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Research Projects

Collaborative Project
Leibniz Research Alliance INFECTIONS in an Urbanizing World - Humans, Animals, Environments
Collaborative Project
Leibniz-Forschungsverbund INFECTIONS in an Urbanizing World - Humans, Animals, Environments
Single Project
Willingness-to-pay for parametric weather insurance in Vietnam
Collaborative Project
UNIC Thematic Line: Entrepreneurial Learning for Innovation
Collaborative Project
PRIMED: Redesigning the Primary Sector for Maximizing Bioeconomy Development
Collaborative Project
Bio4MatPro: Kompetenzzentrum zur Biologischen Transformation von Materialwissenschaften und Produktionstechnik
Fokusthemen: Reallabore Energiewende, Wasserstoff
HYPAT. Globaler H2-Potenzialatlas
Fokusthemen: Anreizsysteme, Globale Energiewende, Wasserstoff
Single Project
Stromnetzausbau vor Ort
Fokusthemen: Energiewende, Netzausbau, Partizipation
Single Project
Research project: Rigorous Impact Evaluation of the Trigger-Based Agricultural Micro Insurance in Vietnam
Transformationsprozesse semi-professioneller Poker-Spieler*innen
The nexus between corruption and forced labor: A qualitative study
The effect of lockdowns on illegal substance use in German cities
Proximity and firm linkages in public procurement
Family Reunification and Health: A Gendered Experience
Home Country Conflict and Immigrants' Mental Health
The Cost of Global Sourcing
International Tax Avoidence: Economic Consequences and Governments' Countermeasures
bottom-up.city - Start-up Transfer.NRW
Collaborative Project
CIRCULAR FOAM - Systemic expansion of territorial CIRCULAR Ecosystems for end-of-life FOAM
Fokusthemen: Circular Economy, Circular Value Chain, Polyurethane Foams, Waste Management
Field of Competence
Field of Competence
Project Type
Project Type
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