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Business Model Design Lab (BMDL)

Platform for students, researchers, entrepreneurs and companies in transformation 

The Business Model Design Lab (BMDL) offers students the opportunity to develop a project thesis on a practical problem related to the design of a business model in cooperation with a regional start-up company or a planned RUB spin-off.

I: Students work closely with founding teams (e.g. from the RUB Incubator) to gain insight into the dynamics of the start-up process. The founding team itself benefits from the fact that the students help to iteratively define elements of the business model (value proposition, value creation, value capture).

II: Researchers use a "living lab" and can simultaneously study the empirical phenomenon of "start-ups".

III: The Business Model Design Lab also offers cooperation opportunities for intrapreneurs in companies, i.e. transformation-oriented projects with the aim of business model innovation (focus: digitalisation, sustainability).


The chair for Entrepreneurship and Innovative Business Models offers the following modules for students on the topic:

B.Sc.: Technologiemanagement, Start-up creation

M.Sc.: Seminar Business Model Innovation, Technology Entrepreneurship