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In case you need a "Hausarbeitsschein"

According to the examination regulations of the Bachelor in Management and Economics you need to submit a written piece of research (“Hausarbeitsschein”) before writing your Bachelor thesis. This written paper does not need to get a mark, it just needs a pass. Given this setting, an effort minimizing individual will write a paper with as little effort as possible, with the only constraint that the paper has to have enough quality to pass. So the papers will not be good papers, and the learning outcome will be close to nil.

Because of this incentive situation, we do not offer the possibility of writing such an ungraded paper. Instead, we regularly offer seminar modules. In a seminar module you write and present a seminar paper. Both the written paper and the presentation count towards the mark and, if you pass the module, you will earn 5 ECTS. We will offer support while you write the paper and feedback on your work, so you learn about writing a scientific paper. This is very helpful toward writing your Bachelor thesis.

Of course the seminar paper you write and present counts as a written piece (“Hausarbeitsschein”) as required by the examinations regulations.