The Faculty of Management and Economics welcomes all first-year students!
We offer a comprehensive program to help you get off to a good start. Even before the first week of lectures, you will get to know your fellow students and some of our lecturers, discover the campus with the most important places for your studies and receive all the important information about creating your timetable, an overview of the courses in the first semester and lots of useful tips and information about studying business and economics. Participation in these events is therefore highly recommended!
Digital welcome & information event for all new Bachelor students (in German)
Date: Wednesday, 25.09.24
Time: 9-12 a.m.
Location: Zoom (registration via wiwi-studium@rub.de)
Orientation Week organised by the student representatives (Fachschaft)
Date: Monday, 01. & Tuesday, 02.10.24
Time: various. Program points from morning to evening
Location: Campus of the Ruhr-University Bochum
(You will receive further information at the digital welcome event on 25.09.)
Welcome event of the Faculty of Management and Economics (in German)
Date: Monday, 07. & Tuesday, 08.10.24
Time: 9 am – approx. 4 pm
Location: Campus of the Ruhr-University Bochum
(You will receive further information at the digital welcome event on 25.09.)
You will receive a personal login ID and password with your enrollment documents. You can use this to log in to our learning platform “Moodle” (https://moodle.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/). We have created a separate Moodle course for all first semester students, in which you will find various information and dates as well as the link for the digital welcome event. The course can be found via the search bar in Moodle. The course title is: “Bachelor first semester at the Faculty of Management and Economics (WiSe 24/25)”. The course is password protected. You can get the password via wiwi-studium@rub.de.
If you are not yet enrolled by mid-September or have not yet received access data, please contact the Student Advisory Service at wiwi-studium@rub.de so that you too can register for the Moodle course.