Cost-Benefit Analysis (M.Sc.)
A change in the provision with public goods affects the well-being of people. Under which circumstances can these changes be measured in monetary terms? Which methods from the CBAtoolbox are available to capture the damages of an oil spill, the advantages of nature conservation, the effects of the construction of a dam, or the impact of being protected from natural hazard? These and related questions will be discussed within the module. In a lecture (first half of the semester), students are introduced to the theoretical concepts of CBA. The knowledge gained in the lecture will be assessed in a Mid-term exam. Students then apply the CBA approaches by writing a seminar paper based on literature and real-world case studies (second half of the semester).
Registration modalities:
The maximum number of course participants is set to 30. Enrollment (full name and matriculation number) takes place via email ( in the period 19.09.22-28.09.22. Students will be selected randomly in case we have more than 30 applicants. The selection result will be communicated via email on 30.09.22 until noon. This email will further contain information on the access code for self-inscription in moodle.
Lecture and Seminar
Event number