Digitale Finanzberichterstattung in (i)XBRL – Empirische Analyse zur Taxonomienutzung von US-amerikanischen Unternehmen
Disclosure Incentives and Data Availability for Private Firms: Implications for Comparisons of Public and Private Firm Financial Reporting Quality
Trust and Consumers´Willingness to Pay for Safe and Certified Safe Vegetables in West African Cities.
Hecht, D., Kersting, M., & Werbeck, N. (2020). Schweißen und Schneiden 2019 – Mäßiges Wachstum in der Produktion, Stagnation bei Importen, Einbruch bei Exporten. Schweissen und Schneiden, 72(9), 528–542. Abgerufen von
Impact of annual weather changes on yields and the distribution of grape varieties in different wine regions of South Africa
Do corporately organized wine producers cope better with unfavorable weather conditions than private wine estates?
Are South African grape growers ware of their climatic comparative advantages for growing certain grape varieties?
Krisenprävention und Konfliktbearbeitung in der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit: Das Beispiel des Integrierten Ernährungssicherungsprogramms Sofala, Mosambik
Fazit und Empfehlungen aus der bisherigen deutschen TZ in Mosambik bis heute, Veröffentlichung im Rahmen des „GTZ-Strategiepapier Mosambik” für die GTZ
Margins of Fair Trade Wines Along the Supply Chain. Evidence from South African Wine on the U.S. Market.
Countries’ Adoption of the International Financial Reporting Standard for Small and Medium-sized Entities (IFRS for SMEs) – Early Empirical Evidence
The Benefits of Structured Data across the Information Supply Chain: Initial Evidence on XBRL Adoption and Loan Contracting of Private Firms
Entry and Capital Structure Mimicking in Concentrated Markets: the Role of Incumbents’ Financial Disclosures
Job Satisfaction and Chronic Stress of General Practitioners and Their Teams: Baseline Data of a Cluster-Randomised
AK Externe Unternehmensrechnung (AKEU) mit AK Integrated Reporting und Sustainable Management (AKIR) Integration von ESG-Aspekten in die Unternehmenssteuerung und -berichterstattung, in: Betriebs-Berater, 76. Jg. 2021, S. 2153-2158.
Gaida, Aurin (2021): Anwendung der Multiple-Bewertung, Corporate Finance, 2021, Heft 07-08, S.237 ‑ 246.
Mitigating climate change via food consumption and food waste: A systematic map of behavioral interventions
Der Einfluss von Finanzmarktentwicklung auf die Ausprägung der Beta-Anomalie – Eine empirische Untersuchung europäischer Aktienmärkte
Revisiting the ACP-EU Economic Partnership Agreements: The Role of Complementary Trade and Investment Policies
Transnational Corporations and Repression of Political Rights and Civil Liberties: An Empirical Analysis
Consequences of Economic Partnership Agreements Between East and Southern African Countries and the EU for Inter- and Intra-regional Integration
Should Caribbean Countries Sign an Economic Partnership Agreement Mit the EU? Expected Challenges and Strategic Options