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Ecological Economics
CONTENT: In this module, you learn how the economy interacts with natural and other social systems. The economy needs energy and materials from outside and produces wastes and pollution that damage natural systems. The economy is also embedded in society, because economic behavior is influenced by culture, institutions, and politics. Ecological economics argues that we cannot understand the economy without looking at its connection with other systems. The module has four parts. First, basic concepts of ecological economics (e.g. anthropocene, planetary boundaries, urban metabolism …) are explained. Second, you learn about systems thinking and system dynamics modeling. This will be the main content of the tutorial sessions. You will learn to use the system dynamics software Vensim. Third, a number of example models that show how socio-ecological systems can be analyzed are explained. These models deal with forests, water management, climate change and other topics. Finally, systems thinking is applied to issues of environmental and climate policy.

After successful completion of this module, students can
• explain the difference between ecological economics and environmental economics;
• explain the concepts of planetary boundaries and anthropocene;
• explain what socio-ecological systems are and provide examples;
• explain why it is important to think in systems and apply systems thinking to socio-ecological issues;
• analyze sustainability problems with system dynamics models;
• implement system dynamics models in Vensim and analyze them
• evaluate economic and environmental policy using systems thinking;
• identify and evaluate normative assumptions behind policy proposals and model analyses.

Students will need English skills to read the materials. The language of instruction in the
lectures and tutorials will be German.


Lecture and tutorial

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