Research Associate (f/m/d) (full-time, 39.83 hours/week) wanted at the Chair of Empirical Economics and the Chair of Economic Policy and Applied Econometrics at Ruhr University Bochum. The position is to be filled on April 1 or as soon as possible thereafter. If the corresponding collective agreement requirements are met, remuneration will be according to pay grade E13 of the TV-L West. The position is initially limited to 3 years.
The two chairs are involved in research and teaching on current economic policy issues in the areas of labor market, welfare, education, and business cycle analysis as well as population and regional research. Using modern econometric methods, data is analyzed, and economic policy measures—particularly government interventions—are evaluated.
Responsibilities include:
- Independently conducting a doctoral research project that makes a clear contribution to the chair’s research profiles.
- Participating in (including interdisciplinary) research and publication projects as well as conferences.
- Taking on administrative tasks.
- Contributing to the Master’s program “Econometrics”, which is jointly offered within the UA Ruhr.
- Supervising seminar papers, Bachelor’s theses, and Master’s theses.
- Contributing to teaching in Bachelor’s and Master’s programs of the Faculty of Management and Economics.
The teaching load (4 SWS) is based on §3 of the Lehrverpflichtungsverordnung NRW.
Requirements profile
- A completed university degree (Master/Diplom) in economics with an above-average final grade and a focus on economics and empirical/quantitative methods.
- Sound knowledge of microeconometric methods and/or methods for the econometric evaluation of economic policy measures.
- Experience with literature research on economics topics.
- Good command of econometric software packages (Stata, R, or Python) and text composition programs (e.g., LaTeX).
- Proficient use of MS Office products.
- Excellent English and German language skills, both written and spoken.
Experience in independent empirical work with microdata and in teaching is advantageous.