Curriculum Vitae
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Gender diversity and team performance under time pressure: The role of team withdrawal and information elaboration. Journal of Organizational Behavior, doi: 10.1002/job.2630
Kearney, E., Razinskas, S., Weiss, M., & Hoegl, M.
The human side of innovation management: Bridging the divide between the fields of innovation management and organizational behavior. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 39(3), 283-291.
Weiss, M., Baer, M., & Hoegl, M.
Illuminating Opposing Performance Effects of Stressors in Innovation Teams. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 39(3), 351-370.
Razinskas, S., Weiss, M., Hoegl, M., & Baer, M.
How does an emotional culture of joy cultivate team resilience? A socio-cognitive perspective. Journal of Organizational Behavior, Volume 42, 313-331
Hartmann, S., Weiss, M. Hoegl, M. & Carmeli, A.
Work Life After Failure? How Employees Bounce Back, Learn, and Recover from Work-Related Setbacks.
Todt, G., Backmann, J., & Weiss, M.
Using outliers for theory building. Organizational Research Methods, Volume 24, 172-181
Gibbert, M., Nair, L.B., Weiss, M., & Hoegl, M.