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Econometric Evaluation of Economic Policies

Econometric Evaluation of Economic Policies

Tight public budgets increase the need to learn more about the effectiveness and efficiency of public policy measures. The empirical evaluation of these policies, however, is connected with difficult methodological problems. This module discusses the newest developments in the literature on the empirical evaluation of economic policy measures. A lecture introduces the basic concepts. Central contributions to the literature will be presented by the students themselves and discussed by the participants in a detailed way.


Script and supplementary materials for the lecture as well as exercises will be provided on Moodle

Detailed description in the module handbook.

Registration modalities:

Registration deadline: 10th of April. Joining the Moodle course by the deadline is considered as registration. If the limit of students is reached, we will select the participants at random.



Event number





GD 02/148
Block event/s
10:00 am

12:00 pm
GD 02/148