Examination dates for the winter semester 2024/2025
About Us
Welcome to the website of the Examination Office of the Faculty of Management & Economics!
What we do:
- Admission and implementation of examinations for the faculty based on the applicable study and examination regulations.
- Informing students about the contents of the examination regulations, the examination modalities and the decisions of the examining board
- Supporting students and examiners with examination-related matters and the execution of exams
- Managing students’ examination records, including final theses.
- Issuing study-related certificates and documents, including transcripts.
Please note that we will only respond to emails from RUB students if they are sent from a RUB email account!
Contacts for students of the Faculty of Management & Economics
- Bachelor of Science: Management and Economics
- 2-subject Bachelor of Arts: Management and Economics
- Master of Science: All Master’s programs of the Faculty of Management and Economics
Office hours
- During the lecture period: Monday to Thursday, 10:00 AM to 13:00 PM
- During the semester break: Tuesday and Thursday, 10:00 AM to 13:00 PM
- Phone: 0234 – 32 22237
- Email for Bachelor students: wiwi-pa-bsc@rub.de
- Email for Master students: wiwi-pa-msc@rub.de
- Location: GD 03/189
Restrictions: ./.
Contacts for students from other faculties
E.g. East Asian Economics and Politics, Sport Management, Management & Consulting in Sport, Mathematics with a minor in Economics.
- Office Hours: By appointment via phone, online, or in person.
- Email: wiwi-pa-nebenfach@rub.de
Information for students
You can reach us via email (Bachelor: wiwi-pa-bsc@rub.de, Master: wiwi-pa-msc@rub.de).
Additionally, we are available during office hours (Lecture period: Monday to Thursday, lecture-free period: Tuesday and Thursday, from 10:00 AM to 13:00 PM) by phone (0234 – 3222237) and in person (GD 03/189).
Please check wether your enquiry has already been answered on our website.
We only respond to emails from RUB students if they are sent from the official RUB email account (Firstname.Lastname@rub.de or @edu.rub.de) and include the student ID number and degree programme.
Certificates (Studium Generale, recognitions, registrations within the UA Ruhr framework etc.) and medical attestations must be scanned and sent from your RUB email account.
Thank you for your understanding!
The team of the Examination Office:
Information & overviews
Sommersemester 2021
Wintersemester 2021/2022
Information about studying
Interested in working in the Examination Office?
Examination board
Chairman of the Examination Board
Vice Chairman of the Examination Board
Head of the Examination Office
GD 03/183
Phone: 0234 3225316
E-Mail: wiwi-pa@rub.de
Office hours:
By appointment via phone, online, or in person.
GD 03/189
Phone: 0234 322911
Prüfungsamt der Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaft
Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaft
Gebäude GD, Ebene 03, Raum 190
Universitätsstraße 150
44801 Bochum
0234 – 32 22237
Telefonische Sprechzeiten:
Montag – Freitag: 12:30 Uhr bis 15:00 Uhr
Bachelor-Studierende: wiwi-pa-bsc@rub.de
Master-Studierende: wiwi-pa-msc@rub.de