Das Mastermodul "International Trade" wird auch im Sommersemester 2023 wieder angeboten. Vorlesung (in Präsenz): Montag 12-14 Uhr. Raum: tba Übung (online über Zoom): Freitag 10-14 Uhr.
Miriam Blome
Informationen zum Modul „International Trade“
Export market exit and firm survival: theory and first evidence
Does Immigration Boost per Capita Income?
Does Immigrant Employment Matter for Export Sales? Evidence from Denmark
The Export Promoting Effect of Emigration: Evidence from Denmark
Absorption of foreign knowledge: the impact of immigrants on firm productivity
Informationen Advanced Seminar in International Trade
Das Modul "Advanced Seminar in International Trade" wird im Wintersemester 2022/23 angeboten. Die Einführungsveranstaltung findet am 27.10.2022 um 17 Uhr online via Zoom statt. Sanne Kruse-Becher lädt Sie zu einem geplanten Zoom-Meeting ein. Thema: Kick-Off Meeting: Advanced Seminar in International Trade Uhrzeit: 27.Okt. 2022 05:00 PM Amsterdam, Berlin, Rom, Stockholm, Wien Zoom-Meeting beitreten https://ruhr-uni-bochum.zoom.us/j/66850502995?pwd=OUpPZGFqWlZkamt1MUV3VUkrRlgvZz09 Meeting-ID: 668 5050 2995 Passwort: 932757 Schnelleinwahl mobil +496971049922,,66850502995#,,#,932757# Deutschland +496938079883,,66850502995#,,#,932757# Deutschland Einwahl nach aktuellem Standort +49 69 7104 9922 Deutschland +49 69 3807 9883 Deutschland +49 69 3807 9884 Deutschland +49 69 5050 0951 Deutschland +49 69 5050 0952 Deutschland +49 695 050 2596 Deutschland Meeting-ID: 668 5050 2995 Passwort: 932757 Ortseinwahl suchen: https://ruhr-uni-bochum.zoom.us/u/czZ3zcft0 Über Skype for Business beitreten https://ruhr-uni-bochum.zoom.us/skype/66850502995
Transformationsprozesse semi-professioneller Poker-Spieler*innen
The nexus between corruption and forced labor: A qualitative study
The effect of lockdowns on illegal substance use in German cities
Proximity and firm linkages in public procurement
Family Reunification and Health: A Gendered Experience
Home Country Conflict and Immigrants‘ Mental Health
The Cost of Global Sourcing
International Tax Avoidence: Economic Consequences and Governments‘ Countermeasures
Benedict Kreuels
RTG Workshop on Ports, Cities, and Borders in International Trade
RTG Workshop on Ports, Cities, and Borders in International Trade Organised by : Christiane Hellmanzik (TU Dortmund), Sanne Kruse-Becher (Ruhr-University Bochum) and Jens Wrona (University Duisburg-Essen) Funded by the Research Training Group Regional Disparities and Economic Policy Dates and Location 6th - 7th of September 2022 at the Nikolauskloster Jüchen,...