Lappeenranta [2×10 days; min. 8 hours]
University Ioannina [Panepistimio Ioanninon], Ioannina [1×5 days; min. 8 hours]
University of Akureyri [Háskólinn á Akureyri], Akureyri [1×5 days; min. 8 hours]
University Neapel Parthenope [Università degli studi di Napoli Partenope], Neapel [2×10 days; min. 8 hours]
University Chieti-Pescara “Gabriele d’Annunzio” [Universitá degli studi “G. d’ Annunzio”], Chieti [1×6 days; min. 8 hours]
University Padua [Universitá degli studi di Padova], Padua [1×5 days; min. 8 hours]
University Udine [Università degli studi di Udine], Udine [1×7 days; min. 8 hours]
University Nord [Sveučilište Sjever], Kopreinitz [2×7 days; min. 8 hours]
Josip Juraj Strossmayer University [Sveučilište Josipa Jurja Strossmayera u Osijeku], Osijek [1×5 days; min. 8 hours]
Juraj Dobrila University Pula [Sveučilište Jurja Dobrile u Puli], Pula [2×5 days; min. 8 hours]
University Rijeka [Sveučilište u Rijeci], Rijeka [2×5 days; min. 8 hours]
University Split [Sveučilište u Splitu], Split [1×5 days; min. 8 hours]
[Norges Handelshøskole], Bergen [1×5 days; min. 8 hours]
Kraków University of Economics [Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Krakowie], Krakau [1×5 days; min. 8 hours]
Technical University Opole [Politechnika Opolska], Opole [1×5 days; min. 8 hours]
University of Economics Posen [Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Poznaniu], Posen [1×5 days; min. 8 hours]
University Coimbra [Universidade de Coimbra], Coimbra [1×5 days; min. 8 hours]
University Évora [Universidade de Évora], Evora [1×5 days; min. 8 hours]
University Minho [Universidade do Minho], Braga/Guimarães [1×5 days; min. 8 hours]
Bucharest University of Economic Studies [Academia de Studii Economice din București], Bukarest [2×5 days; min. 8 hours]
University Göteborg [Göteborgs universitet], Göteborg [1×14 days; min. 8 hours]
University Bern [Universität Bern], Bern [1×2-60 days; min. 8 hours]
University Neuenburg [Université de Neuchâtel], Neuenburg [1×5 days; min. 8 hours]
Comenius-Universitäy Bratislava [Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave], Bratislava [1×5 days; min. 8 hours]
Technical University Košice [Technická univerzita v Košiciach], Košice [1×5 days; min. 8 hours]
University Maribor [Univerza v Mariboru], Maribor [1×5 days; min. 8 hours]
University Jaume I [Universitat Jaume I], Castellón de la Plana [2×5 days; min. 8 hours]
University Oviedo [Universidad de Oviedo], Oviedo [1×5 days; min. 8 hours]
University of the Balearic Islands [Universitat de les Illes Balears], Palma [1×5 days; min. 8 hours]
University La Laguna [Universidad de la Laguna], San Cristóbal de La Laguna [1×7 days; min. 8 hours]
Czech Republic
Technical University Brünn [Vysoké učení technické v Brně], Brünn [2×5 days; min. 8 hours]
University of South Bohemia [Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích], Budweis [1×5 days; min. 8 hours]
Technical University Ostrava [Vysoká škola báňská – Technická univerzita Ostrava], Ostrava [1×5 days; min. 8 hours]
Bogaziçi University Istanbul [Boğaziçi Üniversitesi], Istanbul [1×5 days; min. 8 hours]
Eötvös-Loránd-University Budapest [Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem], Budapest [1×5 days; min. 8 hours]
University Debrecen [Debreceni Egyetem], Debrecen [1×5 days; min. 8 hours]
University Szeged [Szegedi Tudományegyetem], Szeged [1×5 days; min. 8 hours]
University of Cyprus [Πανεπιστήμιο Κύπρου / Kıbrıs Üniversitesi], Nikosia [1×5 days; min. 8 hours]
If you are interested or have any questions, please contact Johanna Meier at
UNIC European University
RUB is part of the international university consortium UNIC – European University of Post-Industrial Cities. It is an association of eight universities dedicated to promoting student mobility and social integration.
In addition to RUB, UNIC includes universities from Bilbao, Cork, Istanbul, Liège, Oulu, Rotterdam and Zagreb.
All universities offer virtual teaching and learning opportunities that can also be attended by students and teachers from other universities. These are, for example, spring and summer schools, but specially designated courses can also be taken in the normal semester cycle. This offer is thus an ideal opportunity to gain experience in an international context from home.
Further information can be found here:
UNIC European University
RUB is part of the international university consortium UNIC – European University of Post-Industrial Cities. It is an association of ten universities dedicated to promoting student mobility and social integration.
In addition to RUB, UNIC includes universities from Bilbao, Cork, Istanbul, Liège, Oulu, Rotterdam, Zagreb, Malmö and Łódź.
All universities offer virtual teaching and learning opportunities that can also be attended by students and teachers from other universities. These are, for example, spring and summer schools, but specially designated courses can also be taken in the normal semester cycle. This offer is thus an ideal opportunity to gain experience in an international context from home.
Further information can be found here:
Overview deadlines
Program | Period | Deadline |
ERASMUS Outgoings | Winter semester 2025/2026 Summer semester 2026 | January 10, 2025 |
Worldwide programmes | ||
– Wollongong University (B.Sc.) | Austral. Autumn Semester 2025 Austral. Spring Semester 2025 | September 1, 2024 February 1, 2025 |
-Tongji University (M.Sc.) | Summer semester 2025 Winter semester 2025/2026 | November 3, 2024 April 27, 2025 |
– PHBS University (M.Sc.) | Winter semester 2025/2026 | March 1, 2025 |
Summer Schools | ||
– BISS | Summer 2024 | tba |
– Tongji University | Summer semester 2024 | May 6, 2024 |
Crediting and recognition of credits earned abroad
In general, there are two different types of credit recognition:
- If you take a module at a foreign university that is equivalent to one of the modules offered at our faculty in terms of content and requirements, you can have it credited as the corresponding RUB module. You must obtain approval for the credit from the chair that teaches the module at our faculty.
- If you take an economics module at the foreign university for which there is no equivalent module at RUB in terms of content and requirements, you can have it credited as a so-called “dummy” module (“(Advanced) Applied Management/Economics”). In this case, the credit will also be awarded by a chair that offers courses with similar content.
Remember that you must obtain credit confirmations for all courses you wish to take at your host university before your stay abroad. If you would like to take additional modules during your stay at the host university, you must also obtain the relevant credits for these.
After your stay abroad, you can submit the Transcript of Records issued by the host university together with the credit transfer forms to the examination office of the Faculty of Business and Economics in order to have the modules recognised.
Please also note that the examination regulations of the Faculty of Business and Economics stipulate that you must complete at least 60% of the total ECTS for your degree at RUB. There are exceptions to this only for double master’s programmes.
Overview deadlines
Program | Period | Deadline |
ERASMUS Outgoings | Winter semester 2025/2026 Summer semester 2026 | January 10, 2025 |
Worldwide programmes | ||
– Wollongong University (B.Sc.) | Austral. Autumn Semester 2024 Austral. Spring Semester 2024 | September 1, 2024 February 1, 2025 |
-Tongji University (M.Sc.) | Sommer Semester 2025 Winter semester 2025/2026 | November 3, 2024 April 27, 2025 |
– PHBS University (M.Sc.) | Winter semester 2025/2026 | March 1, 2025 |
Summer Schools | ||
– BISS | Summer 2024 | tba |
– Tongji University | Summer semester 2024 | May 6, 2024 |
Crediting and recognition of credits earned abroad
In general, there are two different types of credit recognition:
- If you take a module at a foreign university that is equivalent to one of the modules offered at our faculty in terms of content and requirements, you can have it credited as the corresponding RUB module. You must obtain approval for the credit from the chair that teaches the module at our faculty.
- If you take an economics module at the foreign university for which there is no equivalent module at RUB in terms of content and requirements, you can have it credited as a so-called “dummy” module (“(Advanced) Applied Management/Economics”). In this case, the credit will also be awarded by a chair that offers courses with similar content.
Remember that you must obtain credit confirmations for all courses you wish to take at your host university before your stay abroad. If you would like to take additional modules during your stay at the host university, you must also obtain the relevant credits for these.
After your stay abroad, you can submit the Transcript of Records issued by the host university together with the credit transfer forms to the examination office of the Faculty of Business and Economics in order to have the modules recognised.
Please also note that the examination regulations of the Faculty of Business and Economics stipulate that you must complete at least 60% of the total ECTS for your degree at RUB. There are exceptions to this only for double master’s programmes.
Katharina Haaf
GD 03/346
+49 (0) 234 32 23421
Katharina Haaf
GD 03/346
+49 (0) 234 32 23421
Summer School
Joana Sulaj
GD 03/329
+49 (0) 234 32 27050
Bernhard Pellens
GD 02/359
+49 (0) 234 32 23832
Martin Seidler
GD 02/247
+49 (0) 234 32 22235
Worldwide Exchanges
Katharina Haaf
GD 03/346
+49 (0) 234 32 23421
Katharina Haaf
GD 03/346
+49 (0) 234 32 23421
Research stays/
Funding opport­unities for doctoral students & lecturers
Katharina Haaf
GD 03/346
+49 (0) 234 32 23421
Katharina Haaf
GD 03/346
+49 (0) 234 32 23421
Katharina Haaf
GD 03/346
+49 (0) 234 32 23421
Summer School
Joana Sulaj
GD 03/329
+49 (0) 234 32 27050
Bernhard Pellens
GD 02/359
+49 (0) 234 32 23832
Martin Seidler
GD 02/247
+49 (0) 234 32 22235
Worldwide Exchanges
Martin Seidler
GD 02/247
+49 (0) 234 32 22235
Katharina Haaf
GD 03/346
+49 (0) 234 32 23421
Research stays/
Funding opport­unities for doctoral students & lecturers
Katharina Haaf
GD 03/346
+49 (0) 234 32 23421