(2024) Self-Medication Under Uncertainty: Insights on Drug Quality and Consumer Behavior in Burkina Faso
(2024) Self-Medication Under Uncertainty: Insights on Drug Quality and Consumer Behavior in Burkina Faso
REP (2024): The Role of Tenure Security in Farmers’ Decision-Making on Investment in Improved Seeds: Insights from Mental Models
REP (2024): The Role of Tenure Security in Farmers’ Decision-Making on Investment in Improved Seeds: Insights from Mental Models
Krieg in der Ukraine: Auswirkungen auf die europäische und deutsche Importstrategie von Wasserstoff und Syntheseprodukten
(2023) A District-Level Analysis of the Effect of Risk Exposure on the Demand for Index Insurance in Mongolia
(2022) Das Wärme- & Wohnen-Panel zur Analyse des Wärmesektors: Ergebnisse der ersten Erhebung aus dem Jahr 2021
(2022) Präferenzen und Gerechtigkeitsvorstellungen zur Klimapolitik: Empirische Evidenz aus dem Jahr 2021
Corporate Sustainability Performance and the Cost of Debt – An Analysis of the Impact of Country- and Industry-specific Climate Risk Exposures
Schmitz, Fabian; Schröder, Nicola (2021) Handlungsempfehlungen zur erfolgreichen Etablierung der Honorarberatung im deutschen Finanzdienstleistungssektor.Eine qualitativ-empirische Analyse, Working Paper.
The Effect of Quarterly Reporting on Firm Value – New Evidence from the Introduction of a Risk-Based Approach in Singapore, Revise and Resubmit for Journal of Financial Reporting, mit Alicia Schott und Florian van Gemmern
Do Mandatory Audits of Management Reports Improve Management Report Quality?, mit Peter Kajüter, Arne Lessenich und Jonas Pöhler
For Better or Worse: Financial Reporting Harmonization and Intra-Industry Information Transfers, mit Manuel Herkenhoff
Gestaltungsvorteil durch offene Sacheinlage in eine Personengesellschaft unter Beteiligung einer Kapitalgesellschaft? – Eine ertragsteuerliche Vorteilhaftigkeitsanalyse zu § 6 Abs. 5 Satz 5 EStG
Determinants of Public Debt and the Role of Natural Resources: A Cross-Country Analysis, Foundazione Eni Enrico Mattei Working Paper No. 4.2019, together with Andrea Gatto
Auswirkungen des EU-Emissionshandels auf Investitionen in der Luftfahrt, Arbeitsberichte des Lehrstuhls für Produktionswirtschaf
Determining Minimum Compensation for Lost Farmland: A Theory-Based Impact Evaluation of a Land Grab in Sierra Leone. (=IEE Working Paper 211). Bochum 2016: 52 p. (with Marc Hansen, Mohamed Conteh, Martina Shakya).
Hybride Leistungsbündel und Flexibilität – Entwicklung eines Fallbeispiels zur Ermittlung des Wertes von Flexibilität
Hybride Leistungsbündel in der Offshore-Windenergie Branche – Eine Betrachtung aus der Sicht von Unternehmen der deutschen Stahlindustrie
Application of SCOR flexibility metrics to assess the Industry 4.0-Readiness of Supply Chain Networks: an empirical study
Reichmann, D./Lempsch, N. (2021): Qualitative Disclosure and Market Discipline – Evidence from Bank MD&As, Working Paper.
Reichmann, D./Lempsch, N. (2020): When Depositors Read the News – The Impact of Media Coverage on Depositor Behaviour, Working Paper.
Disclosure Incentives and Data Availability for Private Firms: Implications for Comparisons of Public and Private Firm Financial Reporting Quality
Trust and Consumers´Willingness to Pay for Safe and Certified Safe Vegetables in West African Cities.
Impact of annual weather changes on yields and the distribution of grape varieties in different wine regions of South Africa
Do corporately organized wine producers cope better with unfavorable weather conditions than private wine estates?
Are South African grape growers ware of their climatic comparative advantages for growing certain grape varieties?
Krisenprävention und Konfliktbearbeitung in der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit: Das Beispiel des Integrierten Ernährungssicherungsprogramms Sofala, Mosambik
Fazit und Empfehlungen aus der bisherigen deutschen TZ in Mosambik bis heute, Veröffentlichung im Rahmen des „GTZ-Strategiepapier Mosambik” für die GTZ
Margins of Fair Trade Wines Along the Supply Chain. Evidence from South African Wine on the U.S. Market.
Working Paper Series Editor: Materialien und kleine Schriften [zur Entwicklungsforschung und Entwicklungspolitik]
Do the Poor Benefit from Corporate Social Responsibility? A Theory-Based Impact Evaluation of Six Community-Based Water Projects in Sri Lanka.
Determining Minimum Compensation for Lost Farmland: A Theory-Based Impact Evaluation of a Land Grab in Sierra Leone.
Privatization and the Role of Sub-National Governments in the Latin American Power Sector: A Plea for less Subsidiarity?
Commodity Revenues, Agricultural Sector and the Magnitude of Deindustrialization: A Novel Multisector Perspective
Lleshaj, D./Kocian, J. (2020): Short selling disclosure and its impact on CDS spreads, in: The Europen Journal of Finance (forthcoming).
Expansion of natural gas infrastructure: a bridge technology or a liability for the energy transition?
The till girl’s daughter and the ghost of university deterrence – A content analysis of the German tuition fee debate