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Journal Controlling



Prof. Dr. Thorsten Knauer is, alongside Prof. Dr. Ulrike
Baumöl (University of Liechtenstein), Prof. Dr. Martin Hiebl
(Uni Siegen), Prof. Dr. Andreas Hoffjan (Uni Dortmund),
Prof. Dr. Klaus Möller (University of St. Gallen) and Prof. Dr. Burkhard Pedell (University of Stuttgart).
Burkhard Pedell (University of Stuttgart) are co-editors of the journal Controlling.
journal Controlling.

The journal Controlling was founded by
Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. mult. Péter Horváth (IPRI, University of Stuttgart)
and Prof. Dr. Thomas Reichmann (TU Dortmund).



Objectives of the journal

The application-oriented journal for controlling pursues the goal of fulfilling an interface function between science and entrepreneurial practice in business enterprises. As one of the leading German-language journals in this field, the contents are aimed equally at academics as well as specialists and managers in the field of controlling and finance. The journal's own claim is to support readers in concrete controlling challenges and to provide impulses for approaches to solutions.


Submission of contributions

We would be pleased if you would submit an article for the journal Controlling and would be happy to help you:

Prof. Dr. Thorsten Knauer
Chair of Business Administration, esp. Controlling
Faculty of Economics.