Start-ups as technology life cycle indicator for the early stage of application: An analysis of the battery value chain
Adoption behavior of market traders: an analysis based on Technology Acceptance Model and Theory of Planned Behavior
Collective stakeholder representations and perceptions of drivers of novel biomass-based value chains
Do pro-environmental values, beliefs and norms drive farmers‘ interest in novel practices fostering the Bioeconomy?
Exploring the future of the bioeconomy: An expert-based scoping study examining key enabling technology fields with potential to foster the transition toward a bio-based economy
What do we know about chain actors’ evaluation of new food technologies? A systematic review of consumer and farmer studies
Examining the social acceptance of genetically modified bioenergy in Germany: Labels, information valence, corporate actors, and consumer decisions
What affects technology transfer in emerging knowledge areas? A multi-stakeholder concept mapping study in the bioeconomy
Semantic bridging of patents and scientific publications–The case of an emerging sustainability-oriented technology
Von der Evaluation zur Gestaltung betrieblicher Patent Intelligence – Eine Handreichung auf Grundlage eines fähigkeitsbasierten Reifegradmodells
The development of product and process claims in Blu-ray technology – Validation of the dynamics of innovation theory
Reifegradmodell für ein effektives Patentmanagement. In: PATINFO 2017 Europäische Schutzrechtssysteme im Wandel
Digitale Transformation – Wie etablierte Unternehmen und Start-ups aus dem Agribusiness digitale Kompetenzen aufbauen
Evaluation of sustainability-oriented technologies from business perspective – Insights from a multi-stakeholder study
How business methods accompany technological innovations–a case study using semantic patent analysis and a novel informetric measure
Identifying first signals of emerging dominance in a technological innovation system: A novel approach based on patents
Survey of and modular construction possibilities for maturity approaches in the field of patent management
Monitoring Competitors’ Innovation Activities: Analyzing the Competitive Patent Landscape Based on Semantic Anchor Points
Bridging trends and patents: Combining different data sources for the evaluation of innovation fields in blockchain technology
Actors’ strategic goals in emerging technological innovation systems: evidence from the biorefinery sector in Germany
Application of journey maps to the development of emergent sustainability-oriented technologies: Lessons for user involvement in agriculture