Mark A. Andor ist Professor für "Verhaltens- und Umweltökonomik" an der Ruhr-Universität Bochum (RUB), Ko-Leiter des Forschungsbereichs "Umwelt und Ressourcen" und Leiter der Forschungsgruppe "Prosoziales Verhalten" am RWI –Leibniz-Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung.

Curriculum Vitae
Andor, M.A., T.K. Bauer, J. Eßer, C.M. Schmidt, L. Tomberg (2025). Who Gets Vaccinated? Cognitive and Non-cognitive Predictors of Individual Behavior in Pandemics. Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics.
Khanna, T.M., D. Danilenko, M.A. Andor, M. Callaghan, J.H. Elliott, T. Repke, L.H. Smith, J. Sanchez, T.V. Bhumika, J.C. Minx (2024). PROTOCOL: Behavioral, information and monetary interventions to reduce energy consumption in households: A “living” systematic review. Campbell Systematic Review 20 (3): e1424.
Andor, M.A., A. Gerster, J. Peters (2022). Information Campaigns for Energy Conservation. European Economic Review 144: 104094.
Andor, M.A, A. Lange, S. Sommer (2022). Fairness and the Support of redistributive environmental policies. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 114: 102682.
Meier, J., M.A. Andor, F.C. Doebbe, N.R. Haddaway, L.A. Reisch (2022) Do Green Defaults Reduce Meat Consumption? Food Policy 110: 102298
Andor, M.A., D.H. Bernstein, S. Sommer (2021). Determining the Efficiency of Residential Electricity Consumption. Empirical Economics 60: 2897-2923.