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June 6, 2024
Categories: Start of Semester, Studies
Info about the start of studies in the summer semester 2024

Dear students,

We would like to welcome you to the Faculty of Management and Economics!

Before the start of lectures of the winter semester and the introductory events of our faculty, we would like to welcome you to our faculty with a digital welcome event and provide you with some relevant information about the start of your studies (timetable, course registration, examination regulations and much more).

  • The date for the welcome event for all Bachelor students is on March 21st, 2024, from 9 am to approximately 12 pm.
  • The date for the welcome event for all Master’s students is on March 20th, 2024, from 10 am to approximately 12 pm.

Both digital events will be in German.

Along with your enrollment documents you receive your RUB login ID and a password as well as a RUB mail address. Please use this mail address exclusively for your future mail correspondence with the university.

With your login ID and password you can log in to our learning platform “Moodle”. We have created a separate Moodle course for all first-semester students in summer semester 2024, where we provide a lot of information for you regarding your studies. You will also find the link for the digital welcome event there.

Therefore, please register in the corresponding Moodle course immediately after enrollment!

  • Moodle course for all first semester students in the Bachelor is called “Bachelor Erstsemester an der Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaft (SoSe 2024)”.
  • The Moodle course for all first semester students in the Master is called “Master Erstsemester an der Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaft (SoSe 2024)”. Master students will also find information about the mandatory counselling here!

Both Moodle courses are password protected. You will receive the password via the password distributor of the student council. Simply search for the corresponding Moodle course in the course list there.

If you have not been admitted until shortly before the date of the welcome event, please contact the Student Advisory Service WiWi. We will then send you the link so that you can participate in the event.

You are also welcome to contact the study advisors Ms. Teufel and Ms. Docter at any time with your questions about studying at our faculty. Currently, we offer advising by phone, email or video conference as well as in presence (by appointment).


We wish you a good start with your studies!

The team of the student advisory service WiWi