Curriculum Vitae
Marsula, S./Sheeley, B./Thornock, T./Winkelmann, S. Getting the Most from Anonymity in Upward Performance Feedback. Strategic Finance (forthcoming).
Eichholz, J./Knauer, T./Winkelmann, S. (2023). Digital Maturity of Forecasting and its Impact in Times of Crisis. Schmalenbach Journal of Business Research, 75 (4), 443-481.
Ewelt-Knauer, C./Knauer, T./Winkelmann, S. (2024). Relative Performance Information and Rule-Breaking: The Moderating Effect of Group Identity. Behavioral Research in Accounting, im Erscheinen.
Apitz, N./Gubini, T./Knauer, T./Winkelmann, S. (2023). Nachhaltigkeitsorientiertes Investitionscontrollig - Controlling - Zeitschrift für erfolgsorientierte Unternehmensführung, 35 (1), 20-27.
Schwering, A./Sommer, F./Uepping, F./Winkelmann, S. (2022). The Social-psychological Perspective on Executive Compensation: Evidence from a two-tier Board System. Journal of Business Economics, 92, S. 309-345.
Ewelt-Knauer, C./Schwering, S./Winkelmann, S. (2022). Doing Good by Doing Bad: How Tone at the Top and Tone at the Bottom Impact Performance-Improving Noncompliant Behavior. Journal of Business Ethics (2022), 175, 609–624.