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Prof. Renate Hartwig, PhD
Lehrstuhlinhaberin, Professorin
EinverständniserklärungsNr: 4187ab; Renate Hartwig

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Curriculum Vitae

seit 2024
Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Professor für Empirische Entwicklungsökonomik
seit 2024
RWI, Economic Policy Lab Klimawandel, Entwicklung und Migration
2019 - 2023
Universität Göttingen, Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät, Assistenzprofessur


Familienökonomie, politische Ökonomie, Demografie, Gesundheit



Grimm, M., and R. Hartwig (2022). All Eyes on the Price: An Assessment of the Willingness-to-Pay for Eyeglasses in Rural Burkina Faso. Health Economics 31 (7): 1347-1367.


Grimm, M., R. Hartwig, A.K. Reitmann, and F. Yaya Bocoum (2021). Interhousehold Transfers: An Empirical Investigation of the Income-Transfer Relationship with Novel Data from Burkina Faso. World Development 144: 105486.


Sparrow, R., T. Dartanto, and R. Hartwig (2020). Dealing with the New Normal: Effects of Covid-19 in Indonesia. Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies 56 (3): 262-299.


Bocoum, F., M. Grimm, R. Hartwig, and N. Zongo (2019). Can Information Increase the Understanding and Uptake of Insurance? Lessons from a Randomized Experiment in Rural Burkina Faso. Social Science & Medicine 220: 102-111.


Hartwig, R., R. Sparrow, S. Budiyati, A. Yumma, N. Warda, A. Suryahadi, and A. Bedi (2019). Effects of Decentralised Health Care Financing on Maternal Care in Indonesia. Economic Development and Cultural Change 67 (3): 659-686.


Baland, J.-M., C. Gurkinger, and R. Hartwig (2019). Now or Later? The Allocation of the Pot and the Insurance Motive in Fixed Roscas. Journal of Development Economics 140: 1-11.


Leibniz-Forschungsverbund Infections in an Urbanizing World - Humans, Animals, Environments
Mitglied der Leitungsebene
International Centre for Antimicrobial Resistance Solutions (ICARS)
Mitglied des Beratungsgremiums