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Empirical Economics

About us

Welcome to the website of the Chair of Empirical Economics

The members of the chair focus on the empirical analysis of economic problems in labor economics, migration and integration, and regional economics. Methodologically, our emphasis lies on the identification of causal effects using individual, household and small-scale regional data. We further work on the usability of new machine learning methods for the causal analysis of economic questions. Currently, the chair is member of the DFG Research Training Group “Regional Disparities and Economic Policy” (https://www.regional-disparities.de/). Concerning teaching, we offer various courses in applied econometrics, labor economics and migration economics at all levels - from introductory undergraduate to PhD courses.


Prof. Dr. Thomas Bauer
Chair of the department, Professor
Katrin Pritsch
Employee in technology and administration
Kevin Berlet
Research assistant, Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
Ali Demir
Research assistant
Joschka Flintz
Research assistant
Maike Metz-Peeters
Research assistant
Moritz Welz
Research assistant
Sven Werenbeck-Ueding
Research assistant


Registration: Please note that you have to register for modules with a limited number of participants. Just join the respective Moodle course until the respective deadline. You do not need to send an e-mail to the respective contact person. If the limit of students is reached, we will select the participants at random. Registrations for all exams have to be made via FlexNow.

Information on:



Timetables and Module Manuals

Registrations for all exams have to be made via FlexNow.


If you want to apply for a thesis, contact Sven Werenbeck-Ueding and make sure to send your transcript of records and a topic suggestion. If you are writing a seminar paper or a thesis at the chair of Empirical Economics, please use the guidelines on the bottom of this page. Note that we only supervise empirical Master’s theses.

Additional helpful links:


We support students studying abroad by the recognition of their academic achievements. This holds especially for students studying at one of our partner universities.
The foundation for the recognition of your academic achievements is the “Learning Agreement” between you and the chair holder. This agreement should ideally be made before your stay abroad. The agreement provides a secure framework to make sure that the students achievements from abroad are recognized at the RUB.

General information

Learning agreements can be made for any of the chairs’ courses. The following criteria are necessary for the recognition: the time scope of the foreign course, the amount of ECTS, the academic level and the courses’ resemblance regarding the contents with respect to the domestic course. The main requirement for the transfer of ECTS is the equivalence of the two courses, in some cases it may be necessary to request additional effort from you (e.g. an essay about the topic, a test to check your state of knowledge).


Please send an e-mail to Kevin Berlet containing the following information:

• The name of the domestic course.

• Detailed information about the content and the literature used in the foreign course, contact / teaching hours (“Semesterwochenstunden”) and, if available, the number of ECTS (please do not send us any links).

• The software you used in the course, e.g. Stata, EViews, R, MatLab, or SAS. If you did not use any software, please let us know.

• Examination modalities (e.g. written exam, oral exam, presentation, etc.).

Do not send the e-mail if you do not have all this information. We will not process incomplete documents. After you handed in all of the above, we will contact you within one week.


If you are one of our chair’s top master students, we are happy to prepare a letter of recommendation for you.

Please send an e-mail to Sven Werenbeck-Ueding containing the following information:

• The name, address, and application procedure (including the deadline) of the institution you want to apply to.
• Current transcript of records.
• Curriculum Vitae.

Do not send the e-mail if you do not have all this information. We will not process incomplete documents. After you handed in all of the above, we will contact you within three weeks.

Teaching offers

Study Type
2 contact hours
SS 2025
4 contact hours
SS 2025
Lecture and Seminar
2 contact hours
2 contact hours
2 contact hours
SS 2025
2 contact hours
SS 2025

Next dates

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Research projects

Collaborative Project
Graduiertenkolleg Regional Disparities & Economie Policy
Collaborative Project
UA Ruhr Professur – Digitale Daten der sozial- und wirtschafts-wissenschaftlichen Forschung
Collaborative Project
Unstatistik des Monats

Interested in working for our chair?

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Empirical Economics

Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Universitätsstraße 150
44801 Bochum

Building GD, Floor 03, Room 365

The chair belongs to the competence field: