The HRM chair has won the RUB eLearning competition “5×5000” on the topic “Good space for teaching – eLearning tools used in a varied way” in the 27th round of the winter semester 20/21! Together Robin, Melissa and Elka developed the project “Im Ra(h)men des Möglichen – ein digitales Lehrkonzept zur kombinierten Anwendung abwechslungsreicher e-Learning Tools”, with which they convinced the student jury of the competition committee. The €5,000 in funding they won will be invested in particular in the digital expansion of further courses offered by the chair.
In terms of content, the project aims at the innovative redesign of the course “Markets and Firms”. Different e-learning tools will be used to effectively promote self-regulated learning and thus to gain a basic understanding of economics.
In addition to the LevelUp function “Career Ladder“, through which students can become CEOs by working through learning content, the use of online tests also promotes motivation. At the beginning of the course, the course participants are divided into small tutorial groups by means of surveys, which are supported throughout the course by live tutorials held every 2 weeks via Zoom. With the digitized scripts and video recordings, students can independently acquire the learning content and check themselves with the subsequent online test in Moodle and a Kahoot quiz (voting tool with ranking function).
The extensively used eLearning tools not only form a uniform framework that promotes motivation and self-directed learning, but above all, coupled with the social component, provide a framework to enable social interactions digitally.